Author Topic: Where's the criticism of left-wing Jewish organizations?  (Read 7351 times)

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Where's the criticism of left-wing Jewish organizations?
« on: June 15, 2009, 10:27:41 PM »
I was looking around in the forum for a bit.  I am pleased that you have a section decided to saving Western civilization.  I see that most Jews on this site are passionate believers in the idea that the West is worth saving.  I consider you people to be my allies, not enemies.  My assumption is that *most* Jews are not hostile towards Western civilization.

Most of the posts on this forum regarding the mass immigration of incompatible cultures into Western nations (particularly Islam) seem to identify very vague culprits for this invasion, such as liberals or 'the government'.  However, I have done a little independent research into the matter myself and found that there are some very prominent Jewish organizations that have been very active in promoting this absurd idea of multiculturalism and pluralism as being the strength that we cannot question.

I was wondering what the opinions of JTF are on organizations such as:

1) The Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith (promotes 'diversity training', hate crime and hate speech laws, advocates the removal of Christian symbols from the public sphere, and promotes homosexuality to young impressionable children).  In some cases, they even call people anti-semites for protesting against the new world order and globalism (even if they don't say anything about jews).

2) Although membership is not entirely Jewish, the Southern Poverty Law Center features a disproportionate number of Jews in its membership.  It promotes anti-bias training and loves to brand people as "domestic terrorists" if they hold certain unpopular views.

3) Simon Weisenthal Center.  Similar to the above.

They even go so far as to brand 9/11 truthers as potential terrorists.  See Mark Weitzman's statement between 1:30 and 2:30.

4) The Canadian Jewish Congress is the 'official voice' for the Jewish community in Canada.  We can thank them for a totalitarian "human rights" commission and promoting internet censorship.  Just like the ADL, they are dedicated to the multicult and attacking anyone who does not conform to their worldview.

Joel Weinfield writes about the Jewish role in bringing multiculturalism to Canada.

Canadian Jewish blogger, Henry Makow, talks about how the CJC is carrying out its agenda to create a totalitarian multicult police state.

Now, some of you may consider my links and accusations to be inflammatory.  However, I do not hate Jews for simply being Jewish.  However, like many of you, I desire the preservation of Western civilization, its people, and the rights and freedoms we hold dear.  I see a big threat posed by the organized Jewish left (and the far-left sheep in general). 

I think there is a dialogue that needs to be bridged between Jews and gentiles.  A lot of anger is created among the White gentile population (and admittedly, others) when they see Jewish organizations trying to squash their freedom of speech, destroy their indentity and ability to express themselves culturally.  They see Jews doing these things and this creates all kinds of anti-semitism and raises suspicion Jewish plots.  Can you blame us for this?

I'm not a blind, left-wing Israel hater.  I believe Israel has a right to defend itself and the Jewish people have a right to have a state of their own.  Most Jews want to preserve their heritage, as do I.  Israel may not be perfect, but neither are most Arab countries.  So can we be in agreement that both goals are of value?  If you truly want to preserve Western civilization as you say, you must speak out against these left-wing Jewish organizations who want to turn the West into a rootless, totalitarian, laughing stock of the world.

Please, I'm not trying to malign anyone here.  But people are starting to wake up to some pretty ugly things (the neocon movement, suspicious things about 9/11, the truth about multicult/open borders, gun-confiscating bolsheviks running the Obama administration), and as you probably know, anti-semitism is on the rise.  Rather than just saying "these anti-semites are all irrational, dangerous, and we should jail them!", I think it is important to understand where it originates and try to be on the right side of things.  Of course, you have every right to protect yourselves from crazed loons in the process.  I wish I could debunk the things that are going on, but I can't.  My hope is that we can resolve this peacefully without history repeating itself.

Offline Muck DeFuslims

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Re: Where's the criticism of left-wing Jewish organizations?
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2009, 11:21:41 PM »
Obviously, you haven't spent much time on this board and know very little about JTF.

There's nothing but constant criticism of left-wing Jews and organizations like the ADL and Weisenthal center.

You claim that you "do not hate Jews for simply being Jewish". Hmmmm.

Maybe you hate Jews because so many are left-wing ?  Or maybe you hate Jews because of "suspicious things" about 9/11 ?

But I have a feeling you do hate Jews. No, scratch that, I'm fairly certain that you're an anti-Semite looking for reasons to justify your Jew hatred. That seems to be a common trait amongst moronic 9/11 'truthers' that blithely toss around the 'neo-con' code word.

