The Temple Mount should be only Jewish! NO MOSQUE! Time to remove it
As much as I would LOVE seeing this, but I don't think this is "politically" correct 
A lot things are not political correct or even kosher. But we (I) would do everything what is necessary to do things.
That's a bit selfish the way I see it.

Sometimes the way you see things are not fair for the rest of us.
If you removed al-aqsa, dunno, demolished it or something, (which I would love to see it, I would to see mecca nuked as well), would cause a great anger in the muslim world and will 99.99% be a breakthrough to the next great world war. We don't want that. And it is not right to do so as well, you can't just do such thing, people still believe in Islam, many of them do. Whether you like it or not, that's a problem, and this problem must be solved first BEFORE we start demolishing down those mosques. Get rid of Islam, the damn ideology, then trust me, nobody would care if you destroy all the mosques in the world. I know, seems like mission impossible, but that's the right thing to do

killing a muslim for example, will not make anyone lose faith in Islam, actually in the oposite. Same with destroying their mosques.