
Do you think obama is going to creat a Civilian National Security Force?

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Author Topic: Civilian National Security Force  (Read 1501 times)

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Offline Confederate Kahanist

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Civilian National Security Force
« on: March 19, 2009, 12:17:02 AM »
Obama has spoken about the possibility of a Civilian National Security Force to possibly crack down on opposition.  As ranted by Joshua Allom:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2Vqkb_Eta0&feature=related  Do you think this is possible?
Chad M ~ Your rebel against white guilt

Offline ag337

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Re: Civilian National Security Force
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2009, 12:31:00 AM »

I believe that deep inside of him Obama wants to do this.
Obama believes that he is a dictator or demiG-d of sorts and that he can create a national security force to control any opposition against him.

This is very reminiscent of Hitler and the Nazis.
Hitler was also an egomaniac who controlled people with his units of special forces.

I don't know that he will do this or be able to do it, especially right now since there has been a slight awakening of the masses realizing that Obama is not exactly what they thought he was about when they voted for him.

Time will tell.
He will probably try and fail, just like all the policies he has enacted up to now.

Offline Confederate Kahanist

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Re: Civilian National Security Force
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2009, 03:47:19 AM »

I believe that deep inside of him Obama wants to do this.
Obama believes that he is a dictator or demiG-d of sorts and that he can create a national security force to control any opposition against him.

This is very reminiscent of Hitler and the Nazis.
Hitler was also an egomaniac who controlled people with his units of special forces.

I don't know that he will do this or be able to do it, especially right now since there has been a slight awakening of the masses realizing that Obama is not exactly what they thought he was about when they voted for him.

Time will tell.
He will probably try and fail, just like all the policies he has enacted up to now.

Awakening of the masses except for the Obamabot's
Chad M ~ Your rebel against white guilt

Offline Ichabod

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Re: Civilian National Security Force
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2009, 05:54:13 PM »
    The Nation of Islam owns a large security company. In the past they have gotten security contracts in housing projects. In my opinion, this is the kind of security force Obama has in mind. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nation_of_Islam

Offline drlmg

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Re: Civilian National Security Force
« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2009, 10:48:41 PM »
I am not sure how to vote my opinion (like it is of any value... haha). I think Obama wants to create a national security force separate from the armed forces. He said so on at least a few occasions during his news media promotions.... uh I mean campaign. He stated something to the effect of "I want to create a national security force as large and well funded as the US armed forces". That was very alarming to me. It made me think of the Hitler Youth and the Gestapo. Like some secret group of Obamabots who watch citizens and turn them in if they dare speak against or plot some opposition to the "Anointed One". Similar to China, North Korea, Iran, etc.

So my opinion he wants to but I don't think he will be able to.

Offline Ichabod

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Re: Civilian National Security Force
« Reply #5 on: March 27, 2009, 10:26:34 AM »
      I feel that his civilian security force statement was a call to arms for his militant black brothers. We all know here that he has ties with the Nation of Islam, and that the Nation of Islam already has a sizable security force. What a lot of people don’t know is that many NOA members are also street gang members, and street gangs are also a sort of security force. Obama’s civilian security force already exists; it just needs to be mobilized.   

Offline ag337

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Re: Civilian National Security Force
« Reply #6 on: March 31, 2009, 12:50:59 PM »
      I feel that his civilian security force statement was a call to arms for his militant black brothers. We all know here that he has ties with the Nation of Islam, and that the Nation of Islam already has a sizable security force. What a lot of people don’t know is that many NOA members are also street gang members, and street gangs are also a sort of security force. Obama’s civilian security force already exists; it just needs to be mobilized.   

I agree with you, his civilian security force does already exist due to all the street gangs that are running amok in the U.S.A..
We had a taste of this on election day.
If I can recall, I'm not sure which city it was, but at one polling location there were a couple of Black Panthers standing in front of the door with batons, looking threatening and menacing, causing Republicans, Conservatives, and Caucasian people to feel uncomfortable to enter and vote.

A reporter confronted these two men and asked them what they were doing there wearing there black uniforms and carrying batons.  The men responded they were there in the capacity of security.
And, the confrontation went from being verbal to physical when one of the men shoved the reporter.

So, I do believe that a National Security Force does exist, but it is not organized and has not been mobilized yet.

