Author Topic: Maureen Dowd and Her Views on Jews---COMMENTARY  (Read 703 times)

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Maureen Dowd and Her Views on Jews---COMMENTARY
« on: November 19, 2009, 10:47:01 PM »
Maureen Dowd and Her Views on Jews

By Rabbi Yaakov Spivak

The New York Times evidently feels that Maureen Dowd’s anti-Semitic diatribe is fit to print. When talking about the Wall Street Goldman Sachs firm in a recent article she made reference to money changers that were thrown out of the Temple in Jerusalem. That is a blatant anti-Semitic remark.

Now Maureen, if you’re going to be a bigot, at least try to confine your hate to the back room of The Times. If you want to blame the Jews for a country’s economic woes, we can put your picture in the Encyclopedia next to a famous German Propaganda Minister.

The truth is the current situation comes from greed in the upper echelons of the banking industry, places where Jews are still not very welcome.

The Times has begun to paint ugly pictures of Israel and Jews. They are also learning that people cancel subscriptions when this happens.

What hypocrisy when a media outlet claiming to speak for justice stoops to such low level bigotry.

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Re: Maureen Dowd and Her Views on Jews---COMMENTARY
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2009, 10:59:07 PM »
She is clearly butchering a New Testament passage to make her sick point, but it is a well-known fact that this plagiarizing leftist beast is just as anti-Christian as she is anti-Semitic.

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Re: Maureen Dowd and Her Views on Jews---COMMENTARY
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2009, 11:32:43 PM »
And you know something funny.... There is absolutely nothing wrong with money-changers in the Temple... As a matter of fact they belong there in order to allow people who came to the Temple to make offerings to buy the animals and other ritual items needed for the sacrifice. It is hilarious to me that the Christians think that there is something wrong with money-changers in the Temple... I have heard several anti-missionary Rabbis laugh at this misunderstanding too...

See halacha #9

Halacha 9

On the first of Adar, the court would announce [the collection of] the [half-]shekalim, so that every single individual would prepare his half-shekel and be ready to give.

On the fifteenth [of Adar],29 the money-changers would sit in every city30 and would gently prod [the people to give]. If people gave them, they would accept it. If someone did not give, they would not compel him to give.

On the twenty-fifth [of Adar], they would sit in the Temple to collect [the half-shekalim]. From this time onward, everyone who had not given [a half-shekel] as yet would be compelled to give.31 When a person did not give [voluntarily], his property would be taken by force as a pledge. Even his clothing was taken from him.

Halacha 2

In the Temple, there were always thirteen chests, each chest [shaped] like a shofar. The first chest was for the shekalim of the present year; the second for the shekalim of the previous year; the third was for all those who where obligated to bring an offering of two turtle doves or two common doves,3 one as a burnt offering and one as a sin offering. The funds [for these offerings] were deposited in this chest.

The fourth was for those who were obligated to bring [doves] as a burnt offering only. They would deposit the funds [for these offerings] in this chest. The fifth was for those who volunteered to buy wood for the altar; the sixth, for those who donated money [to purchase] frankincense;4 the seventh, for those who donated gold for the covering [of the ark].5

The eighth6 was for the [money that] remains after [purchasing] a sin-offering - i.e., a person set aside funds [to use to purchase] a sin-offering, and money remained after purchasing it. Those funds were deposited in this [chest].

The ninth was for the [money that] remains after [purchasing] a guilt-offering; the tenth, for the [money that] remains after [purchasing] the pairs [of doves necessary] for [the offerings of] zavim, zavot,7 and women after childbirth; the eleventh, for the [money that] remains after [purchasing] the offerings of a nazirite; the twelfth, for the [money that] remains after [purchasing] the guilt offering of a leper; the thirteenth, for a person who pledged money for an animal [to be brought] as a burnt offering.8

