I am ready to vomit.
Addressed to the troll that started this river of feces.
I know you think you're clever, but you're not. In your little pea-sized brain you're probably thinking "I'll bet nobody in the entire history of the web has ever been clever enough to post the following troll topics!"
Well, [censored] and whiggers, we've seen it all before. All of your trite little brainfarts invariably match the following five classifications:
1) The "I'm tired of white women dating/having sex/having babies with [censored]" troll.
Definitely the most common, and a sure crowd pleaser among the interracial porn surfing spearchuckers, little whigger manlets who get weepy and inspired when listening to Bob Marley or Martin Lucifer Coon's "I have a dream" speech, and other assorted netgeek jerkoffs.
2) The "not all [censored] are bad, and some whites are evil" troll.
You don't belong here. You need to find the "idiots who think anecdotes make good evidence" message board.
3) The "some [censored] women, not many, but some look good" troll.
Oh sure, with some hair-straightening chemicals and pancake makeup, we'd all be proud to take Halle Berry to McDonalds. I'd even help her fill out a job application.
4) The "stupid, trashy, meth-smoking, criminal white racists are an embarrassment to all of us" troll.
Face the facts, [censored], those 150 million "respectable" whites who claim to love you didn't white flight to the suburbs because they enjoy long stressful drives into the city. It provides us with a never ending source of amusement when you claim your entire pathetic race of failures is held down by stupid trashy whites who smoke methamphetamine (or whatever the hell it's called).
5) The "I'm conflicted - one parent/grandparent is partially black and I hate [censored] and love my white side, but feel like I'm hating myself" troll.
I'm truly sorry that one of your ancestors practised bestiality, but that's your own personal tragedy. Don't come here and splash it on us.