Religious books are all filled with murder, either justified or not.
I don't think a big computer company will go bankrupt by piracy.
well you are right,considering I dont think Judaism is a religion, it is a great philosophy. We consider the same about Hinduism. Certian men in history twisted our holy books and used them to preach different cults with adopting warfare methods and stared to call themself as Prophets 
I'm neutral on software piracy, most of these big companies are run by self-hating people. But yes if my doing piracy is going to hurt some one's livelihood, I expect myself to be punished through karmic laws.
@topic, if you want a simpler system like movie maker to work on, then try Nero VisionReligious books are all filled with murder, either justified or not.
I don't think a big computer company will go bankrupt by piracy.
I think your portrayal of 'Religious Books' is naive. History is full of wars, and usually the Jew ends up on the wrong side of it and gets killed. But because of our faith in Hashem we will prevail in the end.
Your rationalization is to be expected, it is a symptom of this generation that you have not been taught morals. I see it even in my younger co-workers who have no second thoughts about stealing other peoples works, including writing , music, video, and software. Of course there are 1000s of rationalizations, and I even have understanding because I have done it, and have the technology to do it {I work in the digital video software industry}. But there is still right and wrong, and you cannot justify stealing because 'religious books are filled with murder'... That is not a valid excuse.
PS: I am not condemning your decision to do this... As I have stated before I have made a lot of mistakes in my life, but I have learned from them.
muman bro, you are very noble and wise, some day i hope to become like you. 
So what are you saying? Chaim shouldn't have bombed soviet property because it got him bad karma?
Hilltop Youth shouldn't defend themselves because it will mean bad karma?
That's not the way it works.
If you want to have peace, prepare for war.
And then there's that overly used phrase: All it takes for evil to triumph, is for good men to do nothing.
It is up to good people to defend goodness. Pacifism isn't going to save the world.
It's a little bit far off to be 'astound' by someones wisdom when he displays a vulgar display of arrogance by assuming that any 'gentile' is raised without morals.
Even ghandi said that hindu's need to be harsher towards muslims. It is the lack of Kshatriya's that is screwing India.
Karma Yoga is a nice thing, but to save this world you need something different.