As far as your veiled threat hoping 'that we can resolve this peacefully without history repeating itself', I hope so too. I really don't like being forced into violence in order to defend myself. But I'm ready for anything you have in mind.


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Re: Where's the criticism of left-wing Jewish organizations?
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2009, 11:39:45 PM »
On this forum we constantly criticize left wing traitorous Jewish organizations like the ADL. However, it isn't just left wing Jews. There are far more left wing gentiles than left wing Jews working to destroy America.

Offline curiousgentile

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Re: Where's the criticism of left-wing Jewish organizations?
« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2009, 12:05:03 AM »
Obviously, you haven't spent much time on this board and know very little about JTF.

There's nothing but constant criticism of left-wing Jews and organizations like the ADL and Weisenthal center.


Maybe you hate Jews because so many are left-wing ?  Or maybe you hate Jews because of "suspicious things" about 9/11 ?

1) In brute numbers alone, most modern left-wingers (cultural marxists) are not Jewish.  But most of the powerful organizations that push these views are.

2) Well, what do you expect?  If the rumours are true, this is pretty scandalous stuff.  Are you saying that Jews have done nothing wrong throughout history and are only victims?  Be as it may, I don't hate all Jews.  I cannot like anyone involved in treacherous acts though, just like I'm sure you don't like Hitler and many other people.

But I have a feeling you do hate Jews. No, scratch that, I'm fairly certain that you're an anti-Semite looking for reasons to justify your Jew hatred. That seems to be a common trait amongst moronic 9/11 'truthers' that blithely toss around the 'neo-con' code word.

Yeah, I day I just woke up and decided to hate Jews.  It's an instinct all us gentiles have.  'Anti-semitism' is always the result of people being pathological, jealous, and blaming Jews for their successes (sarcasm). 

As far as your veiled threat hoping 'that we can resolve this peacefully without history repeating itself', I hope so too. I really don't like being forced into violence in order to defend myself. But I'm ready for anything you have in mind.

Veiled threat?  Someone's paranoid.  Take it however you want, man.  But you're very naive to think that people are not going to criticize Jewish organizations and power networks (i.e. neocons) when they do destructive things.  Throwing the anti-semitism label around doesn't make it go away.  Redicule and character assassination just makes it worse.  Ignore the increased chatter at your peril.  How about standing against people who do bad things?  I don't stand up for White gentiles of English/Irish background whenever they do something wrong...and people of my background are openly criticized all the time, especially by the far-left.  We are definitely much less powerful per capita and lots of leftists believe WASPs are alleging a conspiracy against minorities.  And NO ONE protects us.  Why Jews have to be treated as such hot potatoes is beyond me.

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Re: Where's the criticism of left-wing Jewish organizations?
« Reply #4 on: June 16, 2009, 12:21:22 AM »
On this forum we constantly criticize left wing traitorous Jewish organizations like the ADL. However, it isn't just left wing Jews. There are far more left wing gentiles than left wing Jews working to destroy America.

Awesome, I'm glad to have you on my side.  And yes, I do acknowledge that gentiles have to clean up their own yard.  The big difference between gentile leftists and Jewish leftists is the power dynamic.  I'm getting into stereotypes here, but the Jewish community is very wealthy and communal on the whole, while WASPs are incredibly individualistic.  So a crowd of gentiles can get together and fight to stop illegal immigration or overturn a hate speech bill, let's say, but ultimately, we have to head up against left-wing Jewish political power.  To have Jews such as yourself working with gentiles to fight against these groups and their agendas is not just beneficial to gentiles, but Jews as well.  It is the only way to take America back (and Canada, and the west in general). 

I can understand why Jews would not like it when rhetoric about "the ADL/SPLC/etc" changes over to a more general stereotyping of "the Jews".  All I'm saying is that it is important to realize why people say such things and that they don't come out of thin air.  It is not anti-German to say that Germany was a terrible human rights violator in the 1930s, just as it's not anti-semitic to point to powerful leftist Jewish organizations as being a blight on western civilization.

Offline Muck DeFuslims

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Re: Where's the criticism of left-wing Jewish organizations?
« Reply #5 on: June 16, 2009, 12:43:02 AM »
Look you dunce, you came on this board and your very first post was wondering why there isn't criticism of leftwing Jewish organizations. If you had any idea of what goes on here and what JTF stands for you'd know that the ADL and Weisenthal center are constant targets of derision and contempt. Left wing Jews (and Gentiles) are considered anathema and treated with disdain here.

