Author Topic: Remember 9-11 Victims Who Were Killed By Muslims  (Read 19563 times)

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Offline cjd

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Remember 9-11 Victims Who Were Killed By Muslims
« on: September 11, 2006, 05:00:13 AM »
Lets all take a minute today to remember the people who lost their lives on 9-11 and how our country was attacked by vicious Muslim animals. People need to focus directly on the people who did this to us and remember the devastation that took place on that day. The media covers the event enough however they need to show the actual attack with the planes slamming into the WTC and Pentagon. This and this alone is the reminder needed to show  America and the world the true nature of this nasty Muslim culture of distruction. If I was a relative of one of the lost I would want this shown as much as possible as a constant reminder of how this was done and how all to easy it could be done again.

He who overlooks one crime invites the commission of another.        Syrus.

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Re: Remember 9-11 Victims Who Were Killed By Muslims
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2006, 05:58:03 AM »
good and indeed, AN D IN ADDITION, Let us close out borders to the world, Expel ALL Immigratns "legal" or not, and declare a johad against the entire islamic world. Give the raghead sons of [censored] what they are asking for, 2000 megatons worth would be a good head start, dontcha think?


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Re: Remember 9-11 Victims Who Were Killed By Muslims
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2006, 04:07:07 PM »
At the same time, let us remember those poor joung men who were indoctrinated and tricked into beleiving that attacking the world trade centre would earn them a place in heaven when they died doing it. I mourn for each of them as muchh as I mourn for the other they killed.


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Re: Remember 9-11 Victims Who Were Killed By Muslims
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2006, 05:33:04 PM »
At the same time, let us remember those poor joung men who were indoctrinated and tricked into beleiving that attacking the world trade centre would earn them a place in heaven when they died doing it. I mourn for each of them as muchh as I mourn for the other they killed.

Only somebody in al quaeda would mourn the death of a fukken raghead terrorist son of a b!tch


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Re: Remember 9-11 Victims Who Were Killed By Muslims
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2006, 05:40:39 PM »
I will always mourn the deaths of the poor people who are indoctrinated from birth and are left truly believing that carrying out mass murder at the cost of their lives is good.

When a suicide bomber kills 15, I mourn the death of all 16 victims.


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Re: Remember 9-11 Victims Who Were Killed By Muslims
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2006, 05:48:15 PM »
I will always mourn the deaths of the poor people who are indoctrinated from birth and are left truly believing that carrying out mass murder at the cost of their lives is good.

When a suicide bomber kills 15, I mourn the death of all 16 victims.

Let me guess: you have a degree in sociology, while your negro friends were getting affirmative action degrees in medicine?


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Re: Remember 9-11 Victims Who Were Killed By Muslims
« Reply #6 on: September 11, 2006, 05:51:55 PM »
If you wish to aim personel insults at me use the pm feature.


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Re: Remember 9-11 Victims Who Were Killed By Muslims
« Reply #7 on: September 11, 2006, 06:05:32 PM »
you mean jig spade witch doctor fake friend judas traitors, and he who mourns the death of a suicide bomber himself must be in al quaeda.

Offline NeverMore

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Re: Remember 9-11 Victims Who Were Killed By Muslims
« Reply #8 on: September 11, 2006, 06:39:05 PM »
I will always mourn the deaths of the poor people who are indoctrinated from birth and are left truly believing that carrying out mass murder at the cost of their lives is good.

When a suicide bomber kills 15, I mourn the death of all 16 victims.

i just wonder what in the world caused you to think that all these nazi terrorists are so innocent and victims of propaganda. maybe 1% of them is so politically ignorant... believe me, they know what they are doing and what they are fighting for, while knowing the alternatives they had.
the clearest example is mohammed atta, who was about 30-40, an engineer, fully grown man, absolutely he knew what he was doing. do you mourn for him? did some arab openly mourned for the victims of 9/11 (and i mean VICTIMS, not these terrorists you feel sorry for, for some reason)?
i think some muslim extreme leftist influences you or something. find no other reason to have these opinions about these terrorists nazi murderers. simply no other definition deserved.

