Author Topic: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?  (Read 34906 times)

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I think the term "Hiphop Nation" would work better in this situation.


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I think the term "Hiphop Nation" would work better in this situation.
What does that mean? "Hip Hop Nation?"


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Yes you must be for real.  I note the negative over the positive because that is the reality of our topic.  As for your comment about the bus, you may read my comments to what I said.  Did I say anything that I hate all blacks or just some blacks or a certain type of black?  As a matter of fact, I'd not like to sit next to any negative portion of the white or any community.  As a matter of fact the least type of individual I'd not which to sit next to would be a Liberal anti-Jew "Jew".

Please, you must have not read what I have stated earlier.  I like good people of any race.  I do not judge based on the color of ones skin, which I've stated numerous times on this forum, but solely on deed.  So I'd be happy to sit next to you or any good individual no matter whom they are providing the are not products of our "progressive" culture.

Black culture, This totally depends what type of black culture.  If it is African, I'd say not because it is very primal, uncivilized and immoral in most respects.  If it is southern Christian/Baptist culture, not a problem as they are very nice people (mostly the older generation) and have very tasty  If it is the "Urban" black culture that one finds in virtually every major city through out North America and even Europe I'd say not due to its modern day revertion of their primal culture found in Africa.... 

All honesty, I remember the days when Black people made very good music......Jazz, Blues all the way to Motown etc. Whoa, those were the days... Now we have this vile rap noise...
Like I said though... what ELSE do you know about black culture besides the fact that there are some evil blacks and that 'hip hop' is part of the culture.

For instance, the songs you're talking about, which songs made by black artists were "Good" to you. And another thing, what do you know about the songs that are written now by black artists? What do you know about Black America's food? What else do you think we have in our culture?

Offline MarZutra

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I gave you an honest over view of what part of black culture I like.  I even suggest some types of music I like without going into specifics as there are many good blues, Jazz, swing and Motown artists.  Too many for me to list here.  I am honest what can I say.  You might thank me instead of trying to pick apart my positive notes I have displayed. 

You said your husband was in the Military.  Next time he is home you might wish to tell him to quit.  I support the military but with such quislings in power and traitorist aspects in the highest levels of government the war was lost from the beginning.  There should be no Geneva Conventions; "rules of engagement" etc.  If it is War it is WAR to send those bastards back to Hell where they came from.  Actually, I hope the US military finds a Conservative General that will use the American Military towards a Coup dragging all of these Globalist traitors selling out our countries towards their Socialist World Dictatorial "Utopianist" goals...  They should all face a firing squad in my opinion..

On another note, as one whom has been to Africa, I must ask many questions.  In comparing African Americans with Jewish Americans; Jewish Americans who hold great admiration for their "Jewishness" and love for their homeland sell all of their belingings and immigrate to Eretz.  Now I know from first hand that Africa is, perhaps the most scenic place on Earth with so much development potential.  I know this is contra to cultural aspects of Africa but seems logical to me for one to want to assist their brethren no?  Why do African Americans not say the hell with all this "racial" crap (which we have chatted about) and sell their belongings or even petition the American governmnet for emmigration funding to return to Africa and build it like the Jews had done to Eretz.  Of course whites cannot go as in many places they are being hacked to death.  Land is cheap, they are crying for professionals and learned people to aid their communities.  Your husband could be a well paid General there that could train the Africans to take back their countries from the murderous and expansionous Muslims/Arabs...  Africa is still largely in totally Black hands and not Arab and most certainly not white...  Very good business opportunities in my opinion...

One would think that one would want to go and actually make changes and do positive for their own no?  I always see Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and other parasites that exploit ol-whitey but never seem to really help their own...only at the expense of Ol-whitey. 

If I was an educated Black person I'd most likely want to return to Africa, buy a nice piece of land, get a good government job or open a business there and influence the local community towards positive growth no?  Just a question....   :)
« Last Edit: May 21, 2007, 05:06:00 PM by MarZutra »
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.


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I gave you an honest over view of what part of black culture I like.  I even suggest some types of music I like without going into specifics as there are many good blues, Jazz, swing and Motown artists.  Too many for me to list here.  I am honest what can I say.  You might thank me instead of trying to pick apart my positive notes I have displayed. 