As far as your insinuation that Jews or 'neo-cons' as you like to call them were behind 9/11, let me put this gently - GFY.

And yeah, when someone comes on here and tells me that he hopes to peacefully resolve this (whatever this refers to) without history repeating itself, I do take that as a veiled threat. And trust me, [censored], I'm not ignoring the increased chatter coming from cornholes like yourself. That's why I took the time to respond to your crap.


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Re: Where's the criticism of left-wing Jewish organizations?
« Reply #6 on: June 16, 2009, 08:46:26 AM »
Why do people like you associate "neocons" with Jews? Most of the so called neocons are not Jewish. George Bush, Dick Cheney, and Condoleeza Rice are neocons who are gentiles.

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Re: Where's the criticism of left-wing Jewish organizations?
« Reply #7 on: June 16, 2009, 11:37:36 AM »
 I am SICK of what these ANIMALS have done to America and also to Israel as well. 

But if you REALLY think that the Jewish are the 'worst' leftists, you might take a look at IRISH leftists, they are BY FAR the WORST.

Jewish people HAVE come under THE WORST persecution since DAY 1.  Its just a FACT.  Christians can relate, b/c if they were not a Christian, and BECOME a Christian, they get PERSECUTED, which is why Gentiles are here, thats 1, plus they love Chaim and David. 

#2- it is because we are RIGHT WINGERS, not 'neo-cons'  In fact, most here are just good ol NYers that REMEMBER what their country was like WAY BACK WHEN.  Dont use that word 'neo-con' here, that word is worse than the F word IMO. It is also what they use on Nazi forums.  Which I AM SICK OF.  And Ron Paul forums that are damned MOONBATS, rank in with being SCUM.
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Re: Where's the criticism of left-wing Jewish organizations?
« Reply #8 on: June 16, 2009, 11:44:53 AM »
Look curiousgentile, JTF is a right wing organization of Kahanist Jews as well as non-Jews.  If you had bothered to check out the forum, you would know that we  that we have nothing but scorn and contempt for the mainstream left wing Jewish organizations.  

You talk about treacherous acts.  Have you ever expressed anger at the Roman Catholic Church, and other mainline Protestant groups for also promoting multiculturalism and open borders?  Have you ever expressed anger at the RCC and groups like the Christian Peacemaker Teams for demanding that America open up her borders?

It doesn't sound like it to me.  And don't tell me that us EEEVIL JOOOS are more powerful than these organizations.  

I have never in my life heard of any white nationalist criticizing non-Jewish groups that promote multiculturalism the way they criticize the Jews.  And frankly, you sound like a white nationalist troll to me.  I certainly didn't miss your veiled threat about "resolving this peacefully."  

Also, speaking of white nationalists, I think you people would LOVE to see America as a Third World country if it meant no more Jews, or an end to the so-called Jewish power in this country.  Paul Craig Roberts even came out and said it.  Your people have told me flat out that they're supporting Obama for that reason.  

So don't you dare come hear and whine like a baby about left wing Jewish organizations and issue veiled threats!  

« Last Edit: June 16, 2009, 01:37:03 PM by Lisa »

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Re: Where's the criticism of left-wing Jewish organizations?
« Reply #9 on: June 16, 2009, 11:50:36 AM »
Oh, and the 'TRUTH' ABOUT 9/11 and the WTC:

Please start nvestigating the "BLOWBACK" for:
WTC 1993
Marine Barracks in Lebanon
1995 OKC
2 East African Embassies
Atlanta Bombing 1996
Spain Bombings
London Bombings
Bali bombings
Flight 800
Headchopping of woman in Buffalo MURDERED in COLD BLOOD by her 'peace-filled' sweet Muzzie Hubby, OR the DC Sniper, OR the 2 VIRGIN Muslims girls in TX, OR the Army recruit that was SHOT DEAD in Arkansas 10 days ago

I will add more, BUT I WANT TO KNOW THE BLOWBACK "TRUTH" and while you are AT IT, please explain Winston Churchhill:
Winston Churchill On Islam

A quote from an 1899 book by Winston Churchill, "The River War", in which he describes Muslims he apparently observed during Kitchener's campaign in the Sudan

How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries!

Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property - either as a child, a wife, or a concubine - must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.

Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities. Thousands become the brave and loyal soldiers of the Queen; all know how to die; but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science - the science against which it had vainly struggled - the civilisation of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilisation of ancient Rome.

