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Offline GWallenberg

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Ask the Southern Jew, GWallenberg
« on: December 07, 2009, 12:26:13 AM »
Hey, everyone else is doing it, no?  ;D

Anyways, I'm an unapologetically Zionist Ashkenazic Jew, born and raised in the "multicultural" Southeastern, United States. Jews? In the Southeast? You bet.

It seems many other Jews are often shocked and interested to know why a Jew would live in such a place, their main concerns being the "white, anti-Semitic rednecks" around these parts. I assure you they're not the problem, but I digress.

Ask me anything you'd like.

Offline IsraeliGovtAreKapos

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Re: Ask the Southern Jew, GWallenberg
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2009, 12:32:53 AM »

Ok let's start
How old are you?
Are you married?
have you always been a Patriotic Jew?

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Re: Ask the Southern Jew, GWallenberg
« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2009, 12:58:02 AM »
I'm 33 years old.

No, I'm currently not married, unfortunately. There are more Jewish women around here than you may suspect, but I haven't found one to be wife material, as of yet.

Your last question is an interesting one. I have always been a patriotic American, but my Jewishness during that time is up for debate. I was not raised Jewish, so to speak; my parents were not all that religious and did not raise me in such a manner. We were ethnically Jewish, of course, but we were not "Jewish Jews", to put it simply. Mind you, they were not self-hating liberal Jews, just not very religious. I rediscovered Judaism in my teenage years and reaffirmed my Jewish identity. It was during that time that I began to delve further into politics and discovered, much to my amazement and disgust, the horrible anti-Jewish, anti-white sentiment spread throughout the media and government. This sort of attitude I'd always known about, but it became much more apparent the more I looked into it, and the more disgusted I became. It was even more horrific that these ideas were being perpetuated largely by liberal, self-hating, anti-Semitic "Jews". There was a time when I almost felt ashamed of being Jewish, but I stood strong and unashamedly promoted Zionism and conservative ideals wherever I could.

Thanks for your question, Ron Ben Michael. I hope I answered you thoroughly.

Offline IsraeliGovtAreKapos

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Re: Ask the Southern Jew, GWallenberg
« Reply #3 on: December 07, 2009, 01:01:50 AM »

One thing to add is that Jews stay Jews no matter what they do, Jews die Jewish (though if they get the punishment Karet they're cut off of the Jewish peopl but they're judged by HaShem as Jewish).
Did you ever have a girlfriend?
Are you interested in Judaism and if you do do you study Torah?
When was the first time you were introduced to Rav Meir Kahana?

Offline GWallenberg

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Re: Ask the Southern Jew, GWallenberg
« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2009, 01:21:31 AM »
Yes, I've had girlfriends, and this was thankfully after rediscovering Judaism, so my girlfriends were Jewish.

Yes, I'm very interested in Judaism, and this has developed more and more in the past several years. I've studied and am still studying Torah.

Unfortunately, I was introduced to Meir Kahane only a few years ago when a fellow Jew taught me more about him. I'd never heard read much into this great man before. I've known about him for several years, but never seriously read into Kahanism until then. I wish I had known about him all this time.

Offline IsraeliGovtAreKapos

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Re: Ask the Southern Jew, GWallenberg
« Reply #5 on: December 07, 2009, 01:37:14 AM »

Yes, I've had girlfriends, and this was thankfully after rediscovering Judaism, so my girlfriends were Jewish.

Yes, I'm very interested in Judaism, and this has developed more and more in the past several years. I've studied and am still studying Torah.

Unfortunately, I was introduced to Ha'Rav Meir Kahane only a few years ago when a fellow Jew taught me more about him. I'd never heard read much into this great man before. I've known about him for several years, but never seriously read into Kahanism until then. I wish I had known about him all this time.

I see.
I want to know more about the Jewry of the US Southeast. Are there many Jews? are they more mostly Leftie? Also are there many Muslims? And what about intermarriage between Jews and Gentiles? Is it common there?

Offline GWallenberg

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Re: Ask the Southern Jew, GWallenberg
« Reply #6 on: December 07, 2009, 01:46:26 AM »
There are more Jews than you might think. The problem is that the Jews are fairly spread out, so there's not much solidarity between Jews, unfortunately.

Also, most Jews here are not that religious. I wouldn't call them Lefties, though. Down here, they're mostly conservative, as are the Gentiles.

There are few Muslims here, thankfully, and the great majority are black Muslims that have converted and are an especially disgusting bunch.

Yes, there's a good bit of intermarriage here, unfortunately.