When Olot, animal burnt offerings, and Shelamim, peace offerings were sacrificed (both public and private), they were accompanied by Nesachim; fine flour (Solet), mixed with oil and a measure of wine. (Nesachim also accompanied the sin and guilt offerings of the leper but were not brought with bird offerings.) The Solet would be mixed with olive oil, salted and cast into the fire on the Mizbei'ach at the time of sacrifice; the wine would be poured as a libation (Nisuch HaYayin) into a silver cup embedded in the south-west corner of the Mizbei'ach. The ingredients of the Nesachim had to be of the highest standards of ritual purity. In order to ensure that the Nesachim met these exacting standards, the Olei Regel, the pilgrims ascending to Jerusalem, obtained the Nesachim ingredients from the Mikdash authorities who supplied the necessary flour, oil and wine. "If anyone wanted to (acquire) "drink offerings (or meal offerings - the Nesachim) he would go to Johanan who was over the seals (whose office was in this chamber) and give him money and receive from him a Chotemet, a seal" (Shekalim 5:4). When the Olei Regel entered Jerusalem, they first stopped at the stalls of the local bankers and money changers, (who had their businesses outside of the sacred precincts) to exchange their foreign currency for ritually acceptable coin. They could then purchase their sacrificial animals in the Jerusalem markets and their Nesachim at the Mikdash. We can picture the crowds of Olei Regel from near and far, some already leading their sacrificial animals, waiting patiently (?) to purchase their Chotamot. With Leviyim on hand to keep order, the moving lines of Olei Regel converged on the massive entrance of Lishkat HaChotamot on the northern side of the Beit HaMokeid. There, sitting behind a counter was "Johanan", the generic name of the superintendent who was "over the seals" and his staff. Johanan and his helpers efficiently collected the correct amounts of money from the Olei Regel (not all Korbanot required the same amount of Nesachim.) and swiftly handed out the appropriate Chotamot. Once the Oleh Regel had his Chotemet, he would then to go to "Ahijah" (another generic name, note the Mishna) who was in charge of the Mikdash storeroom containing the Nesachim. The Oleh Regel presented his Chotemet to Ahijah and received the quantity of Nesachim, probably pre-packaged, that he needed. No doubt Ahijah had a large staff to assist him in collecting the Chotamot and distributing the Nesachim. Ritually pure Nesachim in hand, the Oleh Regel entered the Azara with his Korban.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2009, 11:45:24 PM by muman613 »
You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline mord

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Re: Maureen Dowd and Her Views on Jews---COMMENTARY
« Reply #3 on: November 20, 2009, 05:40:05 AM »
You needed them to change foreign money into Israeli money in those days as many Jews came to the Bais Ha'Mikdash the [Holy Temple] from other countries.As far as Maureen Dowd goes she is a well known leftist
« Last Edit: November 20, 2009, 08:50:52 AM by mord »
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Re: Maureen Dowd and Her Views on Jews---COMMENTARY
« Reply #4 on: November 20, 2009, 08:34:07 AM »
Maureen Dowd and Her Views on Jews

By Rabbi Yaakov Spivak

The New York Times evidently feels that Maureen Dowd’s anti-Semitic diatribe is fit to print. When talking about the Wall Street Goldman Sachs firm in a recent article she made reference to money changers that were thrown out of the Temple in Jerusalem. That is a blatant anti-Semitic remark.

Now Maureen, if you’re going to be a bigot, at least try to confine your hate to the back room of The Times. If you want to blame the Jews for a country’s economic woes, we can put your picture in the Encyclopedia next to a famous German Propaganda Minister.

The truth is the current situation comes from greed in the upper echelons of the banking industry, places where Jews are still not very welcome.

The Times has begun to paint ugly pictures of Israel and Jews. They are also learning that people cancel subscriptions when this happens.

What hypocrisy when a media outlet claiming to speak for justice stoops to such low level bigotry.

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LEFTIST DEM. And our people vote for these people and help these people and Muman wonder why I HATE THEIR GUTS
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Offline Michael Green

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Re: Maureen Dowd and Her Views on Jews---COMMENTARY
« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2009, 08:21:21 PM »
Excellent article about Dowd, Wall Street, and anti-semitism.

ADL covering up for crimes of financial elites

"The ADL is accusing the New York Times Maureen Dowd of anti-semitism over a recent op-ed titled "Virtuous Bankers? Really!?!" The article about corruption on Wall Street specifically involving Goldman Sachs. In a letter to the Editor in the NYT, ADL National Chair Robert G. Sugarman stated, "While one can agree or disagree with Maureen Dowd's portrayal of Goldman Sachs and other bankers (column, Nov. 11), her statement that "the bankers who took government money and then gave out obscene bonuses are the same self-interested sorts Jesus threw out of the temple" potentially raises one of the classic themes of anti-Semitism linking Jews and abhorrent money-lending practices. However unintentional, Ms. Dowd's invoking the New Testament story to illustrate our current financial mess conjures up old prejudices against Jews."