I would also say visit California. See how you like the climate and surroundings, jobs, atmosphere, and people. I have several friends who moved there thinking the grass is greener anywhere but where they lived.
They found out it is very expensive to live out there and housing is also very high. The traffic is really congested and it takes a long time to get from point A to point B. Nine times out of ten you may get your eyes full of something you don't really want, but at least you could check out the possibiblites. Its nice to be near family, but its also nice to be independent, have hobbies, and good friends to enjoy life with. There are many good hardworking honest people out there also looking for a mate. Most of the time, good friends are looking out for their single friends and introduce them to meaningful relationships. A dating relationship could change your perspective on moving where your family lives.
There is nothing wrong with being an individual and still keeping in touch with your family. Many of us have welcomed living in different states than our families. Sometimes you can be smothered by your family and loose your own identity! California will also be subject to more rolling blackouts as the weather heats up.