Kahane was right!

Offline genteelgentile

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Re: Remember 9-11 Victims Who Were Killed By Muslims
« Reply #9 on: September 12, 2006, 12:04:13 AM »
Simply put, I am not sad on this day.  I am angry, angry that pig Muslims attacked that day and others.  I can't feel sorry for them.  That is weakness, weakness the foul Islamacists take ADVANTAGE of.  Go to hell!!!!!
I LOVE dogs because muslims do not!!!!  Have your dog kiss a muslim today!

Offline genteelgentile

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Re: Remember 9-11 Victims Who Were Killed By Muslims
« Reply #10 on: September 12, 2006, 12:05:28 AM »
I meant got hell to the Muslims, not to any of our fellow forum members.
I LOVE dogs because muslims do not!!!!  Have your dog kiss a muslim today!

El Cabong!

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Re: Remember 9-11 Victims Who Were Killed By Muslims
« Reply #11 on: September 12, 2006, 12:41:20 AM »
At the same time, let us remember those poor joung men who were indoctrinated and tricked into beleiving that attacking the world trade centre would earn them a place in heaven when they died doing it. I mourn for each of them as muchh as I mourn for the other they killed.

Dude, I hate to say it, but you are one naive, misguided candy @ss. They chose to kill. It doesn't matter if they were indoctrinated or not. They had the opportunity to ask for political asylum in this country but chose to kill and destroy. Stop making excuses for murderers. I really have lost respect for you, for you are over the top with your bleeding heart liberal bullshiite. This country would cease to exist if everyone here was like you. You are willing to fight for what you believe is right? You couldn't fight you way out of a paper bag, you have no backbone.

 I don't usually go on the attack like this but your posting hippie love bullshiite is really sickening. No one on this forum likes to hear that kind of idiotic rhetoric. You sound a lot like barbara fleischer. What a stupid belief that you actually take away responsibility from grown men and exonerate them from killing the innocent. Everyone in this world has the chance and intelligence to reject murder but only a few choose to kill. And for you to defend them as it isn't their fault is the epitome of pussyfication. You really have no idea how moronic your statements are.

And on a day such as today, 9/11, you actually post such garbage. It is really an unequivocal insult and and slap in the face to all who have died at the hands of terrorists.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2006, 12:53:00 AM by El Cabong! »

Offline kahaneloyalist

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Re: Remember 9-11 Victims Who Were Killed By Muslims
« Reply #12 on: September 12, 2006, 12:58:25 AM »
rhuan is wrong but let us avoid personal insults.

Rhuan, look at it this way Hashem is not sad when evil people die, on the contrary we know from Gemara Erukhin that Hashem will rejoices when evil is destroyed. These people were evil and they chose to do what they did, they have no more excuses then the German people during WWII. When they chose to do evil they became evil. Dont have pity on the cruel for in the end you will have no pity for the good.
"For it is through the mercy of fools that all Justice is lost"

Offline timotheos

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Re: Remember 9-11 Victims Who Were Killed By Muslims
« Reply #13 on: September 12, 2006, 01:09:51 AM »
I am trying to suggest to many Orthodox Christians currently, ever since the many crises we have had in recent years with islamic morons and nutjobs, to have a memorial service (panakhida in Russian) for all the Orthodox Christians who have been martyred both in the past in Islamic rule during both the Ottoman periods and the various Caliphates in the Middle East. This might sound a little uncanonical but I believe it is worth it.

Orthodox Christians have had it in the neck from Islam since the day Islam came into power as a religion. Even till present, they still attack Orthodox Christians in Serbia (Kosova), Bosnia, Jordan, Palestine and in other places.

We need once again the rise of another Dimitri Dunstov or Czar Lazar (Serbia) and possibly even another Ivan Nevsky who will have enough courage to take down the Islamic scumbags until they stop.

