Author Topic: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?  (Read 34934 times)

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Dear you cannot be Christian and believe in Karma.  Karma is purely Gnostic and also revolves around the Cast social system.
I can SO believe that what goes around comes around. Everytime you do something bad against someone, something equally bad happens to you.  That's not an Eastern Philosophy in my experience. Its a fact. Its like saying, "If you run someone down in your car and never stop to check on the person, that experience will come back to bite you in the behind later, no doubt."
Actually, that IS Eastern Gnosticism.  Look up Karma and read the who, what, where, when, why, how...etc. surrounding that ideology.  It is NOT a fact.  In Christianity, because its base is in Judaism, as per your example, one will be judged by G-d for running someone down and not stopping.  If you do not believe me, read it for yourself.  This is another example of how much this type of logic/thinking has infected our society replacing the once moral teachings of the Bible...  This is similar to the teachings of Socialism infect and replacing the ideologies that founded our nations: education, politcal, economic and most certainly religion. 
You're amazing. What I think about people getting their comeupins isn't linked to any religion. However, let me concede... I'll say this much, so that we'll never have to touch on this again...that if God always gets bad people in the end, and he always does, why is it okay for you to be negative against people who are evil? Threating actions against bad black people. God'll take care of them, right?

Offline MarZutra

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WE are commanded to rid the world of evilness.  There is no "Turn the other cheek" rubbish in Judaism.  The logic being that if everyone works to rid the world of evilness, what is logically left but only good?  Is it not logical that if one does not confront evilness head on one day that evilness might meet you in a dark ally with a terrible outcome.

Word by the wise: Koholet Raba 7:16 "Those who are kind to the cruel in the end will be cruel to the kind."
or "He who comes to murder you, kill him first." thus, a commandmant to confront and rid the Earth of evilness...  Too the teachings of Genesis 34 are, taking Gaza and the so called "PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazis" as an example, is the liquidation of Gaza.

FYI:  I was raise Christian/Catholic, abandoned it for Socialism/Liberalism.....did immense study on religions and political ideologies before returning...  This is why I know what I do about the various Eastern, and now popular, Gnostic faiths: "New Age", Hinduism, Buddhism, Zoaster, Sufism, Greek Hellenism, Druze etc.....even Islam...

Most people acquire their beliefs from being taught or introduced to their teachings/logic either by a friend, media or schools for example.  My point is that you, like many others...including my sister...who profess to ideologies that are foreign to the teachings of the Bible yet claim to believe in the specific ideologies: Christianity or Judaism.  Subsequently, Reform "Judaism" is riddled with this and that socialist garbage...   as is Mary Baker Eddy's Christian "Science"
« Last Edit: June 02, 2007, 10:47:45 PM by MarZutra »
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.


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WE are commanded to rid the world of evilness.  There is no "Turn the other cheek" rubbish in Judaism.  The logic being that if everyone works to rid the world of evilness, what is logically left but only good?  Is it not logical that if one does not confront evilness head on one day that evilness might meet you in a dark ally with a terrible outcome.

Word by the wise: Koholet Raba 7:16 "Those who are kind to the cruel in the end will be cruel to the kind."
or "He who comes to murder you, kill him first." thus, a commandmant to confront and rid the Earth of evilness...  Too the teachings of Genesis 34 are, taking Gaza and the so called "PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazis" as an example, is the liquidation of Gaza.

FYI:  I was raise Christian/Catholic, abandoned it for Socialism/Liberalism.....did immense study on religions and political ideologies before returning...  This is why I know what I do about the various Eastern, and now popular, Gnostic faiths: "New Age", Hinduism, Buddhism....even Islam...

Most people acquire their beliefs from being taught or introduced to their teachings/logic either by a friend, media or schools for example.  My point is that you, like many others...including my sister...who profess to ideologies that are foreign to the teachings of the Bible yet claim to believe in the specific ideologies: Christianity or Judaism.  Subsequently, Reform "Judaism" is riddled with this and that socialist garbage...   as is Mary Baker Eddy's Christian "Science"

Who said I was kind to the cruel? Oh wait...I've been respectful thusfar to many of you here who have attempted to stomp me into dogmeat... so my bad. From now on, I guess I'll insult people like I've been insulted.

