You need more explanations? I can't be around men all the time. Women are a gift to the world. Plus I have a Secular approach to everything, including religion, including Judaism. I question everything and never take what somebody says to me face value.
I can't be a Heredi because:
- They had their own people killed in the Holocaust because they didn't want to go to Israel
- Many of them are Anti-Zionist
- I can't live my life not having any fun
- Heredis aren't really stylish
- I'm an individualist so I don't want to be following whatever a Rabbi says
- I'm a secular person
- They don't pay taxes or serve in the Israeli military
- I like the ladies
Who tells you to be around men all the time? we're not Christian monks but there are limitations, we're not animals.
Ok, you need any proof/explanation for anything in Judaism, I can explain everything.
- So did "secular" Jews and at the time of th Holocaust there were more Haredis in Eretz Israel more than so-called "secular" Jews.
- So there are many other Jews from other groups and some of them are Rav Kahana, the ultimate Zionist.
- What does that have to do with the discussion? the prob is the definition of "having fun".
- Huh?
- Nobody tells you to do
whatever he tells to do but when it comes to Halachic questions (for example, if I have a Halachic question I'll go to a Rabbi, if I have a question about the understanding of the geo-politic situation I'd to go to a military/security expert and/or go to library and to the History books.
- "Secularism" (what's that?) doesn't exist in Judaism.

Not living in Israel and knowing this about Haredis, there is a HUGE division especially for Haredis, Haredis WORK

They're the number 1 charity attributers and they care about Jews more than you would ever in your life, etc. They pay texas (some not but they're not even Israeli citizens and they got NOTHING from the State).
- I love women too but I'm not getting my ebb inclinations into control of me, I'm a human not a beast.