I really admire that! Sincerely, you are quite an inspiration. I wish I knew more people like you..
You know, the girl that will eventually have you is going to be the luckiest lady beneath the sky, no question about it.
You don't need to insult me with back-handed compliments. Bear in mind that I have never had girlfriends. I suffer enough already.
you don't need to be upset. I never intended to insult you. I truely sympathize with you and feel for your situation. Everything I said was out of genuine sincerity. Please forgive me if I failed to express myself properly.
Ever since I heard your questions to Chaim Ben-Pessach on the "Ask JTF" shows (to whom I listen on a regular basis), I've become pretty curious about you. In fact, that was one of the main reasons why I decided to join this forum in the first place! (yea, believe it or not..

Anyway, after reading a bit here and a bit there I got amazed by your poetic style of writing and by the impressive gentle type of person that you are. I mean, I really like you...

(as much as it seems insulting to you, probably due to misinterpreting me completely.)
All in all, I just wanted to tell you that I do believe you are for something special, because you are special. I was not kidding, and in no way was this a "
back-handed compliment" like you said (or have you been flattering me too up to this moment and I somehow haven't noticed..?

Everybody has a purpose in life. Yours MUST be out there waiting, and it's your mission to find it. If you believe in G-d, G-d will guide and lead you right to it, because G-d loves the brave and the courageous peoples, and dislike the faithless ones. I hope soon enough you'll be blessed to see, with G-d's help, what your soul really craves.
Goodluck to you !