For one of the first time, I'm proud to be Dutch. 
There are a lot things to be proud to be dutch. Great landscape, tulips, cheese ( I personally love Gouda and Leerdammer and Maasdammer), windmills, beautiful cities, friendly people, domino day

, and much more!
I think Rabbi Kahane, if alive today, would have met Wilders.
Wilders has the best solution for gentile countries and Rabbi Meir Kahane has the best for the Jewish country. 
Yes, Kahane-Wilders cooperation would have been a bad news for the Muslims 
They would be the mega power! Kahane - Wilders. Safe Judaism and safe Christianity! Let's pray Geert Wilders will not have a dead like Rabbi Meir Kahane!
God zegne Geert Wilders en Meir Kahane!!