Author Topic: Dangerous Chirstian clut called Christian Idenity!  (Read 10342 times)

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Offline BabylonianJew

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Dangerous Chirstian clut called Christian Idenity!
« on: March 28, 2007, 01:54:58 PM »
The Christian Idenity sect belives that the Jews and Arabs are decendants of the devil. They have the dual seed line idenity. The belive that the non-Caucasiod races such as those of the Mongoliods and Negeriods to be of pre-Adamic decent. In the graden of Eden God creates a man and breathes his soul which was the first "Aryan" man, then took a rip of Adam and created Eve which was the first "Aryan" women they also belive that the graden was around the Tarim Basin between India and China. The serpent the devil tempts Eve into sexual union and Cain is born the father of the Jews and Arabs. This idiot clut claims that modern Jews are not Israelites but the fake Celto-Germanics are Israelites. The Anglo-Saxons refered to their father Japati meaning Japeith, like the Africans who refered to their father Ham or Cham! Here is info on the Serpernt daul line http://www.StørmFrø

Offline mord

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Re: Dangerous Chirstian clut called Christian Idenity!
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2007, 03:48:42 PM »
The Christian Idenity sect belives that the Jews and Arabs are decendants of the devil. They have the dual seed line idenity. The belive that the non-Caucasiod races such as those of the Mongoliods and Negeriods to be of pre-Adamic decent. In the graden of Eden G-d creates a man and breathes his soul which was the first "Aryan" man, then took a rip of Adam and created Eve which was the first "Aryan" women they also belive that the graden was around the Tarim Basin between India and China. The serpent the devil tempts Eve into sexual union and Cain is born the father of the Jews and Arabs. This idiot clut claims that modern Jews are not Israelites but the fake Celto-Germanics are Israelites. The Anglo-Saxons refered to their father Japati meaning Japeith, like the Africans who refered to their father Ham or Cham! Here is info on the Serpernt daul line http://www.StørmFrø
LOL LOL you know half white supremacists think their nuts
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Offline BabylonianJew

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Re: Dangerous Chirstian clut called Christian Idenity!
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2007, 03:50:39 PM »
The Christian Idenity sect belives that the Jews and Arabs are decendants of the devil. They have the dual seed line idenity. The belive that the non-Caucasiod races such as those of the Mongoliods and Negeriods to be of pre-Adamic decent. In the graden of Eden G-d creates a man and breathes his soul which was the first "Aryan" man, then took a rip of Adam and created Eve which was the first "Aryan" women they also belive that the graden was around the Tarim Basin between India and China. The serpent the devil tempts Eve into sexual union and Cain is born the father of the Jews and Arabs. This idiot clut claims that modern Jews are not Israelites but the fake Celto-Germanics are Israelites. The Anglo-Saxons refered to their father Japati meaning Japeith, like the Africans who refered to their father Ham or Cham! Here is info on the Serpernt daul line http://www.StørmFrø
LOL LOL you know half white supremacists think their nuts

Yes they are the [censored] of the White Nationalist movment because they know its [censored]

Yochanan Zev

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Re: Dangerous Chirstian clut called Christian Idenity!
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2007, 04:50:53 PM »
They are like the white version  of the guys who used to hang out at Time Square years ago who would claim to be the "original Jews".  ::)

Offline BabylonianJew

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Re: Dangerous Chirstian clut called Christian Idenity!
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2007, 04:56:33 PM »
They are like the white version  of the guys who used to hang out at Time Square years ago who would claim to be the "original Jews".  ::)

True those white idiots are more of danger to Jews than the Black Hebrews this because no one takes blacks seriously lol. Thats the difference.

Yochanan Zev

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Re: Dangerous Chirstian clut called Christian Idenity!
« Reply #5 on: March 28, 2007, 05:11:19 PM »
I don't think anyone takes the CI nutjobs seriously either, including most blacks who seem them as nothing but poor trailer park whites who want to feel important.

Offline mord

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Re: Dangerous Chirstian clut called Christian Idenity!
« Reply #6 on: March 28, 2007, 05:13:13 PM »
The real reason that CI is dangerous is because of these part Jewish trash who know enough of Judaism to twist it
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Offline BabylonianJew

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Re: Dangerous Chirstian clut called Christian Idenity!
« Reply #7 on: March 28, 2007, 05:21:40 PM »
The real reason that CI is dangerous is because of these part Jewish trash who know enough of Judaism to twist it

Yes thats is why its dangours, these part Jewish trash just hate themselves sadly!


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Re: Dangerous Chirstian clut called Christian Idenity!
« Reply #8 on: March 31, 2007, 12:14:40 PM »
The CI doesn't just hate jews and muslims. They hate all southern europeans too. They think italians and the like are "race mixed" and were "Once white".

I think the CI also believes they are the pure descendents of israelites.

