he actually makes a mockery of gay people.. He tries to molest and have sex with every guy and homophoe he meets. In reality, I love his talent. THere is nothing pro-gay at all about the movie, rather he makes gay people look like dumbasses. He did the same with Borat, making anti-semite Eastern Europeans look like backward and degenerate morons. And finally, his Ali G skit, pissed off a good number of people in the "black Community", beacuse they claimed the it was deragatory and promoted bad stereotypes of black people. In lot of ways, he made a total ass of black community with his Ali G skit. He likes to make fun of everyone really. He makes fun of feminists, rednecks, gangsters, nazis.
This guy is a classic and very talented. I can say if you can get past the grossness, then you can enjoy Sacha Baron Cohen.