Offline cjd

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Re: Remember 9-11 Victims Who Were Killed By Muslims
« Reply #14 on: September 12, 2006, 05:38:41 AM »
I will always mourn the deaths of the poor people who are indoctrinated from birth and are left truly believing that carrying out mass murder at the cost of their lives is good.

When a suicide bomber kills 15, I mourn the death of all 16 victims.

I don't buy that argument much, and even less when the terrorist are adults. When you hear speech's from Bin Ladden all the talking goat says after each statement is G_d is great G_d is good. How does G_d and massmurder go together. The only way that can be is if the whole belief system in the Muslim religion is completely off. If this wasn't the case why doesn't the Muslim religion put a stop to statements like that in connection with murder. The suicide bomber isn't brainwashed they are trained to do and evil job. How can killing innocent people be anything else. And I will say it again what form of low ignorant animal would send their bomb ladend child to certain death in the process of killing innocent people.
He who overlooks one crime invites the commission of another.        Syrus.

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Offline Shlomo

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Re: Remember 9-11 Victims Who Were Killed By Muslims
« Reply #15 on: September 12, 2006, 11:14:29 AM »
...what form of low ignorant animal would send their bomb ladend child to certain death in the process of killing innocent people.

It's how theses animals keep their false arrogance... "I'm better than you because I'm willing to kill myself and my children for islam".

Since they can't feel good about anything they've done (since they don't do anything good), it's all they've got to hold on to...
"In the final analysis, for the believer there are no questions, and for the non-believer there are no answers." -Chofetz Chaim


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Re: Remember 9-11 Victims Who Were Killed By Muslims
« Reply #16 on: September 12, 2006, 01:16:17 PM »
The majority of muslims beleive that Islam is the truth, not due to encounters with God, or any logical understanding, but because they are told that it is, and are told not to argue, in many muslims states you can be beaten for questioning Islam. In western countries it is still the case that they are convinced by other people that it is the truth. Then they are told that all non-muslims need to become muslims or die, and that this is the truth, and that they must no question it. They are tricked and or forced into beleiving a fake religion, they are then told that terrorism as it's often called is their duty, and their ticket to paradise. They are told that it is good. They are left with almost no choose. It is not their fault, I struggle even to blame the people that indoctrinate them, as they too were in turn indoctrinated, in the end, it can be traced back, the only people ultiamtely at fault could be said to be muhammed and his close followers, however, I would personally not beleive that it was really their  fault either, my personal belief is that they were either tricked or fully controlled by satan.

You can say all you like about choice, but to them there isn't really a choice, it's laid out to them as what they must do. They follow it blindly as they are taught to, I feel great pity for them, and sorrow, if there was anything I personally could do to end Islam, short of killing all muslims, I would do it, even if it cost me my own life. Islam is evil. I will fight evil with everything I have. I will not go around killing the poor slaves of evil who do not understand the truth, who have had the truth hidden from them.

Offline NeverMore

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Re: Remember 9-11 Victims Who Were Killed By Muslims
« Reply #17 on: September 12, 2006, 03:03:14 PM »
sure, dont kill anyone righteous and only "FORMAL" muslims. go, kill, deal as much as you can with those who want YOU, YOUR FAMILY, YOUR PEOPLE dead! they are "PRACTICAL" muslims, not only formal.

how they have been raised and educated- it's not my business. you must fight the PEOPLES, not onle people as individuals, but PEOPLES who's ideology is to kill you, and fight their organisations and their nations and so on.

if, during this fight, there's a chance you will accidently kill a righteous innocent man, who is a "muslim" only formally, but himself doesnt belive in kurans brutality, a man who helps good people- things like that, you still must fight, or be killed by the other non-righteous men of his people.

the opposite example is Israel, which doesnt bomb terrorists and rockets if there are cevilians around them, thus in turn allowing them to kill Jews or fire these rockets at us.

« Last Edit: September 12, 2006, 03:08:22 PM by NeverMore »

Kahane was right!


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Re: Remember 9-11 Victims Who Were Killed By Muslims
« Reply #18 on: September 12, 2006, 03:13:48 PM »
Re-read what I've written, you've completely misunderstood me.

