This twitter seems like a lot of hot air... People who spend their time twittering are really living in a fantasy world. They act like armchair generals but they live in a vacuum. I've been around the internet since it's creation, and every year the 'social networking' tools get vainer and vainer.
Back in grandpa mumans days we had the following : USENET, IRC, and HTTP. And believe it or not we were able to get our ideas out and make changes to the world because this is what everyone in the computer world did... Now we have the facebooks, the twitters, and the micro-blogs so that every dick jane and harry can get their opinions, no matter how stupid, out there.... I don't know, does anyone agree with me? Is this really progress? I think we have slid into people making up their own realities and attempting to persuade others to believe in the idiot bloggers opinions. Back in grandpa mumans day we had a thing called Journalism, and it was a art and a science... If you were unable to act as a journalist, with the facts and the interest of the reader in mind, you would not get a spot on the limited media news outlets.
I read on these 'blogs' and 'talkbacks' the most insane conspiracy theories... Everyone here knows that I HATE WITH A PASSION anyone who denies that the Muslims were behind 9/11, especially those who think GW bush did it... And those who think that the Jews helped GW bush do it.... I hate them with a hate reserved for those who I can be motivated to violence. I read these 'armchair generals' ideas about how 9/11 was really a inside job.... I would like to respond to their perverted ideas but I am sure that nothing I can say will alter their perception, same with leftists, same with Nazis, and same with Wahabbi Islamists. They all subscribe to an insane ideology which clouds their perception.