long as the target of your racist venom is innocent white people, blatant racism is apparently a good career move. Racism is apparently far more alive and well in America than we thought, only now the targets of this ugliness are people of pallor.
According to Paul Mirengoff over at Power Line Blog, the 88 Duke professors who falsely accused Duke lacrosse players of raping a black stripper have not only not been punished for their outrageous accusations - none of which any of the 88 have retracted - but have been positively rewarded.
One of the racist accusers is now head of Duke's Academic Council, the highest elected position a faculty member can hold. Three other members have been hired to prestigious positions at prominent universities
One of them is Houston Baker, who has been hired to teach at Vanderbilt. Here is what Mirengoff wrote about Baker:
The demagogic Baker excoriated the lacrosse team for their "silent whiteness" and their "white, male, athletic privilege." He called for the "immediate dismissals" by Duke of "the team itself and its players," to combat the "abhorrent sexual assault, verbal racial violence, and drunken white male privilege loosed amongst us." After the innocence of the accused players had become clear, Baker received an email from the mother of a member of the lacrosse team (who hadn't been accused) asking if he would reconsider his earlier statements. Baker responded, by typing "LIES" and indicating that his correspondent was the mother of a "farm animal." Eventually Baker, a post-modernist if nothing else, fell back to arguing that it didn't matter whether the rape allegations were true.
Many Americans think we busted up racism in academia in the 1960s, but they're wrong. Prejudice, bigotry, hatred, and campus versions of lynching are back with a vengeance and back in style - as long as you pick the right racial breed to assault.