Offline NeverMore

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Re: Remember 9-11 Victims Who Were Killed By Muslims
« Reply #19 on: September 12, 2006, 03:21:53 PM »
Re-read what I've written, you've completely misunderstood me.

hehe, i scratch me head trying to see where i got you wrong, and just cant figure it out  :)
please, help me find out..

Kahane was right!


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Re: Remember 9-11 Victims Who Were Killed By Muslims
« Reply #20 on: September 12, 2006, 04:03:12 PM »
What I'm saying is that all muslims are innocent, only Islam itself is guilty, and satan for creating it.


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Re: Remember 9-11 Victims Who Were Killed By Muslims
« Reply #21 on: September 12, 2006, 04:05:48 PM »
What I'm saying is that all muslims are innocent, only Islam itself is guilty, and satan for creating it.
This kind of thinking is likely to get us all killed.

Offline NeverMore

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Re: Remember 9-11 Victims Who Were Killed By Muslims
« Reply #22 on: September 12, 2006, 04:08:02 PM »
What I'm saying is that all muslims are innocent, only Islam itself is guilty, and satan for creating it.

that is exactly what i thought you said. for that i wrote that its not my business who's guilty, the muslims are at war against us, so we must fight them, regardless of who's guilty them or only their religion. therefore, you mustnt hesitate to fight them or such things.
i only expanded a little in my reply about who to kill and who not (heh, sound funny to me that i decide such things), as an influence on me from my debate with davkakach and later jsullivan about heroes and Judaism.   ;)

Kahane was right!


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Re: Remember 9-11 Victims Who Were Killed By Muslims
« Reply #23 on: September 12, 2006, 05:43:11 PM »
The majority of muslims beleive that Islam is the truth, not due to encounters with God, or any logical understanding, but because they are told that it is, and are told not to argue, in many muslims states you can be beaten for questioning Islam. In western countries it is still the case that they are convinced by other people that it is the truth. Then they are told that all non-muslims need to become muslims or die, and that this is the truth, and that they must no question it. They are tricked and or forced into beleiving a fake religion, they are then told that terrorism as it's often called is their duty, and their ticket to paradise. They are told that it is good. They are left with almost no choose. It is not their fault, I struggle even to blame the people that indoctrinate them, as they too were in turn indoctrinated, in the end, it can be traced back, the only people ultiamtely at fault could be said to be muhammed and his close followers, however, I would personally not beleive that it was really their  fault either, my personal belief is that they were either tricked or fully controlled by satan.

You can say all you like about choice, but to them there isn't really a choice, it's laid out to them as what they must do. They follow it blindly as they are taught to, I feel great pity for them, and sorrow, if there was anything I personally could do to end Islam, short of killing all muslims, I would do it, even if it cost me my own life. Islam is evil. I will fight evil with everything I have. I will not go around killing the poor slaves of evil who do not understand the truth, who have had the truth hidden from them.

It would be great if Judaeo Christian Western Countries could behead dissentors for the pro Islamofascist lies.
I say just behead the sub human parasitic filth being held at Guantanamo and get it over with.
Give em a taste of their own meds, nome sane?


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Re: Remember 9-11 Victims Who Were Killed By Muslims
« Reply #24 on: September 12, 2006, 05:54:44 PM »
What I'm saying is that all muslims are innocent, only Islam itself is guilty, and satan for creating it.

And the Jap Scum bombed Pearl Harbor in 41 were all innocent, and only TOJO or SANYO, OR SAMBO or what ever the hell his damn name was wsa guilty? Sounds like ti to me. The Moslems are innocent? THEY REVERE DEATH! THat dont sound so damn innoncent to me. I say give them what they ask. and take their religion from them, add some insult to the most permenant of injury. ( THAT is spoken in lght of a sociopath I used to speak with at another website, may he be obliterated to hell and satan for an eternity) comparing Christianity to Islam in its woeful and shameless irrresponsibility, and then went on to slam "My Beloved Israel" (as he so fascistically stated)