  ALSO, PLEASE explain General Black Jack Pershing, who my grandfather was WITH in the Phillipines, and then PLEASE expain Thomas Jefferson and the MARINE SONG, the shores of Tripoli.


  AND SPARE ME THE BS, you are a NAZI troll Mr.  GET LOST
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Re: Where's the criticism of left-wing Jewish organizations?
« Reply #10 on: June 16, 2009, 01:30:51 PM »
No wonder Obama's first act was to return the bust of Churchill in the Oval Office back to the British Embassy.

Offline curiousgentile

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Re: Where's the criticism of left-wing Jewish organizations?
« Reply #11 on: June 16, 2009, 01:41:40 PM »
Why do people like you associate "neocons" with Jews? Most of the so called neocons are not Jewish. George Bush, Dick Cheney, and Condoleeza Rice are neocons who are gentiles.

Well...yeah.  Nobody said that all neo-cons were Jewish.  But a lot are, considering Jews are only 2% of the U.S. population.

But if you REALLY think that the Jewish are the 'worst' leftists, you might take a look at IRISH leftists, they are BY FAR the WORST.

I would like to hear more about these Irish leftists.  Got a link?

Jewish people HAVE come under THE WORST persecution since DAY 1.  Its just a FACT.

Yes they have, and gentiles get to hear about it all the time.  You believe gentiles just collectively wake up one day and decide to persecute Jews?  Anyways, for the past 50 years or so (up until the past couple of years), it's been pretty taboo to talk about Jewish power and influence, so you get a lot of people self-censoring themselves.   

#2- it is because we are RIGHT WINGERS, not 'neo-cons'  In fact, most here are just good ol NYers that REMEMBER what their country was like WAY BACK WHEN.  Dont use that word 'neo-con' here, that word is worse than the F word IMO. It is also what they use on Nazi forums.  Which I AM SICK OF.  And Ron Paul forums that are damned MOONBATS, rank in with being SCUM.

Wow.  Ron Paul supporters are moonbats and scum?  Good to know.

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Re: Where's the criticism of left-wing Jewish organizations?
« Reply #12 on: June 16, 2009, 01:49:23 PM »
We were right about you, NAZI.
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Offline AsheDina

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Re: Where's the criticism of left-wing Jewish organizations?
« Reply #13 on: June 16, 2009, 02:27:12 PM »
Why do people like you associate "neocons" with Jews? Most of the so called neocons are not Jewish. George Bush, Dick Cheney, and Condoleeza Rice are neocons who are gentiles.

Well...yeah.  Nobody said that all neo-cons were Jewish.  But a lot are, considering Jews are only 2% of the U.S. population.

But if you REALLY think that the Jewish are the 'worst' leftists, you might take a look at IRISH leftists, they are BY FAR the WORST.

I would like to hear more about these Irish leftists.  Got a link?

Jewish people HAVE come under THE WORST persecution since DAY 1.  Its just a FACT.

Yes they have, and gentiles get to hear about it all the time.  You believe gentiles just collectively wake up one day and decide to persecute Jews?  Anyways, for the past 50 years or so (up until the past couple of years), it's been pretty taboo to talk about Jewish power and influence, so you get a lot of people self-censoring themselves.   

#2- it is because we are RIGHT WINGERS, not 'neo-cons'  In fact, most here are just good ol NYers that REMEMBER what their country was like WAY BACK WHEN.  Dont use that word 'neo-con' here, that word is worse than the F word IMO. It is also what they use on Nazi forums.  Which I AM SICK OF.  And Ron Paul forums that are damned MOONBATS, rank in with being SCUM.

Wow.  Ron Paul supporters are moonbats and scum?  Good to know.

  OK.... jerk... ALEC BALDWIN RING A BELL?? SEAN PENN?? Rosie O-FATSO?? KENNEDY?? DURBIN?? DODD?? LEAHY?? NEAL?? Bill Clinton?? Jimmy CARTER?? Governor Martin O'Malley and Lieutenant Governor Brown Endorsement of Obama??

Wake up and SMELL THE DECAF .......................moron.

Yeah RON PAUL and his MOONBAT 'truthers'  *They SUCK!* They are SICKOS. Just like HIM, the BIG earmark SPENDER.
 Shut your dumb trap, come and live in Irish Bolshevik NYC.
Bolshevik Jews would NOT even be in power if it were not for the IRISH IN NYC.
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Re: Where's the criticism of left-wing Jewish organizations?
« Reply #14 on: June 16, 2009, 02:31:44 PM »
Look curiousgentile, JTF is a right wing organization of Kahanist Jews as well as non-Jews.  If you had bothered to check out the forum, you would know that we  that we have nothing but scorn and contempt for the mainstream left wing Jewish organizations.

