They were probably illegal invaders but the article doesn't say.
You have a very good point. Here, on the West Coast, where I live, the problem is exasperated by the illegals using/abusing the health care system. Also, there is a new law that was put into affect here a little more than 2 years ago that stated, "the ER's could not turn away anyone and they had to provide health care and stabilize the patient whether illegal or not, whether they have insurance or not, and whether they have a means to pay".
I found this out after having to take a family member to the ER, as well as, myself having to be admitted at another date; and the wait was astounding due to the lines of people waiting to be seen. While I was waiting, I noticed they had put up the large signs stating the new statutes in regards to policy.
So, now that this has become public info. it has gotten really out of control.