Wanna know why the Obama Administration refuses to call Hassan a terrorist?
Here's the answer...
I just got this from a friend. I checked it out and there he is…..listed
on page 29……Nidal Hasan, was a Homeland Security advisor on the Obama
transition team. (He was a participant and is listed on Page 29). Now
it seems like we have a little insight into why BHO said to not jump to
conclusions about Nidal Hasan. This man, who killed and wounded the
people at Fort Hood , Texas was an advisor to Obama's Homeland Security
team. See the link below and look on page 29.
(Note: It's on page 29 of the paper, NOT in the Adobe program)
http://www.gwumc.edu/hspi/old/PTTF_ProceedingsReport_05.19.09.pdf Its a small world after all
Wake Up America!
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BHO Admits He is a Muslim
"If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck and is seen in the company of ducks; IT IS A DUCK."
Please Wake Up America!