You said your husband was in the Military.  Next time he is home you might wish to tell him to quit.  I support the military but with such quislings in power and traitorist aspects in the highest levels of government the war was lost from the beginning.  There should be no Geneva Conventions; "rules of engagement" etc.  If it is War it is WAR to send those bastards back to Hell where they came from.  Actually, I hope the US military finds a Conservative General that will use the American Military towards a Coup dragging all of these Globalist traitors selling out our countries towards their Socialist World Dictatorial "Utopianist" goals...  They should all face a firing squad in my opinion..

On another note, as one whom has been to Africa, I must ask many questions.  In comparing African Americans with Jewish Americans; Jewish Americans who hold great admiration for their "Jewishness" and love for their homeland sell all of their belingings and immigrate to Eretz.  Now I know from first hand that Africa is, perhaps the most scenic place on Earth with so much development potential.  I know this is contra to cultural aspects of Africa but seems logical to me for one to want to assist their brethren no?  Why do African Americans not say the hell with all this "racial" crap (which we have chatted about) and sell their belongings or even petition the American governmnet for emmigration funding to return to Africa and build it like the Jews had done to Eretz.  Of course whites cannot go as in many places they are being hacked to death.  Land is cheap, they are crying for professionals and learned people to aid their communities.  Your husband could be a well paid General there that could train the Africans to take back their countries from the murderous and expansionous Muslims/Arabs...  Africa is still largely in totally Black hands and not Arab and most certainly not white...  Very good business opportunities in my opinion...

One would think that one would want to go and actually make changes and do positive for their own no?  I always see Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and other parasites that exploit ol-whitey but never seem to really help their own...only at the expense of Ol-whitey. 

If I was an educated Black person I'd most likely want to return to Africa, buy a nice piece of land, get a good government job or open a business there and influence the local community towards positive growth no?  Just a question....   :)
What's with this "Back to Africa" movement? LOL Not every black person wants to go there. Not every AFRICAN wants us there because to them, we're sell-outs because our ancestors "allowed" themselves to be sold into slavery. And people like you ALWAYS say 'go back to Africa' as if we've been there. lol WHy? I'm not telling you to go back to Israel or the white man to go back to Europe...or the Hispanics to go back to Spain. Remember, America rightfully belongs to the Native Americans who inhabited it before it was given a name. In that case, every ONE of us should go back to where our ancestors came from.

I'd like to visit Africa with my children and husband one day but I wouldn't like to live there.

About my husband being in the military and your suggestion that I tell him to quit; not going to happen. He's been in 16 years and only has 4 more to go before he retires. I've stood beside him since his 3rd year in, and I'll stand beside him when he retires honorably. He didn't choose the President that's leading this country now. In fact, Clinton was in office when my husband graduated high school and enlisted. But even with that said, eventhough he's going to Iraq under Bush's command, he's no punk. He'll stay there and fight for our freedom and I'll be just as proud as I am now of him. So no, I won't ask him to quit. He's a grown man and knows what he's doing.

And I didn't think I was being too pushy about the music I asked you to name. Motown is all but gone now, so the sound of the 50's and 60's went with it. I wanted to see which era  you'd actually grown up in and the last time you actually listened to black music so that I could make a fair comparison to the r&B music that's out now, and that I grew up with.

Familiar with Chaka Khan
Average White Band
Bobby Caldwell
Aretha Franklin
Kindred The Family Soul
Erykah Badu
India Arie
R. Kelly
Kelly Price

Offline MarZutra

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Firstly, I didn't tell you to go back to Africa.  Let's get that straight and up front ok.  It is a logical conclusion for anyone who has great respect for their heritage which, in my opinion is a worthy and a rightous thing. 

It is good that your husband is going to retire.  Good for him.  I pray for him and his safety.  The fact that one cannot go there and fight for our freedom.  If our Armies were really fighting a war this would have been over a long time ago.  One cannot fight a battle with both hands tied behind ones back and have to cater to and have mercy on those whom pray for our subjugation, conversion or death in their effort to further Dar Al Islam and their globalist/marxist utopianist supporters that are committing treason daily.  This is why Israel is still suffering after 100+ years of battling these vermin.

A very good list of artists.  I happen to like BB. King, Muddy Waters, John Hooker, Etta James, Ella Fitzgerald, Louis Armstrong, Jelly Roll Morton, Benny Goodman, Glenn Miller, Artie Shaw, Cab Calloway, Count Basie, Duke Ellington, Miles Davis, John Coltrane, Thelonius Monk....The Pointer Sisters, Supremes, Smokey Robinson....  Of course these are just a small lists of artists with fabulous sounds and tremendous artistic abilities......   Better?
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.


