couldn't help but notice this article, which is a ruse to promote socialism here in America by painting it in rosy terms in Germany.
At the top is a picture of a really beautiful German family, who is receiving some government assistance. This is in a way a big misrepresentation because it doesn't show all the filthy Muslims leaching off the system over in Europe.
It goes on to say how much better they have it than Americans do even though both of them are unemployed that their kids still get to play with a Nintendo Wii, and all because of this glorious social net.
Now look at this:
"To boost the birth rate, all families receive around 150 euros ($197) per child per month until they are in their twenties. And, under Chancellor Angela Merkel’s stimulus package, families will get an extra one-off 100 euro ($131) child benefit this July. "
Wow, if this was going to German families like the Fuerstenbergers more often I'd say this was great! However you know this is how Germany is committing suicide! This is how they are feeding the Muslim explosion! None of this is even mentioned in the article! All the article shows is this nice, white, upstanding family. It doesn't show how this very same welfare being given to Muslims could ruin the futures of those pretty little kids in the picture.
They end the article by saying that high taxes are worth all these benefits:
The cost can be seen in workers' paystubs. "For example," said economic analyst Brenke, "a single worker with an average salary — about 16 euros ($21.31) per hour in fulltime work — pays about 52 percent for taxes and the social security system.”
This compares to an average of 30 percent in the United States.
With her family paying roughly that amount, Sarah said, “sometimes I think it’s not worth it when I look at what ends up in my bank account, but in times like these, I appreciate it."
This whole article is one big pro-socialist propaganda piece!