Author Topic: Little Jewish dhimmi Ed Rendell  (Read 1612 times)

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Little Jewish dhimmi Ed Rendell
« on: April 09, 2007, 07:12:47 AM »
He claims to be Jewish but i think he does it for Jewish votes ???

Jewish Pennsylvania Governor Rendell at CAIR Fund raiser in Philadelphia: another dhimmicrat

by Jerry Gordon

In the classic Jack Benny comedy film about Polish resistance during WWII : “To Be or Not to Be” there’s a line uttered by what passes in the film for Scottish famers who find a Hitler look alike portrayed by one of the Three Stooges actors of comedy fame who parachuted into a hay stack: “first Hess, now him”. This is a reference to crazed Deputy Feuhrer Rudolph Hess who flew a Messerschmidt 110 fighter that crash landed in the U.K. seeking peace of the grave for beseiged Brits in May, 1941.

Well, Saturday night at the Hilton Hotel in center city Philadelphia, guess who popped in to add his bit to the bathos of Congressman and Former Navy Vice Admiral Joe Sestak making court with 250 Muslim constituents at the ’sold out’ fundraiser of the CAIR Philadelphia chapter: Jewish Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell, a newly minted dhimmicrat. I guess that Governor Rendell didn’t check out the CAIR terrorist connections to terrorists out to kill his fellow correligionists and many unbelieving non-Muslim Americans with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania State Police Homeland Security Division. Nah, just another occasion to press the flesh of important new constituents in his bailiwick as former Philadelphia Mayor. After all he was in good company with another dhimmi Jew speaker that night. There was whacko lefty vegan Rabbi Arthur Waskow of the Shalom Center in Philadelphia, the east coast send up of the Tikkun Community head Rabbi Michael Lerner out in San Francisco. Just another inter-religious dialogue opportunity, folks, in the midst of Passover.

Joe Kaufman flew up from Florida to join my buddy Lori Lowenthal Marcus and other anti-CAIR protesters in Philadelphia protesting the event. Kaufman gave a stirring speech to the protesters citing details of the CAIR terrorist connections. Too bad that Governor Rendell wasn’t outside the Hilton Hotel to hear them. He might have been ’shocked, shocked’ to find out who he was dealing with. Kol hakavod to Kaufman and Lowenthal for trying to spotlight this ludicrous and lurid event and the fawning taqiyyah praise lavished on these two dhimmicrats and other dhimmi Jews in attendance-your average ‘apes and pigs’ in the Koranic lexicon.

Lori Lowenthal Marcus was quoted in a Philadelphia Inqurer with these remarks :

“Lori Lowenthal Marcus, president of the Philadelphia-area chapter of the Zionist Organization of America, said separating the program was just a fig leaf to cover up Sestak’s help for CAIR in raising money.”

“After they received heat, they changed it to look as if if were two different events,” Marcus, a lawyer, said in an interview Friday. “It’s at the same place, one right after another, which is ridiculous.”

She said Sestak had “a right to speak to anyone he wants,” but she added: “You don’t go to a fund-raiser for a group that has a connections to terrorism.”

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Here’s what Sestak said at the proceedings according to the news release issued by the CAIR Philadelphia chapter.

“CAIR does such important and necessary work in a difficult environment to change such perceptions and wrongs — from racial profiling and civil rights to promoting justice and mutual understanding — at a time when it is challenging to be an American-Muslim.”

“We need to claim our values, not betray them, by ensuring there is not a psychology that pulls out of the rich fabric of our American community those who look like ‘one of them.’ We are better than that,” said Sestak.

CAIR’s National Board Chairman Parvez Ahmed praised Sestak for having the ‘moral fiber’ to speak to his Muslim constituents despite being “demonized and vilified by the right-wing media and pro-Israel extremists.”

Chairman Ahmed went on to condemn a number of uniquely Muslim terrorist acts he cited that had occured around the world including the beheadings of American Jews, Wall Street Jounalist Danny Pearl and Philadelphia area native the late hapless Nick Berg.

But then Ahmed went on to give the real clincher: “It is time apologists for Israeli apartheid issue similar condemnation statements against the usurping of PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazi land, the demolition of their homes, and the indiscriminate killing of civilians. Until this happens they stand on no moral ground to lecture us…The world needs to heal. I appeal to this gathering of Muslims, Christians, Jews, and people of all faiths to rise and be counted as among those who are blessed — for they are the peacemakers.“

I hope that both Governor Rendell and Rep. Joe Sestak can find a new use for those plaques they got at the Philadelphia CAIR chapter fundraiser, Saturday night. They are going to need them as shields to fend off the brickbats thrown at them by constituents and others around the U.S. for the dastardly deed of showing up and sucking up to the U.S. arm of the Muslim Brotherhood, that spawned Hamas.

Posted by Jerry Gordon @ 3:58 am ET | Plink | Trackback | No Comments »
 CAIR fundraiser, Governor Rendell, news opinion, Philadelphia, Rep. Joe Sestak

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