As R.Kahane wrote: "the only mitzva that is inherently dangerous is that of "Milchemet Mitzvah" ie there is a chance of dying/being injured whilst performing this mitzvah.
Otherwise, you are not allowed to put yourself in physical danger - sakanos nefoshos.
Divorce results in loss of reputation, mental health, physical health, acrimony, lawyers, law courts, physical fights, property fights, financial health and even emunah.
It is a mitzvah to marry.
(It is also a mitzvah to give a get when required)!
In the past, the chance of divorce was remote.
But in this (according to all opinions, pre-Messianic) generation, the chance has rise to 60% for secular and even 10% for frum (the Feminist Movement has a lot to blame for this - women have risen out of their place - they are meant to be second mates - ezer k'negdo - not equal joint-captains!).
If you were told that there's a 1 in 10 chance of bad things happening to you if you put on Tefillin, would you do it?!
ie could an actual Halachic case be made that because the chance of damage as a result of marriage is so high (witness the British Chief Rabbi's "Pre-Nuptial Agreement" now made on Jewish weddings in the UK), that one is exempt on grounds of sakanos nefoshos?!