
Are you a plaeoconservative, libertarian or white nationalist?

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Author Topic: Are you a plaeoconservative, libertarian or white nationalist?  (Read 5208 times)

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Paleoconservatives believe that traditions such as religion should govern society. They are on the right, and have a Judeo-Christian outlook.
Libertarians believe in equal individual rights and economic freedom. They are on the center. I am one.
White nationalists believe in the state being supreme. They tend to have a socialist outlook that sees the individual as serving the nation, so they can be classified as left wing.

Offline Zionist Revolutionary

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Re: Are you a plaeoconservative, libertarian or white nationalist?
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2007, 11:37:43 PM »
None of the above.

Just plain Conservative.

Offline kahaneloyalist

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Re: Are you a plaeoconservative, libertarian or white nationalist?
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2007, 01:10:40 AM »
None, I accept the Torah as being supreme, if it must be put in Western terms, Jewish Nationalist would probably be the best way to describe Jewish JTF supporters.
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Offline Ehud

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Re: Are you a plaeoconservative, libertarian or white nationalist?
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2007, 01:44:03 AM »
If I had to squeeze myself into any category, it would call myself Paleoconservative.  Historical, cultural, and spiritual traditions should serve as the underlying bedrock of a proper Jewish society, and the only reason "Jewish Nationalists" may not support that notion is because they live in the U.S. and prefer a pluralistic, democratic and free society.  They know that it is impossible to force Jewish values on Gentiles and would cause anti-semitism so they would never support it on a grand scale.  If they were living in Israel, I would venture to say that most Zionists and Jewish Nationalists would unabashedly identify as Paleoconservatives to some degree, and that even though they might not support Talmudic law, they support Jewish identity, and Jewish ethnic, historical, spiritual, cultural and nationalist values.  One can be Paleoconservative in the U.S. if one believes that "society" or more specifically Jewish society, should be based at least loosely on Jewish moral, ethnic, spiritual, and cultural values.  Since there are different varieties of "Paleoconservatives", each according to one's faith and historical values, and that Paleoconservative ideology is strongly identified with Christian Conservatives and White Nationalists, it is not a proper term and a distinction should be made between them and "Jewish Paleoconservatives".  As kahaneloyalist indicated, Jewish Nationalist should be the proper term.  Although Libertarians believe in individual rights for all other peoples, true Jewish Nationalists do NOT necessarily prefer ABSOLUTE FREEDOM for all Jews and hold that Jews should, but are not absolutely required to follow Jewish traditions.          In that sense, it is possible for Jews to be Libertarian in their outlook to other cultures and religions in the U.S. while preferring that Jews follow Jewish traditions.
"The Jews will eventually have to face up to what you're dealing with here.  The arabs will never love you for what good you've brought them.  They don't know how to really love.  But hate!  Oh, G-d, can they hate!  And they have a deep, deep, deep resentment because you have jolted them from their delusions of grandeur and shown them for what they are-a decadent, savage people controlled by a religion that has stripped them of all human ambition . . . except for the few cruel enough and arrogant enough to command them as one commands a mob of sheep.  You are dealing with a mad society and you'd better learn how to control it."

-Excerpt from The Haj by Leon Uris

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Re: Are you a plaeoconservative, libertarian or white nationalist?
« Reply #4 on: April 20, 2007, 10:20:59 AM »
Paleoconservatives are Arabist isolationists.  Pat Buchanan is one example, as is anti-Semitic writer Joseph Sobran, who used to write for the National Review, where he was fired for his anti-semitism. 

Libertarians are for very little government.  I believe they think that drugs should be legalized, and that our borders should be opened. 

White nationalists, to me are just plain national socialists.

Offline Trumpeldor

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Re: Are you a plaeoconservative, libertarian or white nationalist?
« Reply #5 on: April 20, 2007, 11:35:27 AM »
There is no reason to be a 'white nationalist'. If you're American, be a proud American. IF you're Irish, be Irish. If you're Italian, be Italian. If you're German, be German.

