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British Officers "Remarkably Tolerant" Towards Tamil Rioters in London

Quote from: Yahoo News
Police clash with Tamil protesters
by Katherine Haddon Katherine Haddon
2 hrs 25 mins ago

LONDON (AFP) – Police arrested six protesters at an illegal demonstration by thousands of angry Tamils in London Tuesday, called to press Britain to intervene as Sri Lankan forces prepare a final offensive on rebels.

Amid repeated scuffles, the Metropolitan Police warned it could be forced to make a "huge number of arrests" if the protesters refuse to disperse from outside the Houses of Parliament, where they began their demo on Monday.

The protesters are calling for an immediate ceasefire in Sri Lanka and want Britain to intervene with the country's government to protect the Tamil people, who they say are being targeted.

Many said they would not disperse until they receive a firm commitment of action from the British government. "We will stay here as long as the killing goes on," protester Guhan Gukendharan told AFP.

But police have warned that they could be forced to make "a huge number of arrests" unless the demonstration is dispersed.

It is illegal under a law which prohibits demonstrations close to Parliament without prior police permission.

Scuffles flared Tuesday as police confiscated flags at the demonstration as part of an operation which they said targeted the emblem of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), a banned organisation in Britain.

However, protesters insisted the red flags they were flying were Tamil national flags, not connected to the Tigers, and accused the police of brutality.

Organisers put the number of protesters at around 3,000, while police said the figure was 1,000.

London Ambulance Service said it had treated 10 people at the scene for minor injuries, of which five were taken to hospital.

"The police have been terrible today," said Yalini Thayaparan, 34, who was there with her 15-year-old daughter and other family members. "It's really, really hard, they push all the ladies, they hit lots of boys."

The noisy demonstration -- filled with drums and chanting -- began Monday afternoon. Police deployed early Tuesday to clear away the protesters blocking Westminster Bridge and surrounding streets.

Passions were running high with many protesters saying they had family members who were killed or wounded in recent violence in Sri Lanka, although the demonstrators insisted their action would remain peaceful.

"It's because of the bombing and killing in Sri Lanka. They have started to use chemical bombs in Sri Lanka," said Nathan Kumar, chairman of the British Tamil Forum.

Four lifeboats were scrambled after two protesters jumped into the nearby River Thames. They were taken to hospital.

Police chief Jerry Savill said his officers were showing restraint. "We've been remarkably tolerant really," he told the BBC, explaining that police had to be careful because women and children were also among the demonstrators.

Many protesters told AFP they expected to stay there for a second night overnight Tuesday, although police said they were currently talking to organisers about how to resolve the situation.

The demo comes as Tamil Tiger rebels face a final assault by government forces in Sri Lanka, who have killed at least 525 rebels in four days of fierce fighting in the northeast of the island.

Sri Lankans also held protests in Norway, where dozens of Tamils blocked the entrance to the premier's office in Oslo, calling on the nation to act in its role as mediator in the conflict.

British Foreign Secretary David Miliband said he was "deeply" worried by reports of civilians being trapped by fighting in Sri Lanka, adding: "The need for a humanitarian ceasefire is now even more urgent."

The United Nations and other foreign aid organisations say as many as 150,000 civilians may still be trapped in the war zone, although the Sri Lankan government insists the figure is less than half that.

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Re: Dhimmi British Police Treat Koranimal Rioters with Kid Gloves
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2009, 05:17:25 AM »
"What's all this, then?" 

"Pip pip, cherrio!"

"Nothing to see here, move along."

Yeah, right, with these cretins? 

How sad that these famously polite British are going to lose their entire island country to these Quranimals and the police simply accommodate it while their politicians and royalty make every excuse to justify flooding their country with ever more Islamic jihadis by saying it's just a few who ruin it for the rest, like Tony Blair with his "religion of peace" lies. 

Britain is determined to implode economically and demographically.  All the while their filthy queen knights the worst traitors to civilization:  Alan Greenspan who blew up the entire housing bubble by deliberately keeping interest rates at 1% causing the burst bubble economy causing the mass unemployment we're seeing today.  Elton John, flaming homosexual songwriter who is an affront to decency and morality.  Ted Kennedy who did an act of outright manslaughter when in a druken stupor he killed Mary Jo Kopechne when he drove off a bridge in Chappaquiddick and also fought vigorously to destroy America's demographic with the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 which caused the massive 3rd world influx causing the havoc we've seen for decades.  The queen of England knights the worst of the worst and the whole royal family is a horrid farce.

I wonder if the Byzantine empire was this evil, corrupt and self-destructive in the years preceding its collapse to the Turks?  If it wasn't perhaps Obongo would have toured a Christian Hagia Sofia in Constantinople.  Instead of coming to their senses, everyone is getting crazier, the downward spiraling situation in all areas of society is gaining traction and picking up speed straight to collapse just like the former Soviet Union. 

I just hope JTF can help put an end to this madness and save America and the west before it's too late.