I flagged it and commented on it:
planetmuman (2 minutes ago)
I flagged this page. This is not a Jew... It is an anti-semite posing as a Jew in order to foster hatred toward the Jewish people. The term 'chosen people' doesn't refer to superiority, it refers to the Jewish people chosing to keep Torah which was given to us at Mount Sinai. Judaism doesn't require subjugation of other nations, just that we reside in our holy country of Israel. May Moshiach come soon so that we can see through these kinds of deceptions.
PS: Did you see that Irish anti-semite who posted there?
IrishFFNY (1 day ago)
Adolf Hitler. true hero of the white advancement...just becase you dirtbags are greedy and lie about everything for money and attention doesnt mean youre not gonna get deleted for it...like for instance the HOLYcoust. hitler killed many jews for the good of mankind...but the jewish defense leauge had to exagerate numbers of casualities for attention and pitty...HIEL HITLER **/** *