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Firstly, I didn't tell you to go back to Africa.  Let's get that straight and up front ok.  It is a logical conclusion for anyone who has great respect for their heritage which, in my opinion is a worthy and a rightous thing. 

It is good that your husband is going to retire.  Good for him.  I pray for him and his safety.  The fact that one cannot go there and fight for our freedom.  If our Armies were really fighting a war this would have been over a long time ago.  One cannot fight a battle with both hands tied behind ones back and have to cater to and have mercy on those whom pray for our subjugation, conversion or death in their effort to further Dar Al Islam and their globalist/marxist utopianist supporters that are committing treason daily.  This is why Israel is still suffering after 100+ years of battling these vermin.

A very good list of artists.  I happen to like BB. King, Muddy Waters, John Hooker, Etta James, Ella Fitzgerald, Louis Armstrong, Jelly Roll Morton, Benny Goodman, Glenn Miller, Artie Shaw, Cab Calloway, Count Basie, Duke Ellington, Miles Davis, John Coltrane, Thelonius Monk....The Pointer Sisters, Supremes, Smokey Robinson....  Of course these are just a small lists of artists with fabulous sounds and tremendous artistic abilities......   Better?
A lot better, thanks. You're into Big Band , blues and Jazz I see. I don't hate you for it. I can listen to most of it because my grandfather had a huge collection of the artists you named. All in LP's. I'm hoping that the next time I visit, my grandmother will let me have a few albums for my own collection.

Thelonius Monk was a great musician... I came into the world when his son Thelonius Monk, Jr. debuted his song, "Bon Bon Vie." I was born in 1974 but the song came out in '79, I think. Its also my girls' favorite song, among other songs by Earth Wind and Fire, LTD, Confunkshun...

And you're right, this isn't a war we're fighting. It has no purpose at all... but since we're in it, we'd might as well do what we're there to do. No thanks to Bush that over 2,000 of our troops have parished because of his faux pa.

Offline MarZutra

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Copied from another tread: The one regime Iran feared has now been taken out of power.  This has been a pathetic blunder.  What was the "Project for the New American Century" obsessed with Iraq?

Once Clinton passed the "Iraq Liberation Act", I think the Iraq War was probably inevitable.  John McCain and Joe Lieberman were two of the biggest supporters of invading.  So if McCain was president or if Lieberman was VP under Gore, I think there's a good chance the war still would have occurred.  Gore supported Clinton's "wagging the dog."  I think Gore opposed the war only because he wanted to disagree with Bush.  Clinton agreed with the war and Gore probably  agreed with him on just about everything.

I feel, in all honesty that this war was another outcome of the debased leadership of the CFR/Trilateral/Fabian/Roundtable/Bilderberg Clintonius Adminstration to foward their Globalist intentions, of which Bush is a full partner, to destabalize the Middle East and create a real war....with the outcome logical...

These people are traitors of the highest level and are the drek of the Earth...
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.


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When I had a capitol one cc I always has to deal with apes. I dont care what race you are as long as you can do the job right. After messed up bills and babboons cursing me over the telephone I told them to stick it. I have alot of stories to tell woth affirmative action people. ALOT
Cosmo, why do you and everyone else here always call black people "Affirmative action" people?

Offline MarZutra

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Cosmo is the PERFECT person you have chosen to ask for an answer....  I too await his learned and probably blunt response...
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.

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Yesterday afternoon I was watching C-span 3 while I was working on my computer and they had a 'hip hop summit' from 2004 or something like that. They had the usual suspects, cornel west, ben chavis (the womanizer who bankrupt the national association for the advancement of criminal people and the nation of islam for his harassment of the females of his species), cyntia mckinney (smack that cop), martin lucifer king the third, and a creature named chuck d. The purpose of this 'summit' was to clean up rap noise. What was funny about it was that everything that came out of chuck d's mouth was f, mf, n and on and on. Every other word was a four letter curse. Of course, when he finished words and compliments such as 'brilliant', 'right on', 'insight', 'keeping it real' and 'he tells it like it is'. These people are completely hopeless, I have serious doubts as to whether they will ever advance at all. If this is the best their intellecturals can come up with, they are in worse trouble than even I thought.


