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Seems like the quranimals own both the police and the news.
"Seems like the quranimals own both the police and the news."Indeed , did you notice how only the whites got arrested?
Yes,I really like the fact that they were carrying the Flag of Israel,the commies who are sucking up to the muslims should be hanged as traitors to this country.
I think there media portrays them as being white supremacists.
http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2009/09/05/article-1211414-064DD132000005DC-417_636x525.jpghttp://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1211414/Anti-fascists-clash-right-wing-protesters-Birmingham.htmlFunny how the media distort the truth.The EDL are protesting against muslim extremism and the media are calling the muslims anti-fascists, how strange.