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Chaim's New Youtube Video: "Barack Hussein Obama Is A Muslim"

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Yochanan Zev:
I said "some", not all.

But I disagree with you about bringing him down.  There are much greater single threats to Israel than  what someone would anticipate with a presidency.  Obama self identifies as a Christian and that's how we should judge him.

Yochanan Zev:
I said "some".   I know that the great majority of people who post here are not racist and that's why I'm still here. 

What makes someone a Farakhan supporter??  Do you have to attend a rally, or have had listened to/watched a speech from him.  Senator Joseph Lieberman wanted to meet with Farakhan a few years back -- would that make Lieberman a Farakhan supporter?


--- Quote from: Kananga on March 27, 2007, 04:46:32 PM ---I said "some", not all.

But I disagree with you about bringing him down.  There are much greater single threats to Israel than  what someone would anticipate with a presidency.  Obama self identifies as a Christian and that's how we should judge him.

--- End quote ---

Being a Christian doesn't give him the title of MR. Nice Guy. The thing is its not just about Israel and its direct threats. Israel wants America to back off and stop the excessive financial support that it ends up depending on. Its the little influences and impacts the presidency will have upon its people, shaping them into aggressors and changing their nationalistic views on things. In other words, making America something different and dragging its citizens along too.

Sarah is right. Saying that you are a Christian does not make one so. From what I understand, there are a lot of Christians in the USA that seriously seem to think that Jesus is at G-d's right hand and that Bush is at his left and everything he does is blessed by G-d.

But then again, I have heard OTHER Christians (Mostly evangelicals) who have a serious problem with how Bush views Israel. They have problems with his constant pushing of a two-state solution. They have problems with the fact that he is constantly trying to leave a "legacy". Constantly trying to create peace in the Middle East, and pushing his Road Map to Peace down everyone's throat.

A lot of Christian evangelicals are very skeptical of this because they think that whoever causes there to be a peace (A real and lasting peace) first will be a false Messiah. (They believe that peace won't really last either. That it will fall through after a period of 3 1/2 years.) But any Gentile who pushes that is a candidate for being that false Messiah. And they think Israelis are war weary enough to listen to anyone who could somehow "legitimately" bring a "viable" peace.

As I have been told on numerous occasions...just because someone says they are a Christian does not mean that they are. To them, being born into the Christian faith does not make one a Christian. You have to have a faith experience with G-d and Jesus whom they believe to be the Messiah. And then that person has to follow Jesus's teachings. Otherwise they are NOT a Christian.

(Roman Catholicism differs significantly from this view.)

Barack Hussein Obama would not qualify as a Christian according to the above definition. From what I understand he is for a "Woman's Right to Choose" (He's for abortion. Something Evangelical Christians hate), He is very definitely pro-Islam (Evangelicals view Islam as a great threat in the world today etc.)

There are a lot of reasons not to trust Barack Hussein Obama.

I would say if Evangelical Christians don't trust the man...we Jews should also sit up and take note.

For what it's worth, I don't believe ANY of the candidates on the field today, either Republican or Democrat are good for either America or Israel...except maybe Tom Tancredo. But I still don't trust even him. I think they are all globalists. I think they are all in favor of a one world government.

I think people are too pragmatic instead of idealistic. They would rather have the lesser of two evils rather than to do what is right and put into power someone who is not the lesser of two evils, but rather someone who is good and RIGHT.


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