Offline Xoce

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Re: Civilian National Security Force
« Reply #7 on: March 31, 2009, 05:47:14 PM »
      I feel that his civilian security force statement was a call to arms for his militant black brothers. We all know here that he has ties with the Nation of Islam, and that the Nation of Islam already has a sizable security force. What a lot of people don’t know is that many NOA members are also street gang members, and street gangs are also a sort of security force. Obama’s civilian security force already exists; it just needs to be mobilized.   

I agree with you, his civilian security force does already exist due to all the street gangs that are running amok in the U.S.A..
We had a taste of this on election day.
If I can recall, I'm not sure which city it was, but at one polling location there were a couple of Black Panthers standing in front of the door with batons, looking threatening and menacing, causing Republicans, Conservatives, and Caucasian people to feel uncomfortable to enter and vote.

A reporter confronted these two men and asked them what they were doing there wearing there black uniforms and carrying batons.  The men responded they were there in the capacity of security.
And, the confrontation went from being verbal to physical when one of the men shoved the reporter.

So, I do believe that a National Security Force does exist, but it is not organized and has not been mobilized yet.

I remember that as well, I think it was Pittsburgh or Philadelphia.

Yes, Philly it was:

REPORTER:  Okay.  I think it might be a little bit intimidating that you have a stick in your hand, that's why.  You know?  I mean, that's a weapon, so that's why I'm a little worried.
BLACK PANTHER #1:  Intimidating to who?

REPORTER: I mean, I am a concerned citizen, and I'm just worried that you might be intimidating.

BLACK PANTHER #1:  To help people.


BLACK PANTHER #1:  That's why we here.

REPORTER:  Okay, but you have a nightstick in your hand. 
aka Someone Else

Offline Xoce

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Re: Civilian National Security Force
« Reply #8 on: March 31, 2009, 05:50:16 PM »
not to mention SEIU, ACORN, et al.
aka Someone Else

Offline ag337

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Re: Civilian National Security Force
« Reply #9 on: March 31, 2009, 08:11:28 PM »
I feel that his civilian security force statement was a call to arms for his militant black brothers. We all know here that he has ties with the Nation of Islam, and that the Nation of Islam already has a sizable security force. What a lot of people don't know is that many NOA members are also street gang members, and street gangs are also a sort of security force. Obama's civilian security force already exists; it just needs to be mobilized.

I agree with you, his civilian security force does already exist due to all the street gangs that are running amok in the U.S.A..
We had a taste of this on election day.
If I can recall, I'm not sure which city it was, but at one polling location there were a couple of Black Panthers standing in front of the door with batons, looking threatening and menacing, causing Republicans, Conservatives, and Caucasian people to feel uncomfortable to enter and vote.

A reporter confronted these two men and asked them what they were doing there wearing there black uniforms and carrying batons.  The men responded they were there in the capacity of security.
And, the confrontation went from being verbal to physical when one of the men shoved the reporter.

So, I do believe that a National Security Force does exist, but it is not organized and has not been mobilized yet.

I remember that as well, I think it was Pittsburgh or Philadelphia.

Yes, Philly it was:

REPORTER:  Okay.  I think it might be a little bit intimidating that you have a stick in your hand, that's why.  You know?  I mean, that's a weapon, so that's why I'm a little worried.
BLACK PANTHER #1:  Intimidating to who?

REPORTER: I mean, I am a concerned citizen, and I'm just worried that you might be intimidating.

BLACK PANTHER #1:  To help people.


BLACK PANTHER #1:  That's why we here.

REPORTER:  Okay, but you have a nightstick in your hand. 

Thank you for posting this Someone Else.
These are  the geniuses I was referring to.

The best part is how they were there to help with nightsticks in hand.

Knowing that I would have to deal with freaks like these, I would sign up for a mail in ballot as soon as possible.

And you are right about SEIU, ACORN, and the rest of Obama's posse.

Offline Debbie Shafer

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Re: Civilian National Security Force
« Reply #10 on: April 26, 2009, 05:14:06 PM »
Good thinking:  You know Obama has to be concerned about his security, and rightly so, because he knows he is the destroyer of the United States, and believe me there is plotting going on as we speak.   He is not going to get away with what he is doing to this free nation.