i am sorry for any insulting comments i made this morning about anyone in this organization. i took it to far and i am sorry. i realize now that all i did was create a childish name-calling dialogue, which i now regret. im sorry its my fault. i was offended and i dealt with it by attempting to offend others. to be honest im not even sure why i am seeking forgiveness from anyone here, i guess i realize that when you resort to the type of immature [censored] that i admit i did, you cant possibly get any serious responses to your ideas. so although i have perhaps perminently tarnished my reputaion in this forum i really do want to know why there was no much racism on the show. and please dont claim that there is nothing racist about the show. calling black people beasts and claiming that black men will rape a white women every chance they get is pretty damn racist, anyway you look at it. so please someone explain why an organization like this, with a very legitimate cause, presents itself in such an unproffesional and ignorant way. its mind boggling to me. you speak of saving america, but for who? do these people have any less of a claim to this country than you or i? there ancestors crossed the same ocean mine did. why should it matter if they came from europe, Israel, or africa? all that matters is we are all here today, living together. men and women of every color died on september 11th, and men and women of every color fought and died in afganistan and iraq. this is how you repay our countrymen for giving there lives to help fight our conflict. you call them beasts? i think we owe them more than that. i think the least we owe them is not to insult them based on race on television. i mean cmon, would you tolerate neonazis expressing there candid beliefs on tv? i know i wouldnt. i know most of you wouldnt either. i know you wont, but i think you should apoligize. it is the right thing to do.
again, i am sorry for my earlier post, it was wrong of me to write many of the things that i did.
michael from queens new york