Offline mord

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Re: Dangerous Chirstian clut called Christian Idenity!
« Reply #9 on: March 31, 2007, 12:17:28 PM »
I think they like Northern Italians,i din'nt know about other Italians.I know they don'nt like Sicilians
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Re: Dangerous Chirstian clut called Christian Idenity!
« Reply #10 on: March 31, 2007, 01:30:06 PM »
That probably depends on the person. I've seen a few dark-skinned northern italians.
Theres some CI out there that I met that only think blue eyes/blonde hair is true white. Lol.

Offline mord

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Re: Dangerous Chirstian clut called Christian Idenity!
« Reply #11 on: March 31, 2007, 01:41:02 PM »
This is a strange group pro Jewish C.I.
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Re: Dangerous Chirstian clut called Christian Idenity!
« Reply #12 on: March 31, 2007, 07:29:00 PM »
Thats more British-Israelism. Followers of British Isrealism believe jews are descednents of the tribe of judah and Europeans are the descendents of other tribes ( I believe). CI believes that all Norse whites are the "True" israelites and the jews are imposters.


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Re: Dangerous Chirstian clut called Christian Idenity!
« Reply #13 on: March 31, 2007, 08:00:43 PM »
Bascially those silly morons, who are threatened by Jewish cultural identity and creation theory, have decided to twist it to suit their own racialist agenda.

Nordids are blondized Meds. So the Meds came first anyway. Gosh, how boring!!!

Again ignore these idiots. They could at least come up with something other than plagiarism.


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Re: Dangerous Chirstian clut called Christian Idenity!
« Reply #14 on: March 31, 2007, 08:15:19 PM »
I'm not good at early European history. But I believe the Pre-indo Europeans came first right? Then came the celts moving in or something. Meds are latins I think, right?

Well anyways, theres only one white race. Southern Europeans have dark skin since they had to adapt to the climate. the Norse have lighter skin since they were exposed to cooler climaes more.


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Re: Dangerous Chirstian clut called Christian Idenity!
« Reply #15 on: April 01, 2007, 07:46:14 AM »
I'm not good at early European history. But I believe the Pre-indo Europeans came first right? Then came the celts moving in or something. Meds are latins I think, right?

Well anyways, theres only one white race. Southern Europeans have dark skin since they had to adapt to the climate. the Norse have lighter skin since they were exposed to cooler climaes more.

Dude, there are loads of theories which contradict each other. Genetic archaeology is the cutting edge, I think.

I am not sure if the latest theories have concluded that the pre-Indo-Europeans were the Old Meds or not. The Latins of today are not quite the same as the Old Meds.

This website could be informative: but, they appear to have airbrushed Jewish history out of the white history picture. Not quite sure why, but again, I think that it is because creationism and the cultures which grew from creationism threaten them and/or they wish to avoid the political lead balloon/horror which is/was the national socialist debacle.

Offline phantastic_kyle

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Re: Dangerous Chirstian clut called Christian Idenity!
« Reply #16 on: April 03, 2007, 08:30:24 AM »
These people are dumber than you think! They think America is Israel or New Jerusalem. They base this on the fact that USA is in Jerusalem! LOL! If you want nuts they got this nut named Pastor Pete Peters who claims that Aliens from outer space are invading earth and working for Satan.

This is just a small example why white supremacists are so low down and weak and why JTF shouldn't be concerned with them. They're all stupid rednecks. We should be more worried about the schvartzas like Al Sharpton and Farakhan. They're stupid too but not that crazy.

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Re: Dangerous Chirstian clut called Christian Idenity!
« Reply #17 on: April 05, 2007, 05:51:48 PM »
No, I do think that CI (the white version of the Nation of Islam, indeed) and Farrakhan are equally stupid and insane. However, the media will be much more likely to ignore Farrakhan's idiocy.

Offline Against_Socialism

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Re: Dangerous Chirstian clut called Christian Idenity!
« Reply #18 on: April 06, 2007, 03:45:57 PM »
Please do write: "Christian" Identity. This cult is crazy, they're neonazis that have taken upon themselves to be the jews.
They forget all the Christian apostles and all the first Christians believers were all JEWISH.
So in their deluded brains since they hate jews have to twist and take scripture out of context to say they're the jews
while in reality jews will always be jews.

These idiots even are making their own "bible" where they remove the word jew.
Check it out:

They're idiots and they have the curse of God on them, same as the muslims.


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Re: Dangerous Chirstian clut called Christian Idenity!
« Reply #19 on: April 07, 2007, 05:56:04 PM »
I am not sure if the latest theories have concluded that the pre-Indo-Europeans were the Old Meds or not. The Latins of today are not quite the same as the Old Meds.

This website could be informative: but, they appear to have airbrushed Jewish history out of the white history picture. Not quite sure why, but again, I think that it is because creationism and the cultures which grew from creationism threaten them and/or they wish to avoid the political lead balloon/horror which is/was the national socialist debacle. is Nordicist propaganda. They claim that all southern europeans and eastern europeans are race-mixed. But still its alright.

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Re: Dangerous Chirstian clut called Christian Idenity!
« Reply #20 on: April 07, 2007, 06:13:34 PM » is Nordicist propaganda. They claim that all southern europeans and eastern europeans are race-mixed. But still its alright.