Okay.  My bad. 

You talk about treacherous acts.  Have you ever expressed anger at the Roman Catholic Church, and other mainline Protestant groups for also promoting multiculturalism and open borders?  Have you ever expressed anger at the RCC and groups like the Christian Peacemaker Teams for demanding that America open up her borders?

Actually I have.  Take the United Church for example, which a friend of mine attended for a bit when he was young.  Not only are they pro gay marriage, but they even have gay priests and put rainbow stickers on their windows.

The multicultural propaganda infiltrates everywhere.  City websites, television ads, the educational system, corporations (often with diversity training and the like being sponsored by banks).  And quite frankly, a lot of gentiles are just brainwashed and self-perpetuate it.  Even if the ADL, SPLC, etc, were to disappear tomorrow, it would self-sustain itself.  Oh, and don't forget Atzlan, which sees itself as re-occupying "their land".

And frankly, you sound like a white nationalist troll to me.

Technically, I'm not.  I don't have a problem living around non-whites to some degree.  But I don't think we should be displaced (and I believe we are being displaced intentionally) to the point where we become minorities in all our countries.

I certainly didn't miss your veiled threat about "resolving this peacefully."

I don't see why that's threatening.  Maybe you're just paranoid.

Your people have told me flat out that they're supporting Obama for that reason.

Then they're pretty stupid.  Obama has no Jews in his administration??  :::D

Come on, you have enough.

Winston Churchill On Islam

A quote from an 1899 book by Winston Churchill, "The River War", in which he describes Muslims he apparently observed during Kitchener's campaign in the Sudan

How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries!

Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property - either as a child, a wife, or a concubine - must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.

Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities. Thousands become the brave and loyal soldiers of the Queen; all know how to die; but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science - the science against which it had vainly struggled - the civilisation of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilisation of ancient Rome.

You know, it's funny.  When it comes to Muslims, Germans, and other peoples, you don't seem to have any problem promoting bigoted generalizations.  And don't tell me that no one criticizes Muslims today.  But if anyone says something that is less than flattering about Jews, all hell breaks loose.  Still, the Muslims are your war (Israel's).  I don't want western nations to be dragged into these wars by proxy.

  AND SPARE ME THE BS, you are a NAZI troll Mr.  GET LOST

An ineffective label.  But if you want to go down that road, I'll call any Jew who criticizes gentiles "Trotskyite".

Now that this has turned into a flame war that seems to be going nowhere, I might as well leave.  Ban me and see if I care.


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Re: Where's the criticism of left-wing Jewish organizations?
« Reply #15 on: June 16, 2009, 02:36:55 PM »
Of course Western Civilization as a whole and not just Israel is at war with Islam. How don't you get that?

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Re: Where's the criticism of left-wing Jewish organizations?
« Reply #16 on: June 16, 2009, 02:40:30 PM »
Who really CARES if YOU ARE BANNED, in your DUMB opinion, ALL JEWS ARE THE SAME.

You came here NOT to make friends with REAL Christians, not to get to know how Orthodox Jews are, you are just EXCREMENT.  You are FILLED with SEETHING Jew hatred, I see you people CONSTANLY.  And

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Re: Where's the criticism of left-wing Jewish organizations?
« Reply #17 on: June 16, 2009, 03:56:58 PM »
Who really CARES if YOU ARE BANNED, in your DUMB opinion, ALL JEWS ARE THE SAME.

If you looked at my first post, I pointed out the difference between JTF Jews and left-wing Jewish organizations.  What is your obsession with Nazis, by the way?

Chaim Ben Pesach has often said that if the left wing Jewish establishment organizations all went out of business tomorrow, it would be the best thing for the Jewish people. 

The fact that left wing Jews exist (in whatever numbers) is an illogical reason for anti-Semitism, because what left wing Jews stand for is not Jewish.  Jews are defined by Judaism.  If Jews assimilate and take on anti-Jewish ideologies, then they are Jews in name only and the Jewish people cannot be blamed for their actions.  So those who try to blame Jews as a whole for assimilated traitors must either be ignorant or anti-Semites themselves.