White nationalism, like black power, la Raza etc... is racism.
« Last Edit: April 20, 2007, 11:48:39 AM by Trumpeldor »


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Re: Are you a plaeoconservative, libertarian or white nationalist?
« Reply #6 on: April 20, 2007, 11:45:12 AM »
It's very hard to drop me into one of those categories, I have opinions about some things that would be labelled by some people as socialist, about other things, I have views that some may call fascist in some areas, in other ares that some people make big issues about I have no opinion whatsoever.

I am a patriot, and I am a Christian, all of my ideas are in my opinion the logical extension of those two basic premises, so I suppose I could call myself a patriotic Christian. That the best categorisation I can think of.

Offline dawntreader

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Re: Are you a plaeoconservative, libertarian or white nationalist?
« Reply #7 on: April 20, 2007, 11:47:55 AM »
In general I hold to Libertarian principles. I don't like lots of government. Smaller government is infinitely better than intrusive big government.

However, I do hold to Judeo-Christian morals and ethics and I DO believe that while the government cannot truly legislate morality (They do to some degree in matters such as meting out punishments for crimes such as murder...[saying murder is wrong is indeed legislating morality]...saying what one can do sexually in one's own home is another matter entirely. The government has increasingly supported rather than remain neutral, "Alternative and/or morally wrong" sexual lifestyles. I think neutrality by the government is best...neither supporting nor condemning.) I think the government has a responsibility to be above the mass population and must be held to a higher standard than the masses.

By the way...there is a wide range of beliefs even within the "Libertarian" fold.
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Our peace must be a peace of victors, not of the vanquished.
- General Ferdinand Foch

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Re: Are you a plaeoconservative, libertarian or white nationalist?
« Reply #8 on: April 20, 2007, 12:11:07 PM »
It's good to hear most posters don't hold the white supremacist views of StørmFrønt. I thought worse given the biased, demeaning and cynical articles on this website's front page. I agree that white nationalism is pointless as there never was an agreed consensus on what the white people constitute, and pan-Europeanism, which I am not against, is not the same as white nationalism.
I did not mean to ask what Judaism is compatible with. I meant to ask what is your political outlook. We all have political outlooks that don't necessarily contradict Judaism. For example, if you are a republican, you probably are a neoconservative. If you are a democrat, you probably are a social democrat.
Libertarians aren't anarchists. Those who believe in legalizing drugs only do so for medical purposes or don't think the war on drugs is effective.
As for paleocons, yes they are non-interventionist and often isolationist, unlike libertarians. Many paleocons, unlike Buchanan, do recognize the Islamic threat, but don't believe in nation building because Islam is incompatible with democracy, and are weary of giving money to Israel and fighting Crusades lest they anger the Muslim masses. Some have a conspiratorial outlook towards Israel, such as the libertarian Sobran and Buchanan to a smaller extent.

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Re: Are you a plaeoconservative, libertarian or white nationalist?
« Reply #9 on: April 20, 2007, 12:56:21 PM »
It's good to hear most posters don't hold the white supremacist views of StørmFrønt. I thought worse given the biased, demeaning and cynical articles on this website's front page.

Exactly what articles do you find biased, demeanin and cynical?


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Re: Are you a plaeoconservative, libertarian or white nationalist?
« Reply #10 on: April 20, 2007, 01:39:14 PM »


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The Bizarre History
Of The Black Muslims

(Originally published by JTF.ORG on December 1, 2004)

The black Hitler Louis Farrakhan and his female bodyguards
Bizarre costumes, outlandish doctrine, flagrant corruption, vicious racism and murderous violence are the "fruit of Islam" in black America

  The "Noble Prophet" - and racial snakeoil peddler - Drew Ali - Born Timothy Drew, he was a circus magician who taught that he was Allah's vice regent on earth and that blacks were not blacks but "Moors," which is to say the same North African Berbers who helped to bring slavery to black Africa and who keep, abuse and despise millions of black slaves to this day 

In 1913, the "Noble Prophet" Drew Ali formed the Moorish Science Temple of America. Ali preached hatred against all whites and urged blacks to embrace Islam.

By 1929, Ali's movement had 36 Islamic "temples" and over 100,000 black followers.

Preaching vicious hatred against whites in general, and Jews in particular, was as popular among blacks in those days as it is today.