But for the record, I'm NICE to those who are nice to me. But if you're evil I feel nothing for you. The good thing is t hat I won't take what anyone does to me out on an entire culture.

Offline MarZutra

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Firstly, I have not directed anything at you.  You seem to place yourself at the center of every conversation...  I was sharing with you the logic of confronting evilness and not being kind to evil people, all of which has absolutely nothing to do with you.  You seem to like to generalize and apply one position to an entire group.  If you had read any of my posts from the earlier posts or other threads you will see that I have no problems with good black people but only the bad ones....  actually the bad ones of any please do not place words in my mouth.  I am not kind to the cruel and I do not believe in rationalizing, catering, excusing etc. evilness.... 
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.


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Firstly, I have not directed anything at you.  You seem to place yourself at the center of every conversation...  I was sharing with you the logic of confronting evilness and not being kind to evil people, all of which has absolutely nothing to do with you.  You seem to like to generalize and apply one position to an entire group.  If you had read any of my posts from the earlier posts or other threads you will see that I have no problems with good black people but only the bad ones....  actually the bad ones of any please do not place words in my mouth.  I am not kind to the cruel and I do not believe in rationalizing, catering, excusing etc. evilness.... 
I didn't include you either, Matzura. I said "THOSE OF YOU" not "YOU, in general".

Offline MarZutra

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My apologies.....  You are right....  You did not direct at me.  You are correct.  I stand apologies.  The problem I see it is that I posted the logic about not being nice to evil people....  Which I think was misunderstood.  My apologies..
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.

Offline stevefromqueens

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Do I ever - how much time do you have? In the past 10 days alone I have.....

Sat across from a young black woman who pretended to be asleep the minute the Metro North conductor entered our car and announced that he was collecting tickets. She kept up the act even when he gently shook her foot to "wake her up". She went through the usual theatrics - looked tired, started digging through her wallet (very slowly, of course). The conductor went on his way but said he'd be back - he was and she was still digging - insisted she had a ticket and refused to buy another, so he threw her off at the next stop. I have seen this particular scenario acted out more times than I care to remember here in NY;

Visited Philadelphia over the weekend where my friends' shoes were almost stolen by a black woman while we sat with our feet in a fountain cooling off in the heat. She said they would be perfect for her son - offered us $5 for them (only because shewas caught trying to steal them). Only an hour or so later, while buying some bottled water from a vendor, the same friend was assailed by a young black man who insisted he buy him some gum - then there are the assorted black men lying all around the parks asking for money at every turn - I could go on and on..........What a world!

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Do I ever - how much time do you have?

I have all of the time in the world.

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In thy power Almighty, trusting,
Did our fathers build of old;
Strengthen then, O Lord, their children
To defend, to love, to hold
That the heritage they gave us
For our children yet may be:
Bondsmen only to the Highest
And before the whole world free.
As our fathers trusted humbly,
Teach us, Lord, to trust Thee still:
Guard our land and guide our people
In Thy way to do Thy will.

Offline stevefromqueens

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Just returned from Atlantic City. Where hordes of affirmative action hip hoppers have invaded the Tropicana hotel and casino. Some of the wonderous scenes played out there include: a fat black guy with his feet in a decorative fountain; an African queen and her king arguing with each other at a hundred decibel level with only the lovliest of language used, motherf'r this and motherf'r that; at the rest stop gas station more thugs and savage hoodlums, one of whom stole a hot dog from the self serve after buying $15 worth of junk food. But the crowning glory was the dozen or more Indo-something or others jammed into one guest room complete with kids, women wrapped up like mummies and other family members variously squatting and lying on the floor with that third world "hand me a bowl of rice" look. Their hotel room door was open for the world to see and appreciate their squalor. On another quick note. A friend was recently dining with his family at Red Lobster, which attracts blacks like moths to a light bulb. As he was reading the menu he heard a commotion near the kitchen only to see a fine young specimen of black youth running from the kitchen with a live lobster in his hands, as kitchen help chased him throughout the restaurant only to watch him escape out the front door, lobster in tow. I'll bet he rapes that lobster before he eats it!

