Thank you eb22, ag337, mord, Chad, ProJewCatholic and Rubystars for your comments. I appreciate your concern, support and insight.
When I go into a store, I expect to be treated decently, for the store to be safe, and to be able to purchase what I'd like and enjoy it.
Especially being a shy girl, I do NOT want to be touched by a stranger, much less a crazy-possibly drugged out imposing out of control man, who has been demanding that I buy him food.
There are a lot of what ifs here, and I thank G_d none of them came to pass.
I am also unaccustomed to homeless/drugged out/crazy people in general. I am even less accustomed to being touched by strangers, much less a persistent aggressive angry overbearing melanzana.
Muman, I do not give out many personal details on here, however, the money I have is not mine to give, as I haven't earned it: my benefactor/s give/s me money for certain things: among which are food for ME.
If I were to give someone ELSE's money to a grown man who harassed and poked me, then I would NOT be doing any kind of "mitzvah." In fact, that would be a liberal democrat thing to do. Take money from one person to give to another, and then pat yourself on the back. So to clarify, it was not my money to give. Secondly, Chaim I'm sure would agree that we are not to APPEASE those who THREATEN us. I was made uncomfortable, I was threatened, confronted, and poked. For that I should give him money or buy stuff for him? Was he hungry? I have yet to see a skinny homeless man in the US. And how do I know he is even poor? What if I am poor? Perhaps you should consider donating to me, as you are a self-described generous person, dedicated to the mitzvah of the Jewish religion to give money to poor people.
It is unnerving to be a girl who is harassed and touched by grown men trying to make me buy stuff for them.
Also, I do not carry around cash nor do I have cash to carry around.
And let me pause here to applaud

the fact that you, Muman, carry around at least
$10 in your car to give to poor people. You drove
4 miles to get money for the beggar?
Inspiring. You have trouble finding a poor person when you need one?