The bizarrely costumed sheiks and "sheikesses" of the Prophet Noble Drew Ali

Black racist con artist Marcus Garvey, whose venomous Jew-hatred and America-hatred led him to support Hitler in the 1930s - Garvey, in the plumes, shared the taste of many other black leaders for outlandish costumes and ostentatious display 

Con artist Marcus Garvey's
bloodthirsty philosophy

Another example of black attraction to violent anti-white and anti-Semitic hatemongering came in 1914, when Marcus Garvey, a Jamaican immigrant, formed the Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA), a pro-Nazi black racist cult.

In 1920, UNIA held a huge parade down Lenox Avenue in Harlem with 25,000 black marchers.

By the 1930s, Garvey was praising Hitler and Mussolini for their anti-Americanism and their anti-Semitism.

It was in this atmosphere of overwhelming anti-white and anti-Semitic hatred in the black community that the Black Muslims were created as a mass movement.

Con artist Marcus Garvey was a violently anti-white, anti-Semitic and anti-American black Jamaican immigrant who stole millions from his supporters and went to jail for mail fraud in connection with his phony investments - By mail as well as through newspaper advertisements, Marcus Garvey solicited investment in several companies formed under the umbrella of his Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA), the best known of these being the Black Star Line, a shipping and passenger enterprise whose name derives from the White Star Line, the famous operator of the ill-fated Titanic and other great vessels. Garvey's sales pitches were always laced with anti-white venom, more or less subtle depending on its (white or black) venue. ("What White men have done Negroes can do." "NEGROES AWAKE! The time has come to save your Race from the burning stake." "Everywhere Negroes are experiencing considerable difficulty securing passage of the steamship lines controlled by white interests." "White men have invested in their own propositions and to-day they make their millions and crush the soul of the Negro. Now is the time for the Negro to invest in the BLACK STAR LINE so that in the near future he may exert the same influence upon the world as the white man does to-day.") Garvey went bankrupt through widespread mismanagement and gross corruption, which included the payment of kickbacks to himself and his friends to purchase unseaworthy vessels at six times their true value. (The images are of newspaper advertisements for Garvey enterprises; one crude cartoon shows Garvey employing black labor, another illustration depicts a black mother and child threatened by a burning cross, and the "Let's Put It Over" advertisement encourages the immigration by American blacks to Liberia, another Garvey effort which unfortunately met with very limited success.) 

In 1929, the "Noble Prophet" Drew Ali was arrested and charged with the murder of one of his rivals, Sheik Claude Greene, another black Muslim leader who called for the extermination of all whites.

Ali was released on bail pending trial on the murder charge, when he also was assassinated by his fellow black Muslims in July 1929.

One of Ali's followers, Wallace D. Fard, a.k.a. Wali Farad Mohammed, formed the Nation of Islam organization after Ali was murdered.

Fard was known by his many black followers as "Mullah Fard," "Prophet Fard," "The Great Mahdi" and "The Savior."

Fard taught that blacks are really part of the ancient, long-lost Muslim tribe of Shabazz. He claimed that all whites are "devils," and that there will ultimately be a war between the races in which all "white devils" will be annihilated.

Fard - like all of his predecessors and rivals - was eventually murdered.

Following Fard's "mysterious" assassination in 1934, one of his followers, Elijah Poole, took over the Black Muslim movement. Poole changed his name to Elijah Mohammed.

As a supporter of Hitler and Nazi Germany, Elijah Mohammed was sentenced to five years in prison for encouraging blacks to refuse to serve in the American armed forces during World War II.

 The "mysterious" Wallace D. Fard, the founder of the Nation of Islam - Wallace D. Fard, a.k.a. Walli Farad, a.k.a. Professor Ford, a.k.a. Farrad Mohammed, a.k.a. F. Mohammed Ali, a.k.a. Wallace Fard Mohammed, was a mulatto identified by FBI fingerprint files as Wallie D. Ford, an Oregon-born convict. He claimed to have been born in Mecca, a story echoed by his follower, the "Honorable" Elijah Mohammed. A short time before he "mysteriously" disappeared, Fard took to calling himself "Allah" and "G-d." 