It's a good site, but take what is said there with a grain of salt.  Here's one reason why:

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In thy power Almighty, trusting,
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Offline islamophobe

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Re: Dangerous Chirstian clut called Christian Idenity!
« Reply #21 on: April 20, 2007, 12:57:24 AM »
Correction on the original posting. They do not consider Arabs to be descendants of Satan. In fact on the Aryan Nations' website they had proposed an alliance between the "sons of Abraham through Sarah (Aryans) and those of Hagar and Ketura (Arabs)".

They claim the Jews to be a hybrid race composed of Cain's descendants, Canaanites, Amalek, and just about every other group listed in the Bible as having commited unforgiveable sins, and commanded to be exterminated. And they all found their way to Central Asia, mixed by means of every deviant sexual abomination and formed the Khazar kingdom, and wrote the Talmud as their bible, complete with mysterious tractates such as Libbre David in which the Rabbis discuss how Jesus was the son of an adulterous whore who concieved him during her menstrual impurity. They later simplified the Talmud into the Protocols of Zion, sort of a Talmud for Dummies, and have made subjugating the world and diluting the white race their main priority.

They are not to be taken lightly. Tim McVeigh was known to frequent Sermons at a compound in Oklahoma called Elohim City. Buford Furrow, a member of the Aryan Nations who had killed a fillipino postal worker and when on to shoot up a Jewish day care center was also a Christian Identity practitioner. The Order, as well as many other nazi terror groups in the US claim membership in this cult.

Offline BabylonianJew

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Re: Dangerous Chirstian clut called Christian Idenity!
« Reply #22 on: April 25, 2007, 12:57:46 AM »
Correction on the original posting. They do not consider Arabs to be descendants of Satan. In fact on the Aryan Nations' website they had proposed an alliance between the "sons of Abraham through Sarah (Aryans) and those of Hagar and Ketura (Arabs)".

They claim the Jews to be a hybrid race composed of Cain's descendants, Canaanites, Amalek, and just about every other group listed in the Bible as having commited unforgiveable sins, and commanded to be exterminated. And they all found their way to Central Asia, mixed by means of every deviant sexual abomination and formed the Khazar kingdom, and wrote the Talmud as their bible, complete with mysterious tractates such as Libbre David in which the Rabbis discuss how Jesus was the son of an adulterous whore who concieved him during her menstrual impurity. They later simplified the Talmud into the Protocols of Zion, sort of a Talmud for Dummies, and have made subjugating the world and diluting the white race their main priority.

They are not to be taken lightly. Tim McVeigh was known to frequent Sermons at a compound in Oklahoma called Elohim City. Buford Furrow, a member of the Aryan Nations who had killed a fillipino postal worker and when on to shoot up a Jewish day care center was also a Christian Identity practitioner. The Order, as well as many other nazi terror groups in the US claim membership in this cult.

Actually the consider Arabs to be mongerlized race to have mixed also with the seed of Cain, this why they say Arabs share the same genes with the Jews its ridicolus. You should checkout Son of the South, a sub-human southern Italain with dirty Arab blood, saying White Europeans to be decendants of Israelities, luaghable a Sicilian mongerl calling us to be a mongerlized people. The origin of the Sicilians, first African slaves were imported to Greece and Sicily before the Arab invasions, later the mixed with Arabs, and to lesser extent Berber. The idiot is also part Irish-French, now the origins of the Irish they have mixed with East Indian Dravidians, and the French with Arab/ Berber-Negeriod blood. SonoftheSouth could [censored] himself.

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Re: Dangerous Chirstian clut called Christian Idenity!
« Reply #23 on: April 25, 2007, 03:54:07 PM »
Christian Identity is the modern exponent of British Israelism, a theory put forth in the late 1700s.  It began to take root with the publication of Our Israelitish Origins by Rev. John Wilson in the 1840s.

CI people believe that the British are the actual Israelites and that the Jews are modern-day pretenders.

It's nonsense from start to finish.  There is no evidence backing up any of these ridiculous claims and they are easily disproven.  However, it is a popular belief among Neo-Nazis, who are in a catch-22 because they want to believe in the Biblical tradition but also hate Jews.  By redefining themselves as "the real Jews," they can do both.

For example, CI people will tell you that the first man was not Adam, but "Odom" which they say is Hebrew for "blood in the face".  Since only white people can blush, this means that "Odom" was white.  This kind of ridiculous thinking permeates CI publications.

A good movie on this subject is Blood in the Face, which interviews and exposes numerous CI people.  Granted, Michael Moore participated in making the film (this is long before he was famous) and does some of the interviews, but really, it isn't hard to make fun of Neo-Nazis and he does it pretty well.

Christian Identity people are universally anti-Semitic and their sites, etc. often quote the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and other discredited anti-Semitic propaganda.  I've never seen CI people who were not also Nazis or involved in the KKK.

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Re: Dangerous Chirstian clut called Christian Idenity!
« Reply #24 on: April 25, 2007, 04:07:46 PM »
Re:  "...A good movie on this subject is Blood in the Face..."

Available at most video stores, and strongly recommended.