You are Jewish? Why do you not study Judaism and Jewish history so you will not have to ask such questions with such an anti-Israel, anti-Jewish, illogical and benighted tone to them? Believe me, I'm no fan of the Government of the State of Israel nor our "Jewish" Organizations as they are not Jewish but Socialist in nature and do a great disservice to morality, Jewry, Israel and any G-d fearing moral abiding individual..
To answer your questions above, aside from Judaism not being a prostylitizing (spelling) religion, Israel was not an Nation that had its goals in building an expansive Empire like the Egyptians, Hittite, Assyrian, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Caliphate, Mongols or even the British. Israel, as per location, sits in the middle of all of these peoples/nations with intentions on expanding their domination so logically the Jews/Israel stood in the way of this expansion and thus, logically, were exiled. Israel, from my understanding was never a military society but one of building internally but always made alliances with any potential enemy to save agaisnt anther expansive enemy as seen with Egypt and Assyria or Babylonia...
Perhaps, if as you say and I happen to agree with, the Jews of then and today had been united in borders, language and culture (from Savage) with real input in a dominant IDF (Defense Force) History might have turned out different as today it would have been different if Israel had annexed out right all the land from the purely defensive war in 1967 and "transfered" all the a fifth column as the Nazi's were in Austria and Czech during WW2. Sadly we still pay the price... PS: logic stems from not only the Torah but Sun Tsu's "The Art of War" and Macciavelli's "The Prince". Logical in fact.
You are largely correct as well about the Patriarchial system as it is also adopted by Christians and Muslims albeit Judaism affords far more liberties to woman than the latter especially Islam. Judaism sees woman and men different but equal under G-d. This is both logical and moral considering simply the biological differences. There are things that women can do better than men logically based upon gender/biology as there are things men can do better than the vast majority of situations. This is logical and has nothing to do with sexism or "feminism"...etc.
Women in Judaism can be scholors but not Rabbis of which a good example is the Chabud site Www.AskMoses.Com.
Judaism is the only faith that affords women moral and logical rights in its tennents re: Torah-Talmud while all others do not. Islam is the prime example of the reverse as women are comparable to dirt, sin and should be covered.....not seen and not heard...
I am not trying to be rude or disrespectful at all. Should you have any questions please ask. We all learn by asking questions not by blind statements.
Personally, I do not believe you are Jewish at all as per your chosen name "
Saintaugusto". Should you be Jewish than pose questions concerning what you have learned and wish to either have validation or an ulternative logic/thought supplied. If you are Christian than do the same. If you are a member of StørmFrønt or some ignoramus anti-semitic ultra-Leftist group....please say so and then we can get this debate on and over with as painlessly as possible as I do not tolerate intolerance and I am very closed minded to closed mindedness.... I hope you understand my concern and my logic....