One week before the elections in Iran, the youth, hidden behind different things said they were sick of everything being forbidden. Music is haram, applauses are haram, pets are haram, women have to use veils even with a heat beating 56°C in shadow! And all of them said: Yes Iran is Islam, it is pure Islam - inhuman, archaic and full of hatred. We want to get rid of this government we want to get rid of Islam and it's traditions. We want freedom and peace with ALL people not only with those our government calls it's friends!
Also they are sick of the extreme poverty even though the country has the world's biggest oil reserves after Saudi-Arabia.
I can very well understand the youth. I think the stricter the Sharia is applied onto the people the more they feel the need to get rid of Islam. If people feel well as in Dubai or elsewhere and have a bit of freedom, they are Islam supporters as they do not even know what an "Islamic Republic" would mean for them.
But the elections stuff couldn't have turned out better for the West and Israel! First because Iran has to care for itself right now and second because a peaceful victory for Mousavi would have turned into nothing new. This what occurs now can lead to a counter-revolution with the mullahs being driven into exile (which I fear will be in Europe!).