Thank you.  This is the first response I've received where I haven't been called a nazi or told 'GFY'.  It is my understanding that Marx, Trotsky, and Freud were athiests.  I see nothing wrong with calling these people Jews (by race).  We call criminal mobs of Italians 'the Italian mafia', so personally, I see no difference.  What do you guys choose to call these imposters (like the people I just named)?

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Re: Where's the criticism of left-wing Jewish organizations?
« Reply #18 on: June 16, 2009, 05:43:05 PM »
Can you blame us for this? says curiousgentile....

  YES I blame YOU for this. I blame you for sitting on your DUFF and ALLOWING the LEFT to take control with its homosexual depravity, and YOU sitting back while they ALLOW debauchery run rampant & you came here to HANG THIS ON US, WHEN IT IS THE CHRISTIAN AND THE GENTILE, and then YOU, a WHINER, because you are REFUSING responsibility.

 I BLAME the Christian and the Gentile for NOT PROTECTING this once great nation

I BLAME the church, that WAS a moral and holy place at one time.

I blame you, and you know what??


This is a CHRISTIAN nation. NOT A Jewish state OR nation.

IF Gentiles and Christians READ THEIR RIGHTS and History they would KNOW that NO person of ANY OTHER faith is suppose to take office in AMERICA BUT CHRISTIANS.

Do you see J4J's, OR Born-Again CHRISTIANS in charge of Israel or some other state like a MUZZIE state?? NO! WHY HERE??

 WHY did YOU let this happen?? WHY did YOU let people that are NOT PROFESSORS of the CHRISTIAN FAITH take office, WHY?

  This nation is FALLEN BECAUSE OF THE CHRISTIANS, and Gentiles, NOT the JEWS.  IT is YOUR fault that YOU let this happen. 
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Re: Where's the criticism of left-wing Jewish organizations?
« Reply #19 on: June 16, 2009, 07:03:52 PM »
YES I blame YOU for this. I blame you for sitting on your DUFF and ALLOWING the LEFT to take control with its homosexual depravity, and YOU sitting back while they ALLOW debauchery run rampant & you came here to HANG THIS ON US, WHEN IT IS THE CHRISTIAN AND THE GENTILE, and then YOU, a WHINER, because you are REFUSING responsibility.

 I BLAME the Christian and the Gentile for NOT PROTECTING this once great nation

I BLAME the church, that WAS a moral and holy place at one time.

I blame you, and you know what??


This is a CHRISTIAN nation. NOT A Jewish state OR nation.

IF Gentiles and Christians READ THEIR RIGHTS and History they would KNOW that NO person of ANY OTHER faith is suppose to take office in AMERICA BUT CHRISTIANS.

Do you see J4J's, OR Born-Again CHRISTIANS in charge of Israel or some other state like a MUZZIE state?? NO! WHY HERE??

 WHY did YOU let this happen?? WHY did YOU let people that are NOT PROFESSORS of the CHRISTIAN FAITH take office, WHY?

  This nation is FALLEN BECAUSE OF THE CHRISTIANS, and Gentiles, NOT the JEWS.  IT is YOUR fault that YOU let this happen.

You're right.  You're right that things would never fall this far without the western majority falling for propaganda and intimidation tactics.  The European world has become a people of spineless sissies.  More often than not, the biggest problem is within our own.  We have let ourselves fall into decadence and now we fight amongst ourselves.  Left-wing 'Jews' (whether such a term should even be considered for them has already been discussed) bear a lot of responsibility for stirring the propaganda pot and radicializing the West, but if the European gentile is stupid enough to fall for it, we deserve what's coming to us and have no one to blame but ourselves. 


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Re: Where's the criticism of left-wing Jewish organizations?
« Reply #20 on: June 16, 2009, 07:08:10 PM »
All I can say is that you're overemphasizing the power and influence of left wing Jewish groups. There are far more powerful groups that are made up of mostly gentiles.

Also, can you elaborate on what you meant when you wrote that there were suspicious things about 9/11?

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Re: Where's the criticism of left-wing Jewish organizations?
« Reply #21 on: June 16, 2009, 07:53:58 PM »
YES I blame YOU for this. I blame you for sitting on your DUFF and ALLOWING the LEFT to take control with its homosexual depravity, and YOU sitting back while they ALLOW debauchery run rampant & you came here to HANG THIS ON US, WHEN IT IS THE CHRISTIAN AND THE GENTILE, and then YOU, a WHINER, because you are REFUSING responsibility.