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stevefromqueens, Thats some story its almost sickening to think that this is what America has become. I am fortunate enough to get quite a few weeks of vacation off each year. More and more the best vacation time I have is when I stay home and not have to deal with the animals you speak of in your story. A nice quiet tree covered yard with a lounge chair some beers or a nice pitcher of Coconut rum with  pineapple juice on cracked ice on a hot day is worth its weight in gold. No nasty animals to disturb the tranquility. This is what we have come in order not to be subjected to wild beasts. Verysad.
He who overlooks one crime invites the commission of another.        Syrus.

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Hey stevefromqueens - what's up with black people and their feet?
You made me laugh when you said a fat black had his feet in a decorative fountain in AC.  :laugh:
Yesterday I was sitting in the waiting room of a doctor's office with my Mom. :)
An attractive black woman came in with her husband.
Before you know it.
Off came her shoes - one at a time.
She picked in between her toes and then she lotioned up her feet.  Probably using Queen Helene's Cocoa Butter.
I tried to give them the - what's up with that look  :o but they just looked right back at me  ;D.
Then I silently prayed that she would get up and wash her hands when she was done.
No such luck.  She proceeded to touch her armrests and some magazines.
It made me wish I had brought a huge can of Lysol with me.
So it really made me laugh when I read your post because if there had been a decorative fountain there she probably would have used it as a foot sauna first.

Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.


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Hey stevefromqueens - what's up with black people and their feet?
You made me laugh when you said a fat black had his feet in a decorative fountain in AC.  :laugh:
Yesterday I was sitting in the waiting room of a doctor's office with my Mom. :)
An attractive black woman came in with her husband.
Before you know it.
Off came her shoes - one at a time.
She picked in between her toes and then she lotioned up her feet.  Probably using Queen Helene's Cocoa Butter.
I tried to give them the - what's up with that look  :o but they just looked right back at me  ;D.
Then I silently prayed that she would get up and wash her hands when she was done.
No such luck.  She proceeded to touch her armrests and some magazines.
It made me wish I had brought a huge can of Lysol with me.
So it really made me laugh when I read your post because if there had been a decorative fountain there she probably would have used it as a foot sauna first.

First of all that was just NASTY!!! Second I would have brought some Lysol also. *I do bring lotion with me wherever I go but only for my hands* I never lotion the feet in front of people...and even avoid doing it in front of my own husband sometimes. lol WOW.

Ummmhummm, is non-word for 'agreement' or in this case, "Yes, she did!". I'm trying not to take offense to some of the things you say here.

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I'm not trying to be offensive to you Imerica.
It was disgusting!  I have never seen anyone lotion their feet in public.
I'm glad that you agree with me.
I wash my hands a million times a day at work - so I always carry hand lotion too.  :)
Just not lotion for my feet.  :laugh:

Yesterday a young man at work (sorry he was black) took his sneakers off and started massaging his feet.  I didn't mention that story!  I wasn't trying to be offensive to you.
I just thought that was an unbelievable encounter. Yuck!

I just have a general question.
What's up with the fountains?
In Flushing Meadow Park (the site of two World's Fairs) I used to see a lot of nonwhites using them as wading pools.  That is really sad.
Even the beautiful fountains underneath the Unisphere. The unisphere is used in many advertisements because it is so beautiful.  I don't believe they were meant to be used as pools.  What makes people do things like this?'s_Fair

Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.


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I'm not trying to be offensive to you Imerica.
It was disgusting!  I have never seen anyone lotion their feet in public.
I'm glad that you agree with me.
I wash my hands a million times a day at work - so I always carry hand lotion too.  :)
Just not lotion for my feet.  :laugh:

Yesterday a young man at work (sorry he was black) took his sneakers off and started massaging his feet.  I didn't mention that story!  I wasn't trying to be offensive to you.
I just thought that was an unbelievable encounter. Yuck!

