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Is there such a thing as an Arab Jew? Isn't Arab Jew an oxymoron?

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Nonsense, the Jews arrived what that today is the Arab States after the destruction of the second temple, 700+ years earlier then the arabs, the jews in the Arab states was maybe the most rich culture in the whole world, especially in south spain and maroco .


--- Quote from: Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim on March 27, 2007, 02:06:06 PM ---Jews first came to Iraq in 586 B.C.E. after the destruction of The First Temple. The original native Babylonians were either wiped out by The Arab Muslim Nazi or Arabized.

Even before The Babylonians Exile, Abraham and his family all had roots in what is today is Iraq. Even The Garden of Eden was in Iraq.

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Don't forget the Assyrian exile after the destroction of israely kingdom .


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