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Yesterday afternoon I was watching C-span 3 while I was working on my computer and they had a 'hip hop summit' from 2004 or something like that. They had the usual suspects, cornel west, ben chavis (the womanizer who bankrupt the national association for the advancement of criminal people and the nation of islam for his harassment of the females of his species), cyntia mckinney (smack that cop), martin lucifer king the third, and a creature named chuck d. The purpose of this 'summit' was to clean up rap noise. What was funny about it was that everything that came out of chuck d's mouth was f, mf, n and on and on. Every other word was a four letter curse. Of course, when he finished words and compliments such as 'brilliant', 'right on', 'insight', 'keeping it real' and 'he tells it like it is'. These people are completely hopeless, I have serious doubts as to whether they will ever advance at all. If this is the best their intellecturals can come up with, they are in worse trouble than even I thought.
So it dosen't make you happy that at LEAST someone is forming a summit to clean up rap music, you have to bash it, right? Great. I really think that even if Chuck D didn't use profanity ( I didn't see it), you'd still think negatively about the forum.

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I had a Mexican student - born in the US, speaking English without an accent - who wrote completely without punctuation. And I don't just mean commas; periods also. She wrote pages of text without any separation into sentences. This was a college student.


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I had a Mexican student - born in the US, speaking English without an accent - who wrote completely without punctuation. And I don't just mean commas; periods also. She wrote pages of text without any separation into sentences. This was a college student.

My wife teaches at an international language school and says that by far Latin Americans are the stupidest.

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God help these teachers that have to teach at these schools with a bunch of savages.  Chaim mentioned about his father teaching in the public school and what creatures they are.

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I went of a job fair this morning, Sat. June 2, and I was shocked to see that some of the africans showed up with no resume, with baseball hats turned in all kinds of directions, in shorts and tee shirts with the foulest sayings on them. Don't these things have any common sense at all? This was a job fair for high tech positions, I was amazed. Due to affrimative action, some of these creatures will be hired. If you know anything about engineering or Architectural firms, they hire the negroes as 'diversity directors', 'community communicatiosn specialist', 'Director of minority recruiting', 'Vice President of Inclusion' are you guys getting the picture. In a way these make believe jobs are nothing more that an added tax to the public. Who do you think pays for these 70 to 100 grand salaries for these incompetents? The clients. It sick out there and it is getting sicker.


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I went of a job fair this morning, Sat. June 2, and I was shocked to see that some of the africans showed up with no resume, with baseball hats turned in all kinds of directions, in shorts and tee shirts with the foulest sayings on them. Don't these things have any common sense at all? This was a job fair for high tech positions, I was amazed. Due to affrimative action, some of these creatures will be hired. If you know anything about engineering or Architectural firms, they hire the negroes as 'diversity directors', 'community communicatiosn specialist', 'Director of minority recruiting', 'Vice President of Inclusion' are you guys getting the picture. In a way these make believe jobs are nothing more that an added tax to the public. Who do you think pays for these 70 to 100 grand salaries for these incompetents? The clients. It sick out there and it is getting sicker.
How in the world could you possibly know that these blacks who horribly represented themselves will be hired? You have a self-defeatist attitude. But guess what, if you give negative energy to any situation, that's what you get.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2007, 04:49:26 PM by Imerica »

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Dear Imerica,
I hope you sitting dowm when you read this, but I am blaming white liberals for this mess. These black kids, that right they were kids in their late teens and early twenties have been conditioned by liberals, the vast majority white, to use their color as a shield. They have told that anything they do is part of their 'culture' and white employers must take it or pay the price. I actually know some black guys that are competent and can go head to toe with any one in my field. It really annoys me to see these guys actually cringe when they say some black kid come in a really do things that any normal person of any color would never do. I have see dumb white kids also. But by and large it is the black kids that push it to the limit. Here in New York City at the college I attend we have all kinds of special programs to keep black guys from failing, they go over the top with all kinds of help and the sad part is that it doesn't work.It is the mindset that has been driven into these kids by liberal morons. When they know that they can take advantage of the system they will do it. Blacks must decide to get their act together and stop this oncoming train wreck. Whit the large amounts of Asians and hispanics employers now can not hire any blacks and still fill out the minority reports that go to the government without any worry about being sued by EEOC. They will employ an Asian before a black. This is a fact of life. Like it or not this is what is happening right now. Someone will hire some of these kids that showed up today out of fear. They will give him a special title and let him sit at a desk just pushing papers around. I am sorry but this is the truth. This makes most whites prejudge blacks and it does someone like you no good at all to be prejudged. But something must be done, because more and more black youth will fall right through the cracks. Tell as many of the kids you see to stop this type of behaviour for their own good if they don't want to be pushed aside.