I just have a general question.
What's up with the fountains?
In Flushing Meadow Park (the site of two World's Fairs) I used to see a lot of nonwhites using them as wading pools.  That is really sad.
Even the beautiful fountains underneath the Unisphere. The unisphere is used in many advertisements because it is so beautiful.  I don't believe they were meant to be used as pools.  What makes people do things like this?'s_Fair

My defining 'ummm,hmmm' was my effort NOT to take offense to the connotation anymore. I'm tired of feeling like the victim here. I'm opening myself up and  just explaining some things now instead of pointing fingers anymore.
As for the fountains... I can't explain it but I'll tell you what, I think it may have something to do with the way some  people act when they don't normally go anywhere. They're not use to being in nice places so they act out of character. For instance, I never did anything remotely close to what those people did in the fountain but when we were first stationed in another country (Spain), I'd greet the locals with "Que Pasa", which means "Whats going on" in espanol. lol Not right at all. I had to learn through the customs how to greet and how to properly name and speak in Spanish with those who speak it so that I could get to know them. My Que Pasa turned into "Hola" "Buenos Dias" "Buenos Noches" "Hasta la vista" "Lo ciento" "Muy Bueno"  "Muchas Gracias" "De nada" "No Bueno" :D and other words that escape me (because its been 7 years since we were there last.) Perhaps if someone would have told them that that wasn't the way to behave in a fountain, which is for viewing purposes only, they'd have humbled themselves and gotten out of the fountain.

I'm from Chicago and one of my favorite sites to see is Buckingham Fountain which, when lit is beautiful at night. If I'd seen someone do that in MY fountain, I'd have snapped.

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I enjoyed reading your story about living in Spain.
I passed up a trip there when I was younger and I regret that decision all the time.
I can understand how you made that mistake - but at least you made an attempt at adapting to the culture.
I'm not sure that what I saw was a lack of understanding.  I think it was more a lack of caring.
I would never think of coming to Chicago - visiting Buckingham Fountain and wading in it just because I was hot.  ;) Even if the area were totally deserted.  ;)
But thanks for trying to make sense of what I think is just bad behavior.
Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.


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I enjoyed reading your story about living in Spain.
I passed up a trip there when I was younger and I regret that decision all the time.
I can understand how you made that mistake - but at least you made an attempt at adapting to the culture.
I'm not sure that what I saw was a lack of understanding.  I think it was more a lack of caring.
I would never think of coming to Chicago - visiting Buckingham Fountain and wading in it just because I was hot.  ;) Even if the area were totally deserted.  ;)
But thanks for trying to make sense of what I think is just bad behavior.

Its a bit of both, lack of understanding and lack of caring. If you don't understand you're not going to care about much. lol My husband always says, its like mind over matter ..."If you don't mind, it don't matter." :D I recieved a lot of flack from fellow Chicagoans when I got married and moved to California 13 years ago but I had to understand that they were hating me because they wish they were me...someone leaving the only place I knew. One thing about experiencing new things and meeting new people is that you always have a chance to make a first impression. I could forgive people getting into the fountain and taking wacky pictures but I could never understand seeing people just wading in the fountain, thinking its a stream or something. Get out of your comfort zone, right?

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It is a very brave and adventurous thing to do - moving place to place.
I have made one big move in my life and it was the most difficult thing I ever had to do.  And I didn't move all that far from where I started.

Well - their being in their comfort zone at all times is a bit trying.

I think what made America great is that we were a civilized people - that seems to be going by the wayside.
Why do we have to adapt and accept this bad behavior?  Why can't you tell people to get out of the fountain? Because it is not PC.  I'm sorry but the cry of racism would rise up.    That is why I often say - nonwhites need to lead this cause.

Anyway - you probably have some interesting stories to tell from all your travels.
Do you have any unbelievable encounters with... ;)

« Last Edit: June 15, 2007, 08:17:46 PM by bullcat3 »
Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.


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It is a very brave and adventurous thing to do - moving place to place.
I have made one big move in my life and it was the most difficult thing I ever had to do.  And I didn't move all that far from where I started.

Well - their being in their comfort zone at all times is a bit trying.