While in a federal penitentiary, Mohammed discovered that black convicts were an especially fertile source of support for the anti-white and anti-Jewish teachings of the Black Muslims.

Mohammed started spreading his ideology of black Muslim Nazi hatred in the nation's prison system. The effort was enormously successful. Many thousands of black criminals enthusiastically embraced the Black Muslim theology.

Anti-white, anti-Semitic black organizations are not "fringe groups" in black society - Such organizations have drawn huge crowds for nearly a century 

In 1947, a black rapist, pimp and drug dealer named Malcolm Little learned about the Black Muslims while serving a prison sentence in the Michigan state penitentiary. Malcolm Little immediately joined the Islamic movement, changing his name to Malcolm X.

In 1952, upon his release from prison, Malcolm X started preaching throughout the United States on behalf of the Black Muslims.

The Muslim Koran refers to all non-Muslims as "devils," "dogs" and "pigs." Malcolm X quickly adopted that Islamic scriptural language by referring to all whites as "devils," "dogs" and "pigs."

Elijah Poole, a.k.a. Elijah Mohammed, hit a gold mine of anti-white, pro-Muslim racial hatred in the American prison system 

Axis of evil - Louis Farrakhan, Elijah Mohammed and Malcolm X 

However, on a religious pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia in 1964, Malcolm X was persuaded by his Saudi hosts to accept the true Islamic teaching that Muslims must hate all non-Muslims, but that their hatred must be based upon religious belief, not upon race. Therefore, even whites can become Muslims. On the other hand, anyone who is not a Muslim must be destroyed regardless of their race.

The Bolshevik news media in America immediately hailed Malcolm X's new "moderate" and "tolerant" philosophy, which merely called for exterminating all non-Muslims, but would spare whites who converted to Islam.

 Just as he had encouraged blacks in World War II to refuse military service, Elijah Mohammed convinced Mohammed Ali to dodge the Vietnam War draft 

Malcolm X converts to genuine Islam and becomes a "moderate" advocate of Islamic terrorism - While on a pilgrimage to Mecca, X accepted the genuine Islamic doctrine which preaches that slaughter in the name of Allah must be conducted on the basis of religion, not race - an epiphany which made him the darling of America's media but also the bete noir (black beast) of Elijah Mohammed's followers, who held a countervailing belief that all whites are "devils" forever beyond redemption 

On February 21, 1965, Malcolm X was assassinated in New York City by his fellow Black Muslims.

When Elijah Mohammed died in 1975, he was succeed by his son, Wallace Deen Mohammed. Wallace Deen aligned his movement with Saudi Arabia and the Persian Gulf Arab sheikdoms in order to obtain funding from Arab oil billionaires.

Some black Muslims believe in murdering people based on religion, not race - Unlike the Nation of Islam's Lous Farrakhan, who says that all whites are "devils" destined for extermination, Black Muslim leader Wallace Deen Mohammed (a.k.a. Wallace D. Muhammad, a.k.a. Wallace Delaney Muhammad, a.k.a. Warith Deen Muhammad, a.k.a. Warithuddin Muhammad, a.k.a. W. Deen Mohammed) follows the genuine Islamic doctrine of murderous violence against non-Muslims regardless of race. (Wallace Deen Mohammed blames the Mossad, the Israeli secret service, for the 1934 murder of black Muslim leader Wallace Fard, fourteen years before Israel became a nation.) 

As part of this new alignment, Wallace Deen adopted the Saudi Wahabi teaching that Muslims must hate and destroy all non-Muslims, but that the hatred must be based upon religious belief rather than race.

This viewpoint caused a split in the Black Muslim movement. Louis Farrakhan is the leader of a large group of Black Muslims who broke away from Mohammed Deen's organization to form a new Nation of Islam group.

Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam insist that all whites are "devils," even if they become Muslims. Whites can never be real Muslims, Farrakhan teaches, because all Caucasians are from the "seed of Satan."

An overwhelming majority of blacks support Black Muslim race hatred and America-hatred - In 1995, over 500,000 blacks attended Louis Farrakhan's Million Man March in Washington, DC - and not an American flag flew anywhere 

Wallace Deen teaches his followers that whites are no longer "devils" if they become Muslims. But non-Muslims - including non-Muslim blacks - are all "devils" whom Allah commands his followers to destroy.

