I'm bad at retelling stories, but here was one that I heard a while ago. A man walks into the chambers of a king and tells him about a dream that he had. He was walking up a building that had 100 stories and had reached the 50th floor. The king was impressed and offered him some of the kingdoms riches.
Someone else heard the story and went to the king to tell him that he had a dream where he had reached the 100th floor. The king got angry and threw him in jail.
The moral of this story is that we are all climbing up these steps and are goal is to get as high as we can, but we will never be at the top, because that leaves no room to climb any higher. As I mentioned, I'm bad at telling stories, but even if we are not religious and observant, we have the ability to climb. In fact we have a greater ability to climb than those who are observant because they are much closer. Let's not be proud of not being religious. Lets strive to be.