It's no exception.
What A7 defines as "Qur'anic passages.." is totally BS. The Qur'an defines the whole earth as being divided into 2:
1.) Dar il-Islam - House of Islam , territories controlled by Muslims, the "believers".
2.) Dar il-Harb - House of war, territories that according to the Muslims theology were "stolen" (since "Allah"'s land is the whole earth, therefore, the whole earth belongs to the Muslims, according to Islam) by the "Kuffars" ("unbelievers", "non-believers", non-Muslims) and therefore they should be "liberated" by the Muslims and all means are ok.
This Qur'anic "passages" he's talking about are quotes from Lil-Assrah Wa Il-Ma'arraj (the Qur'anic verson of the Haditich "story" of "Muhammad's Night Journey"), part of Suraht il-Mackia (Sira of Macka). Back then, Muhammad wanted the Jews to like him, and therefore he copied many Jewish concepts (Monotheism for example) and also, added a part containing a Divine promise of the Land of Israel for the Jewish people.
But Suraht Il-Mackia, is NOT relavent any longer. According to the new, relavent version of the Qur'an, that Muhammad dictated to his slave in il-Yathrab (Madinah), Suraht il-Madinah (the Sira of il-Madinah), the Jewish people are hated by "Allah", and they should be murdered, robbed, humiliated, by the Muslims, with the help of "Allah".