 I BLAME the Christian and the Gentile for NOT PROTECTING this once great nation

I BLAME the church, that WAS a moral and holy place at one time.

I blame you, and you know what??


This is a CHRISTIAN nation. NOT A Jewish state OR nation.

IF Gentiles and Christians READ THEIR RIGHTS and History they would KNOW that NO person of ANY OTHER faith is suppose to take office in AMERICA BUT CHRISTIANS.

Do you see J4J's, OR Born-Again CHRISTIANS in charge of Israel or some other state like a MUZZIE state?? NO! WHY HERE??

 WHY did YOU let this happen?? WHY did YOU let people that are NOT PROFESSORS of the CHRISTIAN FAITH take office, WHY?

  This nation is FALLEN BECAUSE OF THE CHRISTIANS, and Gentiles, NOT the JEWS.  IT is YOUR fault that YOU let this happen.

You're right.  You're right that things would never fall this far without the western majority falling for propaganda and intimidation tactics.  The European world has become a people of spineless sissies.  More often than not, the biggest problem is within our own.  We have let ourselves fall into decadence and now we fight amongst ourselves.  Left-wing 'Jews' (whether such a term should even be considered for them has already been discussed) bear a lot of responsibility for stirring the propaganda pot and radicializing the West, but if the European gentile is stupid enough to fall for it, we deserve what's coming to us and have no one to blame but ourselves. 
Well, I applaud you for recognizing this, now its time to FIGHT. 

In the Christian Bible there is a book that my excellent friend told me about called Jude.  I suggest that Christian people read it, because it is basically saying to DEFEND your faith, and that is the same as defending G-d, family, country.

The ONLY way that we can get past all of this, is to do what YOU just did, and ADMIT our FAILURES.  They don't do this on Glen Beck, or Savage, or churches or even synagogues.

  IF we get people to SEE what you SEE, then many of us will be able to fight this which is coming, b/c personally, I dont see people that are NOT holy being able to withstand the assault that is coming on this nation.

  I blame me too, BTW, because my mom, although a Jew, didnt recognize G-d, and I KNOW that G-d is WITH me- so I have NO excuse but to get in G-ds FACE, and try to make myself right (order my conduct aright) as is written in Psalms 50, and MOVE MY TUCHAS.

  I have been fighting this EVIL ruling est. for OVER 22 years. Everyplace I have lived, city, town, state, county, etc.  Seems that the more I fought the more evil it became.  But, I will NOT stop til my dying breath until I see this EVIL gone from near me, my home, town, city, nation, ETC.

  Please accept my apologies for being harsh, but the Christians and Gentiles that I know are tough and VERY praiseworthy.
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Re: Where's the criticism of left-wing Jewish organizations?
« Reply #22 on: June 16, 2009, 08:56:27 PM »
All I can say is that you're overemphasizing the power and influence of left wing Jewish groups. There are far more powerful groups that are made up of mostly gentiles.

Maybe so, but I certainly do not exaggerate Jewish influence in media and government.  Like it or not, this will always lead to Jews being vulnerable to persecution.  Should gentiles expect impartiality?

Also, can you elaborate on what you meant when you wrote that there were suspicious things about 9/11?

1) The 5 Israelis caught dancing on a van.  Not just Jews, but Israeli citizens working for a moving company.

Was the translation wrong?  I don't know why they would go document the event if they didn't have knowledge ahead of time.

2) Dual citizen of US/Israel, Michael Chertoff, was the director of Homeland Security at the time.  He was in charge of sending these men back to Israel.  Shouldn't they be held for very extensive questioning??

3) Larry Silverstein has the WTC insured shortly before the 9/11 attacks.  He decides to 'pull it'.  And if you really thought building 7 would collapse due to heat or minimal damage from the nearby towers, why did the building bombed in Oklahoma City still keep it's basic steel frame?

4) Most of the major media networks are owned by Jews.  Robert Murdoch is a pro-Israel Zionist.  CNN is controlled by Gerald Levin.  The list goes on.  Prove me wrong.

This video basically mimicks my view on the whole thing.

5) Israel has attacked America before.  The U.S.S. Liberty was attacked by Israel in 1967.  It was blamed on Egypt at first, but later confirmed that Israel attacked the ship 'by accident'.  So it's absolutely scandalous, but not inconceivable.