Offline MarZutra

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I went of a job fair this morning, Sat. June 2, and I was shocked to see that some of the africans showed up with no resume, with baseball hats turned in all kinds of directions, in shorts and tee shirts with the foulest sayings on them. Don't these things have any common sense at all? This was a job fair for high tech positions, I was amazed. Due to affrimative action, some of these creatures will be hired. If you know anything about engineering or Architectural firms, they hire the negroes as 'diversity directors', 'community communicatiosn specialist', 'Director of minority recruiting', 'Vice President of Inclusion' are you guys getting the picture. In a way these make believe jobs are nothing more that an added tax to the public. Who do you think pays for these 70 to 100 grand salaries for these incompetents? The clients. It sick out there and it is getting sicker.
That was a fabulous post of reality.  Kol hakovod to you.  This is so true.  They get hired because of Affirmative Action, Quota Systems and azzholes like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackoff extorting business owners via the racial card.  All, as fjack stated, products of the Liberal/Communist mind. To avoid publicity these entities fjack speaks about creates positions that are really useless.  It is not a self defeatist attitude, it is reality. 

I thought you were Christian Imerica?  The reason why I ask you is because there is no such thing as "negative" and "positive" energy.  This is a product of that Hindu/Gnostic Eastern esoteric pagan religions.  You know Imerica, there is a very good book you might enjoy reading....well actually two.  One by Christian Conservative Dr. Paul Johnson called "Modern Times" and Louis Bodens - "Techniques of Communism".  The second is actually quite interesting because it deals with how the white Communists use the Blacks towards their Communist goals.  You will read about M.L. K's dealings as well.  It is actually very interesting...  Dr. Johnsons book is a very good depiction of political and historical reality of Modern Times...

You know, I think that you will love the book: "The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow" - Constance Cumby, "The Rainbow Swastika" - Hannah Newman, "The Occult and the Third Reich" - Jean-Michel Angebert, "Inside the New Age Nightmare" - Randally Baer or perhaps pro-Gnistic books like "The Aqurarian Conspiracy" - Marilyn Ferguson, "Secret Teachings of All Ages" - Manley P. Hall or perhaps books by Madam H. Blavatsky or Alice get an idea of what these gnostic religions are all about, where they come from, what their teachings are and how they promulgate themselves into mainstream society.  "The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America" - C. I. Thompson and "The Underground History of American Education" - John T. Gatto both relay how these "New Age", Eastern Gnosticism have subvertedly infected all areas of Academia and Politics from elementary school to the UN.  The Right to Choose, Euthenasia, Abortion on demand, population control, positive/negative energy, self help thought/meditation, sex ed, "safe sex", right to choose....too many to list... 
« Last Edit: June 02, 2007, 08:48:28 PM by MarZutra »
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.


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I went of a job fair this morning, Sat. June 2, and I was shocked to see that some of the africans showed up with no resume, with baseball hats turned in all kinds of directions, in shorts and tee shirts with the foulest sayings on them. Don't these things have any common sense at all? This was a job fair for high tech positions, I was amazed. Due to affrimative action, some of these creatures will be hired. If you know anything about engineering or Architectural firms, they hire the negroes as 'diversity directors', 'community communicatiosn specialist', 'Director of minority recruiting', 'Vice President of Inclusion' are you guys getting the picture. In a way these make believe jobs are nothing more that an added tax to the public. Who do you think pays for these 70 to 100 grand salaries for these incompetents? The clients. It sick out there and it is getting sicker.
That was a fabulous post of reality.  Kol hakovod to you.  This is so true.  They get hired because of Affirmative Action, Quota Systems and azzholes like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackoff extorting business owners via the racial card.  All, as fjack stated, products of the Liberal/Communist mind. To avoid publicity these entities fjack speaks about creates positions that are really useless.  It is not a self defeatist attitude, it is reality. 