Unfortunately, these hatemongering movements are not mere fringe groups in the black community. Polls show an overwhelming majority of blacks strongly support Farrakhan. Over 500,000 blacks attended his Million Man March in 1995. All major black politicians, black community leaders and black organizations publicly support Farrakhan and participate in his rallies.

In reality, those blacks who do not hate whites in general, and Jews in particular, are the true fringe group in the black community.

No one but JTF is willing to expose the truth about black racism and anti-Semitism - Desperate to praise a black Hollywood star as a hero, "right-wing" news source Newsmax honored black actor Denzel Washington, the star of Spike Lee's white-hating, America-hating X, as one of its 25 Hollywood heroes 

No one but JTF is willing to expose the truth about black racism and anti-Semitism - In the HBO "drama" Oz, the murderous black Muslim convicts of a maximum security prison were depicted as its most noble and principled inmates 

The problem is that no one is willing to expose the truth about black racism and anti-Semitism.

No one except JTF.

In your heart, you know we're right. And in your guts, you know they're nuts.

No one but JTF is willing to expose the truth about black racism and anti-Semitism - In a 1999 ceremony attended by CBS's Mike Wallace, a longtime supporter of Malcolm Little X El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz, the U.S. Postal Service - as part of its "Black Heritage" series - honored the black pimp, rapist and drug dealer with the release of a commemorative postage stamp 

Therefore, every generous check or money order (which can be anonymous) made out to "JTF" (which is political and not tax-exempt) or to "VJA" (which is fully tax-exempt and non-political) makes a huge difference. You can also send cash donations if you wish.

Do not depend on others to do your part! G-d only blesses those who do their own part!
May G-d bless all of our loyal supporters and their loved ones.

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Most of this article is disrespectful enough, but the punchline exposes its true racist nature.

Offline kahaneloyalist

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Re: Are you a plaeoconservative, libertarian or white nationalist?
« Reply #11 on: April 20, 2007, 01:47:22 PM »
everything they wrote about the nation of Islam is true, did you know Lincoln Rockwell founder of the American Nazi Party refered to Elijah Mohammed as the "Black Hitler" the American Nazis did and do attend Nation of Islam events, and generally agree with them on most issues.
"For it is through the mercy of fools that all Justice is lost"


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Re: Are you a plaeoconservative, libertarian or white nationalist?
« Reply #12 on: April 20, 2007, 01:51:16 PM »
everything they wrote about the nation of Islam is true, did you know Lincoln Rockwell founder of the American Nazi Party refered to Elijah Mohammed as the "Black Hitler" the American Nazis did and do attend Nation of Islam events, and generally agree with them on most issues.
I agree with you, but are all blacks anti-Semitic? Such a statement is itself racist. You should still attribute to every being human dignity as we are all created in the image of God.

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Re: Are you a plaeoconservative, libertarian or white nationalist?
« Reply #13 on: April 20, 2007, 02:29:20 PM »
This is one area I have to agree with Reagan Lib. I do not agree with Chaim at all when it comes to blacks.

I have no love for the "rap/Urban Culture". I believe it IS degrading to blacks in general and especially to women in particular. However, it is a far stretch to say that a majority of blacks across America are caught up completely in this culture.

I don't know what the Bronx, Queens, Long Island, Manhattan and the rest of New York is like...but I doubt Chaim has been to every State, or even to good examples of differing cities in major population centers of the U.S.
Victory is a thing of the will. -General Ferdinand Foch

Our peace must be a peace of victors, not of the vanquished.
- General Ferdinand Foch

We have met the enemy and they are ours.
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Re: Are you a plaeoconservative, libertarian or white nationalist?
« Reply #14 on: April 20, 2007, 04:31:27 PM »
no not all blacks are Jew haters, but all of the leaders of the black community are, Alan Keyes is a conservative rather then black leader, and according to every poll taken in the last fourty years over 90% of blacks support the Arabs against us in Eretz Yisrael.
"For it is through the mercy of fools that all Justice is lost"