Offline IsraeliGovtAreKapos

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Re: Ask the Southern Jew, GWallenberg
« Reply #7 on: December 07, 2009, 01:49:55 AM »

There are more Jews than you might think. The problem is that the Jews are fairly spread out, so there's not much solidarity between Jews, unfortunately.

Also, most Jews here are not that religious. I wouldn't call them Lefties, though. Down here, they're mostly conservative, as are the Gentiles.

There are few Muslims here, thankfully, and the great majority are black Muslims that have converted and are an especially disgusting bunch.

Yes, there's a good bit of intermarriage here, unfortunately.

How many?
What do you mean "as are the Genties"?

Are there major/important Muslim politicians there?

I see, is it more Jew girl-Gentile guy or Jew-guy Gentile-girl? Is there intermarriage with Muslim/Blacks/Arabs?

Offline GWallenberg

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Re: Ask the Southern Jew, GWallenberg
« Reply #8 on: December 07, 2009, 02:01:32 AM »
I don't know any specific numbers, but if you go into any respectable company, you're almost always going to find a good number of Jews in management positions. The same is true of most financial institutions and universities, too. I can't name any homogeneous Jewish communities right off the top of my head, they're more likely to be found intermixed with goyim.

When I said, "as are the gentiles", I meant that both Jews that live here and other non-blacks tend to be conservative.

No, there are no major Muslim politicians that I know of.

As far as intermarriage is concerned, it's typically Jewish women marrying Gentile men.

Marriage between non-Jewish whites and blacks is not all that common and looked down upon by most. I don't know of any Jews that married blacks or Arabs. Marriage between blacks and Arabs isn't common, either.

Offline IsraeliGovtAreKapos

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Re: Ask the Southern Jew, GWallenberg
« Reply #9 on: December 07, 2009, 02:05:28 AM »

I undersand. I want to move my question about the gender further, what do you think, are there more Jew girl-Gentile guy marriage or Jew guy-Gentile girl in US? Where is intermarriage common the most? Are there many so-called anti-Zionist Jews in US and are there more patriots?

Offline Every Jew AK47

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Re: Ask the Southern Jew, GWallenberg
« Reply #10 on: December 07, 2009, 03:40:50 AM »
Shalom GWallenberg,
What state you from if I can ask?  I am thinking I might consider living in the deep south or southeastern, because the Pac NW , as beautiful and free as it is, is limited with its Jewish communites.  There are Jews here ,but more reformed in teh small little town I live.    You're a southerner, so I assume you are into guns, right?   DO you have lot of gentile friends?  DO you have lot of Jewish friends?   

Ron, you may be interested, but Houston, Texas has a very large and growing religious Orthodox Jewish community.   Many Jews are settlign in places like the south because the rent is cheaper and many jobs are available. Also, many more conservative and religious Jews feel happier in the more conservative south than the liberal and left wing northeast, midwest or west coast, where many Jews have been residing.  I talked to a religious Orthodox Jew from a Jewish community outside Houston and he said the community is flourishing and the Jews live very peaceful lives there.  Also one advantage that JEws have living in Texas or southern states is they are free to own as many firearms to protect their community as possible. If Jews are stuck in liberal hellholes like New York or Chicago, they are incarcerated by the authoritairan communist governments that rule those cities and states.   Happily, Jews are starting to migrate around and losing the ghetto mentality we previously had of having to live in one spot.  THere are flourishing Jewish communities now all over USA.

Here is an interesting link pointing to one such network and community in Houston area:

BTW.. Not many muslim have political power in USA, except the one big monkey muslim who pretends to be our president.  Lot of states elect local officials.  Muslims are not loved in deep south, nor in the libertarian free states of Montana, Wyoming or Idaho.
Please keep the Kahanist movement strong and free of internal strife and drama.

Offline Zelhar

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Re: Ask the Southern Jew, GWallenberg
« Reply #11 on: December 07, 2009, 11:08:49 AM »
Shalom GWallenberg,

Since you chose Hertzel as your avatar, are you aware that he is actually quite controversial ?

He organized the first zionist congress and he gave the zionist movement a big push forward.
On the other hand- He was anti-religious socialist, at one time he contemplated a crazy plan to have all the Jews of Europe (except himself) convert to Christianity. He was in fact only zionist because he came to the conclusion, which happened to be correct, that the Jews in Europe have no future and they face genocide. This is also why Hertzel was inclined to accept the "Uganda plan", which was opposed to by just about every other zionist at the time. 

Offline GWallenberg

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Re: Ask the Southern Jew, GWallenberg
« Reply #12 on: December 07, 2009, 12:05:33 PM »

I undersand. I want to move my question about the gender further, what do you think, are there more Jew girl-Gentile guy marriage or Jew guy-Gentile girl in US? Where is intermarriage common the most? Are there many so-called anti-Zionist Jews in US and are there more patriots?

