Author Topic: Is "Primarik" (haredi "avenger of gays") the latest Avishai Raviv?  (Read 755 times)

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Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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From article in haaretz, apparently this guy went around making empty threats to gays and openly admits to posting threats on gay forums, for some reason with utter disregard for getting caught or for actually doing anything.

Police widen probe of Haredi soldier who threatened gays

The Jerusalem Magistrate's Court on Sunday remanded Shmuel Primarik, who was arrested on suspicion of posting threats on a lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Internet forum, for three days.

Police say that Primarik, a soldier in the ultra-Orthodox Nahal Haredi unit, confessed to authoring posts saying "more serious attacks are expected against the gays; don't say you didn't know about it." The messages were posted on Saturday night, shortly before a Tel Aviv rally commemorating the victims of the previous week's shooting attack on an LGBT support center. Primarik was arrested in Jerusalem later that night.

Though his personal weapon and ammunition have been confiscated, police stressed Sunday that he is not suspected of posting explicit murder threats. They also said he has cooperated with his investigators.

Nevertheless, police sources said, Primarik's arrest was "very important," and they are now looking into whether he was involved in a long list of other homophobic attacks, including several bombs set off to protest Jerusalem Gay Pride parades in previous years. They are also examining whether he was involved in other attacks that they suspect were perpetrated by right-wing religious extremists, such as that on Prof. Zeev Sternhell, who was slightly injured by a pipe bomb placed at his door almost a year ago. However, no connection to Primarik has as yet been found.

Police sources also said they are examining possible connections between these cases and last week's attack on the LGBT center.

However, they refused to explain why Primarik's arrest for posting online threats sparked such an extensive investigation.

In addition to extending Primarik's remand, Judge Arnon Darel denied his request for a gag order on his identity. "The public interest in publishing his identity is obvious, considering the recent murder in Tel Aviv, as are the needs of the investigation," Darel wrote.    "

Is this not unbelievable?  The fact that they associate it with the Sternhell hoax (another fake so-called "attack" on leftist professor that caused no injury, did no damage and had fake leaflets spread all over the scene afterwards, likely by shabak agents, in order to villify the rightwing Jews of Judea and Samaria), this to me only confirms how ridiculous this story is and that this haredi kid was likely hired to do this idiotic stuff... so that the media could demonize haredim.    This works directly into the hands of the gay activists and their sick agenda.   The more they can play themselves up as big victims of "haredi" and "religious extremist discrimination" or attacks, the more they can force legislation on society and drive the populace against religious Jews and against normal sanity which is opposed to gay agenda and gay coercion.

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Re: Is "Primarik" (haredi "avenger of gays") the latest Avishai Raviv?
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2009, 02:30:01 PM »
Still, it is a double standard. If he was an Arab who went around making threats against Jews on Israeli forums, he'd get a medal from the Knesset.

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Is "Primarik" (haredi "avenger of gays") the latest Avishai Raviv?
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2009, 02:33:25 PM »
Also see this in Ynet:,7340,L-3758837,00.html

GLBT rally organizers get phone threats

Two coordinators responsible for transportation to ceremony honoring victims of shooting attack on Tel Aviv gay youth center say get threatening phone calls by anonymous persons saying they will bring grenades to event. Meanwhile, Jerusalem Police arrest haredi soldier suspected of making threat in online gay forums

Ilana Curiel Published:  08.08.09, 18:20 / Israel News  

Anonymous persons on Saturday threatened organizers of rides to a Tel Aviv ceremony honoring the victims of last week's GLBT center shooting, that left two dead.

Two organizers of transportation from Haifa and Beersheba said they received threatening phone calls in which the callers said they would arrive at the pickup points with grenades in order to harm the participants.

Following the threats, police have decided to deploy squad cars to the pickup points.

Gal, who is responsible for the ride leaving from Haifa, told Ynet: "A guy that sounded older called me on my cell phone. He asked for details about the ride. When I asked for his name, he said he was 'the one with the grenade' and said that we would get grenades during today's rally as well."

Gal notified the Haifa Police after the phone call. Haifa Police Commander Ahuva Tomer decided not to take any chances and sent a squad car to the pickup point.
Shai Gutler, the organizer of the ride from Beersheba, said that at 2:20 pm he received a call from a man who asked him where transportation would be leaving from.
"I asked him if he had registered and he said no. So I asked him if he would like to come, he said he would like to and that he will show up with grenades and throw them at us.  I asked for his name, he gave a name and then hung up," he said.    "

My comment:  Now watch how the gay activist vultures jump on the story to implement their agenda

"'This proves hate still exists'
Despite the threats, Gutler is not afraid of attending the rally. "I want as many people as possible to show up to the rally to put an end to the violence in this country. I am sure it will help. I’m not afraid. We are a strong community."

Barak Atar, a coordinator of the GLBT community in Beersheba told Ynet he also received threats: "We took the threats very seriously and we filed a complaint with the police. This proves that the hate still exists.

"It is society's role to eliminate this hate, to diagnose it and treat it and not allow it to exist. We are not afraid, but are alert and organized. The Israel Police have taken our complaint seriously, but these things must not be taken lightly."

Meanwhile, Jerusalem Police arrested a 20-year-old resident suspected of making online threats against the rally's participants.

A search of the suspect's home revealed a weapon, and police said the suspect, who serves in the Nahal Haredi Battalion, confessed to his actions in his initial investigation and was transferred for further questioning.

The suspect allegedly wrote in online gay forums: "Expect another hit to the gays soon, this time, something bigger" and, "A second blow to the community soon. Be prepared. Don't say 'We didn't know'."

Ahead of the event in Rabin Square in central Tel Aviv, police have announced that the surrounding streets will be closed off to traffic from 7 pm.
A number of Israeli artists will perform at the rally, and President Shimon Peres is slated to give a speech.

Am I not the only one who thinks this is too crazy to be true?   The kid can't be that stupid.   I feel he was a hired hand for Shabak.  Like Avishai Raviv was....