I don't approve of this. The implication in the video is that Obama and black people in general are monkeys. That means that if you approve of this video, you are agreeing with its message that black people are monkeys. Is that what you think? I don't happen to think that.
There are enough serious problems with the various cultures of black people today that we can address and reject. We don't need to resort to comparing black people to monkeys.
Furthermore, the comparison goes against one of our beliefs, which is that there are no essential genetic differences between people of different races. People have free will. Comparing black people to monkeys suggests that there is such a thing as genetic stratification. If we believe that, then how can blame people for their behaviour? It's all written into their genes.
Well, I don't happen to believe that blacks are inferior to whites genetically. They currently are embracing a culture which is destructive and wrong.
Lastly, and this is just my opinion, I believe that the gratuitous invective against blacks on this forum has harmed our movement. We are better than this video.