That's a hard question to answer, Ron. I couldn't tell you which (Jewish female/Gentile male or Jewish male/Gentle female) is more common in other parts of the country. However, if I had to guess where intermarriage is the most common, I'd say it's most likely in the areas where more Jews are liberal; New York, the Northeast in general, California, etc. In those same places is also where I'm guessing you'd find most non-religious, anti-Zionist Jews.

Offline GWallenberg

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Re: Ask the Southern Jew, GWallenberg
« Reply #13 on: December 07, 2009, 12:12:07 PM »
Shalom GWallenberg,
What state you from if I can ask?  I am thinking I might consider living in the deep south or southeastern, because the Pac NW , as beautiful and free as it is, is limited with its Jewish communites.  There are Jews here ,but more reformed in teh small little town I live.    You're a southerner, so I assume you are into guns, right?   DO you have lot of gentile friends?  DO you have lot of Jewish friends?   

I'm in South Carolina, and you'll probably be equally disappointed in regards to homogeneous Jewish communities. There are Jewish populations, yes, but they tend to be more spread out and Jewish communities tend to be few and far between. That's the case in the Southeast, at least. Like you said, there are large Jewish populations and communities in Southern/Western states like Texas.

Yes, I'm into guns. I wouldn't say I'm a gun nut or anything like that, but I certainly exercise my right to bear arms. Besides, many areas around here have a very high black population, so carrying is imperative for any non-black.

Ron, you may be interested, but Houston, Texas has a very large and growing religious Orthodox Jewish community.   Many Jews are settlign in places like the south because the rent is cheaper and many jobs are available. Also, many more conservative and religious Jews feel happier in the more conservative south than the liberal and left wing northeast, midwest or west coast, where many Jews have been residing.  I talked to a religious Orthodox Jew from a Jewish community outside Houston and he said the community is flourishing and the Jews live very peaceful lives there.  Also one advantage that JEws have living in Texas or southern states is they are free to own as many firearms to protect their community as possible. If Jews are stuck in liberal hellholes like New York or Chicago, they are incarcerated by the authoritairan communist governments that rule those cities and states.   Happily, Jews are starting to migrate around and losing the ghetto mentality we previously had of having to live in one spot.  THere are flourishing Jewish communities now all over USA.

Here is an interesting link pointing to one such network and community in Houston area:

BTW.. Not many muslim have political power in USA, except the one big monkey muslim who pretends to be our president.  Lot of states elect local officials.  Muslims are not loved in deep south, nor in the libertarian free states of Montana, Wyoming or Idaho.

You've got that right!

Offline Every Jew AK47

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Re: Ask the Southern Jew, GWallenberg
« Reply #14 on: December 08, 2009, 01:49:40 AM »
Cool.. So, if I come to South Carolina we can go shootin sometime I hope..  Do you hunt?  I know some tell me its against Torah to hunt animals..  I know hunting is big pastime around here and I would think it is in the south too.. If you don't hunt, and I assume you don't, what do people think when you say you cannot go bag an elk with them?  I assume they have no problem that you don't join them.. A few people have been disappointed with me when I say I won't join them on the elk hunts.  I guess elk meat isn't kosher anyway..

Do you think culling animals is against Torah?  We have a major coyote problem around here and others asked me to go take down some coyotes, since that is the only way to control the population... Would that go against halacha?
Please keep the Kahanist movement strong and free of internal strife and drama.

Offline GWallenberg

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Re: Ask the Southern Jew, GWallenberg
« Reply #15 on: December 08, 2009, 02:30:50 AM »
Nah, I don't hunt. Elk meat can be kosher, but shooting them is not. Friends have never had a problem with me not going hunting with them, but tough luck if they ever do  ;D

Your last question is interesting...I really don't know? It's for the betterment of the population and I wouldn't think that it's considered cruel. Can anyone answer this?

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Re: Ask the Southern Jew, GWallenberg
« Reply #16 on: December 14, 2009, 09:39:19 AM »
MEMPHIS has a pretty close tied Jewish Population my brother lived their.And yes his friend in Memphis married Flight Attendent but she's from Texas and she converted to Judaism before she knew him 

from youtube                 
« Last Edit: December 14, 2009, 09:51:52 AM by mord »
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Re: Ask the Southern Jew, GWallenberg
« Reply #17 on: December 14, 2009, 08:25:56 PM »
Could you answer Zelhar's question? Why do you have Herzl in your avatar?