How is a gentile supposed to react to these things?  Call me anti-semitic, I don't care.  You will probably dismiss it because you don't like the conclusions, but this is no more rediculous a conspiracy than a bunch of Muslims suicide bombing the WTC because "they hate our freedoms".  Perhaps all this speculation is built on nothing and it is just coincidence.  A lot of it seems to be about Jews being in certain key positions of authority during this event.  If you can prove this conspiracy theory wrong, please do.  But don't shoot the messenger.

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Re: Where's the criticism of left-wing Jewish organizations?
« Reply #23 on: June 16, 2009, 09:58:25 PM »
curiousgentile, I don't even know where to begin. Why bother? You're banned.

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Re: Where's the criticism of left-wing Jewish organizations?
« Reply #24 on: June 17, 2009, 06:51:41 AM »
5) Israel has attacked America before.  The U.S.S. Liberty was attacked by Israel in 1967.  It was blamed on Egypt at first, but later confirmed that Israel attacked the ship 'by accident'.  So it's absolutely scandalous, but not inconceivable.

  This, the reprobate so-called Christians USE to seperate Jews and Christians. 

Well, jerk, since you were banned.....tell me WHY LBJ (ON RECORD) told Israel to TAKE THE FIRST HIT 20 YEARS AFTER THE HOLOCAUST? 

Zechariah: 12
ג  וְהָיָה בַיּוֹם-הַהוּא אָשִׂים אֶת-יְרוּשָׁלִַם אֶבֶן מַעֲמָסָה, לְכָל-הָעַמִּים--כָּל-עֹמְסֶיהָ, שָׂרוֹט יִשָּׂרֵטוּ; וְנֶאֶסְפוּ עָלֶיהָ, כֹּל גּוֹיֵי הָאָרֶץ.  3

And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will make Jerusalem a stone of burden for all the peoples; all that burden themselves with it shall be sore wounded; and all the nations of the earth shall be gathered together against it. 

Did you get up and eat a bowl of STUPID for Breakfast, or are you practicing to be a jerk, you dont need any practice, you do well without any assistance.

  What a WEAKLING you REALLY are. A little WUSS.  You dont even GET war.
What were WE doing there?   We were NOT even an ALLY yet. DUMMY.

Well, heres one for you, YOU SORRY, pathetic Jew-hating, Christian-Hating, Terror Loving SCUM BAG:

WE SCREWED WITH ISRAEL, and whether your sicko demented head GETS it or NOT...........

G-d will BLESS those that BLESS Israel, and CURSE those that CURSE Israel.

As a so called American "Christian" you should KNOW that.  But- the FACT is, your LOVE for hating Jews, is BIGGER than your so called 'professed' love for G-d is.

  You are ALSO A HUGE WHINER.  "Can you blame us?? We were had by intimidation" etc...

  You make a LOUSY soldier. NO REAL Christian will stand in the gap for YOU. NO REAL Christian JUST HATES JEWS for NO reason, except the USS Liberty, something that happened OVER 40 YEARS AGO.

How about when BUSH made people LEAVE their homes, in Israel- that were there for OVER 40 years, they had over 12,000 refugees, and then we got KATRINA with OVER 100,000 REFUGEES.  WE HAVE HURT ISRAEL, AND NOW WE WILL PAY A HUGE PRICE.

 BTW.... is this what Jesus from the N.T. would tell a Christian to do??  Come & HATE ALL OVER HIS BROTHERS?
  I read the New Testament too, didnt they call Jesus RABBI?? So, you ARE a JESUS HATER as well.  You REALLY think that the CHRISTIANS HERE will be SYMPATHETIC to your sorry plight? NOT.

    And you WONDER WHY A Jewish person has a hard time with  YOUR VERSION of Christianity. 
    We have REAL Christians here that WE WILL PROTECT, WITH OUR LIVES, if need be.


    You couldnt even come to try to HEAL wounds that were BROUGHT on BY Christianity.

  Good thing we saw you for what you ARE, when your ugly G-D HATING fat trap got here:


YOU look at the MAP here, and tell me WHY G-d HATES YOU.


Also do you know: that after the 48 war, that Israel won half the Sinai, but gave it back for ‘peace?’ In 56, Israel won the whole Sinai, and gave it back for ‘peace.’ In 67, Israel won the whole Sinai again, along with E. Jerusalem, Gaza, the West Bank, and the Golan Heights, all the land the A-rabs say they want now, but back in 67, Israel offered ALL of that land back for ‘peace’, but the A-rab said; No negotiations, no recognition, and no peace.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2009, 07:04:43 AM by AsheDina »
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