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Re: Are you a plaeoconservative, libertarian or white nationalist?
« Reply #15 on: April 20, 2007, 05:33:22 PM »
no not all blacks are Jew haters, but all of the leaders of the black community are, Alan Keyes is a conservative rather then black leader, and according to every poll taken in the last fourty years over 90% of blacks support the Arabs against us in Eretz Yisrael.
I can believe that, but do you mind showing me the source?
Also what you said about Keyes is the type of idea Kevin MacDonald says about Jews. He says Jewish scientists do not promote science out of a sense of Jewishness, but Jewish communists and pseudoscientists act the way they do out of a sense of their Jewish identity. He says Judean culture has had an overall detrimental effect on western culture.

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Re: Are you a plaeoconservative, libertarian or white nationalist?
« Reply #16 on: April 20, 2007, 05:44:38 PM »
I dont think they are comparable, Alan Keyes is recognized as a thinker and leader among people whose political beliefs are Conservative. Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Louis Farrakan are recognized by the black community as their leaders. Thats a different situation from the fact that a wildly disproporianite percentage of scientists are Jews.

No I dont have a source in front of me, but I will find individual polls showing the blacks support the Arabs.
"For it is through the mercy of fools that all Justice is lost"

Offline cosmokramer

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Re: Are you a plaeoconservative, libertarian or white nationalist?
« Reply #17 on: April 20, 2007, 07:36:26 PM »
I'm just a conservative Jew ;)

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Re: Are you a plaeoconservative, libertarian or white nationalist?
« Reply #18 on: April 20, 2007, 07:48:32 PM »
I agree with you, but are all blacks anti-Semitic? Such a statement is itself racist. You should still attribute to every being human dignity as we are all created in the image of G-d.
You are a moron and a liar. Nowhere did anyone on JTF say that all blacks are evil or anti-Semites.

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Re: Are you a plaeoconservative, libertarian or white nationalist?
« Reply #19 on: April 22, 2007, 05:04:58 AM »
True conservatives probably follow most (if not all) of the following:

      "pro-G-d, pro-life, pro-family, pro-Constitution, pro-Bill of Rights, pro-gun, pro-limited government, pro-private property rights, pro-limited taxes, pro-capitalism, pro-national defense, pro-freedom, and pro-America. We oppose all forms of liberalism, socialism, fascism, pacifism, totalitarianism, anarchism, government enforced atheism, abortionism, feminism, homosexualism, racism, wacko environmentalism, judicial activism, etc. We also oppose the United Nations or any other world government body that may attempt to impose its will or rule over our sovereign nation and sovereign people. We believe in defending our borders, our Constitution, and our national sovereignty."   



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Re: Are you a plaeoconservative, libertarian or white nationalist?
« Reply #20 on: April 26, 2007, 07:39:22 PM »

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Re: Are you a plaeoconservative, libertarian or white nationalist?
« Reply #21 on: April 27, 2007, 12:17:44 PM »
I'm a true blue "live and let live" "give me liberty or I'll give you death" libertarian. However, I am not a fan of the Manhattan Libertarian Party. I'm even (brace yourselves!) something of an Objectivist.

(Is there any such thing as a "Kahane Objectivist"  :o ?  If not -- can someone please give me a ride to the Looney Bin?  ;) )
Classical liberalism is the future! www.YouTube.com/PureLiberalFire

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Re: Are you a plaeoconservative, libertarian or white nationalist?
« Reply #22 on: April 27, 2007, 02:23:25 PM »
Re:  "...Is there any such thing as a "Kahane Objectivist"


Ayn Rand was Jewish!

Her philosophy praised the triumph of individualism over those of collectivism.

She was an extra in Cecil B. DeMille's film "The Ten Commandments", in addition to serving as personal assistant to Mr. DeMille.

And, she publicly stated her views that Zionism was the only hope for bringing modernization and progress to the entire Arab world.

All of which brings to mind the late, great, Colonel Harlan Sanders; inventor of Kentucky Fried Chicken.

One day, while in flight on an airliner, the passenger in his adjoining seat leaned over and asked him...

"Colonel Sanders...What do you think of the "Hippies"?"

The Colonel, without so much as missing a beat, replied...

"Well...They eats chicken, don't they?"