This is the most hilarious and genius site I've seen so far on my travels on the marvellous and infinite web. You are truly masters of great jest and satire of the finest calibre. I've witnessed plenty attempts to try and capture the frantic lunacy of extreme conservatism and zionism, but this site, my good and most honourable gentlemen, takes the prize.
My deepest applaud for your brilliant suggestion of supporting Ex-Governor Sarah Palin's apparent, and dare I say transparent, attempt to claim presidency. You seem to greatly apprehend the tremendous irony, that should Sarah Palin run for presidency in 2012, Obama needn't even run a campaign for re-election, as Palin's complete lack of coherency, that would shame an anencephalic baby, would cause the GOP to implode on itself.
My utmost and sincere congratulations for achieving what many have strived to, but never quite grasped. You've brought much laughter and warmth to my heart and to those of my fellow associates.
But hark, how abhorred I am in my imagination, to think that this might not be a site of infinite jest and merriment. My gorge rims at the mere thought of this instead being a place of sincerity and graveness. Please tell me it is not so, so that I may retire to my chambers with a sense of serenity, my head at ease, reclining on the velvet soft lining.
Kind regards and most heartfelt wishes