I thought you were Christian Imerica?  The reason why I ask you is because there is no such thing as "negative" and "positive" energy.  This is a product of that Hindu/Gnostic Eastern esoteric pagan religions.  You know Imerica, there is a very good book you might enjoy reading....well actually two.  One by Christian Conservative Dr. Paul Johnson called "Modern Times" and Louis Bodens - "Techniques of Communism".  The second is actually quite interesting because it deals with how the white Communists use the Blacks towards their Communist goals.  You will read about M.L. K's dealings as well.  It is actually very interesting...  Dr. Johnsons book is a very good depiction of political and historical reality of Modern Times...

You know, I think that you will love the book: "The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow" - Constance Cumby, "The Rainbow Swastika" - Hannah Newman, "The Occult and the Third Reich" - Jean-Michel Angebert, "Inside the New Age Nightmare" - Randally Baer or perhaps pro-Gnistic books like "The Aqurarian Conspiracy" - Marilyn Ferguson, "Secret Teachings of All Ages" - Manley P. Hall or perhaps books by Madam H. Blavatsky or Alice get an idea of what these gnostic religions are all about, where they come from, what their teachings are and how they promulgate themselves into mainstream society.  "The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America" - C. I. Thompson and "The Underground History of American Education" - John T. Gatto both relay how these "New Age", Eastern Gnosticism have subvertedly infected all areas of Academia and Politics from elementary school to the UN.  The Right to Choose, Euthenasia, Abortion on demand, population control, positive/negative energy, self help thought/meditation, sex ed, "safe sex", right to choose....too many to list... 
What? You don't think I'm Christian because I talk about accentuating the positive and eliminating the negative? I'm not familiar with the religion you say practices what I said. That was weird.

I'm of the belief that if you put out negativity you'll get it back 10 fold. However, my positivity here seems to be working against me instead of for me. In the Bible, it states < "Do unto others as you'd have them do unto you." In other words, treat people like you want to be treated.

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You had stated "negative energy" which is what specifically I was speaking about.  You didn't specify Negative deeds or pure negativity but "negative energy" which does not exist...   I was just trying to  I agree with your Bible views by the way....
« Last Edit: June 02, 2007, 09:51:25 PM by MarZutra »
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.


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You had stated "negative energy" which is what specifically I was speaking about.  You didn't specify Negative deeds or pure negativity but "negative energy" which does not exist...   I was just trying to  I agree with your Bible views by the way....
A lot of the religions you mention here I am not familiar of. I just know what I witness to be true. When my mom's ex beat us, karma came crashing down around his ears and he started to suffer... And I personally think that his suffering now had a lot to do with the bad deeds he set upon the children and women in his life. The same with my uncle who molested me... he's getting some harsh payback for his abuse on me when I was a wee child. However you don't see me inflicting the same hurt onto my children because I know better. And when you know better you do better.

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Dear you cannot be Christian and believe in Karma.  Karma is purely Gnostic and also revolves around the Cast social system.
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.


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Dear you cannot be Christian and believe in Karma.  Karma is purely Gnostic and also revolves around the Cast social system.
I can SO believe that what goes around comes around. Everytime you do something bad against someone, something equally bad happens to you.  That's not an Eastern Philosophy in my experience. Its a fact. Its like saying, "If you run someone down in your car and never stop to check on the person, that experience will come back to bite you in the behind later, no doubt."

Offline MarZutra

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Dear you cannot be Christian and believe in Karma.  Karma is purely Gnostic and also revolves around the Cast social system.
I can SO believe that what goes around comes around. Everytime you do something bad against someone, something equally bad happens to you.  That's not an Eastern Philosophy in my experience. Its a fact. Its like saying, "If you run someone down in your car and never stop to check on the person, that experience will come back to bite you in the behind later, no doubt."
Actually, that IS Eastern Gnosticism.  Look up Karma and read the who, what, where, when, why, how...etc. surrounding that ideology.  It is NOT a fact.  In Christianity, because its base is in Judaism, as per your example, one will be judged by G-d for running someone down and not stopping.  If you do not believe me, read it for yourself.  This is another example of how much this type of logic/thinking has infected our society replacing the once moral teachings of the Bible...  This is similar to the teachings of Socialism infect and replacing the ideologies that founded our nations: education, politcal, economic and most certainly religion. 
« Last Edit: June 02, 2007, 10:26:35 PM by MarZutra »
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.