great pics. What touring group did you go with? Were you within the "Green line" or outside of it?
Thank you! We've toured Samaria, which today is outside of "green line." We've passed few IDF road blocks - very uneventful process - we did not even stop, just waved through. Highways in Samaria are saturated with IDF presence - it feels calm and secure. However, very often you come around a mark that was erected or a settlement that created in memory of murdered Jews. We had a great tour guide. He told us that in years after Oslo, he buried 7 of his pupils (5 girls), HY"D!
The buses were bulletproof and the trip was organized by Nesher Municipality. It looks like it was a Likud sponsored trip (we only paid 55 shekels per person) and had to attend a rally against settlement freeze in Revava. We only happily obliged - see pics. Our guide was a heroic Jewish pioneer of USSR extraction who lives there from 1987, walked back and forth all Eretz Israel, published books, and conducts various excursions in Judea and Samaria. (Russian language)
On the pics you can see buses that have phone numbers for agencies that organize trips to Judea and Samaria. What can I tell you? I've came from this trip emotionally drained - it is so beautiful, it is so elevating to be there!
Synagogue, Shilo Israel. Here where the Ark of Tanach was brought to Eretz Israel first and kept until it was later lost in the battle to Philistines. Shiloh is also a place where all twelve tribes gathered for prayer and where the land of Israel was divided between the 12 tribes.