I think what made America great is that we were a civilized people - that seems to be going by the wayside.
Why do we have to adapt and accept this bad behavior?  Why can't you tell people to get out of the fountain? Because it is not PC.  I'm sorry but the cry of racism would rise up.    That is why I often say - nonwhites need to lead this cause.

Anyway - you probably have some interesting stories to tell from all your travels.
Do you have any unbelievable encounters with... ;)

... Spanish locals? Yes... nothing bad though so this might be boring. My 10 year old, Nikko was born in Germany...we were stationed in Spain at the time and the hospital wasn't equipt to take care of me in my condition and my baby...I had to be medi-vacced to Landstahul, Germany to an Army hospital. When we came back after 6 days of trying to re-coop, we visited a mall in Spain. I had Nikko in a harness and my husband was holding our then, 2 year old's hand. As we walked we heard the shuffling of feet behind us. I didn't know what was going on so I slowly turned around and saw about 5 nuns rushing up to us. They touched my 2 year old's hair (because I cornrowed and beaded her hair in preparation for our outing) and touched Nikko's hands. They didn't speak English (duh, Erica) but I understood a little of what they were saying. "Muy Wapa bambinas" which means "Very beautiful baby girls..." It was a different experience because I'd known no one even in my own city who'd behave in that manner. It was beautiful.

I did have one experience while traveling to  a mall in Spain on my way to get some things for my husband's and my 4th anniversary. When I asked the attendant in the isle I was in for help (I needed some black stockings), she mocked me. What happened was I grabbed a package of stockings as an example but I asked for them in Negra...(black). Instead of directing me to the stockings I was looking for, she kept repeating "NEGRA? NEGRA!? (giggling)" I walked away from her without an attitude (although I was a little sad) and looked for my item on my own.

We lived in spain for 3 years..that was the only bad experience I had. :) Sorry if its not tipping on the 'dram-a-meter'. lol

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It is a very brave and adventurous thing to do - moving place to place.
I have made one big move in my life and it was the most difficult thing I ever had to do.  And I didn't move all that far from where I started.

Well - their being in their comfort zone at all times is a bit trying.

I think what made America great is that we were a civilized people - that seems to be going by the wayside.
Why do we have to adapt and accept this bad behavior?  Why can't you tell people to get out of the fountain? Because it is not PC.  I'm sorry but the cry of racism would rise up.    That is why I often say - nonwhites need to lead this cause.

Anyway - you probably have some interesting stories to tell from all your travels.
Do you have any unbelievable encounters with... ;)

... Spanish locals? Yes... nothing bad though so this might be boring. My 10 year old, Nikko was born in Germany...we were stationed in Spain at the time and the hospital wasn't equipt to take care of me in my condition and my baby...I had to be medi-vacced to Landstahul, Germany to an Army hospital. When we came back after 6 days of trying to re-coop, we visited a mall in Spain. I had Nikko in a harness and my husband was holding our then, 2 year old's hand. As we walked we heard the shuffling of feet behind us. I didn't know what was going on so I slowly turned around and saw about 5 nuns rushing up to us. They touched my 2 year old's hair (because I cornrowed and beaded her hair in preparation for our outing) and touched Nikko's hands. They didn't speak English (duh, Erica) but I understood a little of what they were saying. "Muy Wapa bambinas" which means "Very beautiful baby girls..." It was a different experience because I'd known no one even in my own city who'd behave in that manner. It was beautiful.

I did have one experience while traveling to  a mall in Spain on my way to get some things for my husband's and my 4th anniversary. When I asked the attendant in the isle I was in for help (I needed some black stockings), she mocked me. What happened was I grabbed a package of stockings as an example but I asked for them in Negra...(black). Instead of directing me to the stockings I was looking for, she kept repeating "NEGRA? NEGRA!? (giggling)" I walked away from her without an attitude (although I was a little sad) and looked for my item on my own.

We lived in spain for 3 years..that was the only bad experience I had. :) Sorry if its not tipping on the 'dram-a-meter'. lol
No the first story was quite nice.
I don't think I would have walked away in the second story without an attitude.  
That's pretty good if that is the only bad experience you had in three years!

Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.


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It is a very brave and adventurous thing to do - moving place to place.
I have made one big move in my life and it was the most difficult thing I ever had to do.  And I didn't move all that far from where I started.

Well - their being in their comfort zone at all times is a bit trying.

I think what made America great is that we were a civilized people - that seems to be going by the wayside.
Why do we have to adapt and accept this bad behavior?  Why can't you tell people to get out of the fountain? Because it is not PC.  I'm sorry but the cry of racism would rise up.    That is why I often say - nonwhites need to lead this cause.

Anyway - you probably have some interesting stories to tell from all your travels.
Do you have any unbelievable encounters with... ;)

... Spanish locals? Yes... nothing bad though so this might be boring. My 10 year old, Nikko was born in Germany...we were stationed in Spain at the time and the hospital wasn't equipt to take care of me in my condition and my baby...I had to be medi-vacced to Landstahul, Germany to an Army hospital. When we came back after 6 days of trying to re-coop, we visited a mall in Spain. I had Nikko in a harness and my husband was holding our then, 2 year old's hand. As we walked we heard the shuffling of feet behind us. I didn't know what was going on so I slowly turned around and saw about 5 nuns rushing up to us. They touched my 2 year old's hair (because I cornrowed and beaded her hair in preparation for our outing) and touched Nikko's hands. They didn't speak English (duh, Erica) but I understood a little of what they were saying. "Muy Wapa bambinas" which means "Very beautiful baby girls..." It was a different experience because I'd known no one even in my own city who'd behave in that manner. It was beautiful.

I did have one experience while traveling to  a mall in Spain on my way to get some things for my husband's and my 4th anniversary. When I asked the attendant in the isle I was in for help (I needed some black stockings), she mocked me. What happened was I grabbed a package of stockings as an example but I asked for them in Negra...(black). Instead of directing me to the stockings I was looking for, she kept repeating "NEGRA? NEGRA!? (giggling)" I walked away from her without an attitude (although I was a little sad) and looked for my item on my own.

We lived in spain for 3 years..that was the only bad experience I had. :) Sorry if its not tipping on the 'dram-a-meter'. lol
No the first story was quite nice.
I don't think I would have walked away in the second story without an attitude.  
That's pretty good if that is the only bad experience you had in three years!

Living in other countries offers the best experiences because you have a choice to delve into the culture or dissappear into the walls. We chose to get to know our communities and the people in them. We got to attend several Ferias which are held in April, shopped in different places and met beautiful people.

When we were done with our tour in Spain, we were then stationed in Okinawa, Japan. I love America but if I had a choice, I'd move back to Okinawa. Talk about peaceful, beautiful, and bountiful! Wow! The people, even those who protested outside our gates never caused rukkus. All of the villiages there had celebrations almost every month. And the locals, if they saw you struggling ith the language, would take the time to tutor you.

If it weren't for the fact that Okinawa is a itty-bitty-teeny-weeny dot in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, and a Super Typhoon would swallow it hole on a GOOD day, I'd opt to go back after dh retires. (dh- dear husband).

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Very Interesting.
I bet you have some great stories to tell.
I've enjoyed hearing about your travels.
Retirement - I dream about that all the time...but with what a college education will cost it is about a million years away. ;)
Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.


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Very Interesting.
I bet you have some great stories to tell.
I've enjoyed hearing about your travels.
Retirement - I dream about that all the time...but with what a college education will cost it is about a million years away. ;)
I have yet to begin my career. In 4 years I'll be a full-fledged elementary educator. That retirement won't come for 20 years.. oh, joy. I'll be happy to get started though. :)

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Hey newman, do you have your own story to tell?

Learn the truth about rap "music": (Strongly recommended for new members)
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Dixie Outfitters, Preserving Southern Heritage Since 1861:
AfricanCrisis, Africa's Premier Hard News Website:
The Right Perspective, NYC's Most Dangerous Callers to Talk Radio, Airing Live Every Friday Night, 10 PM EST:

In thy power Almighty, trusting,
Did our fathers build of old;
Strengthen then, O Lord, their children
To defend, to love, to hold
That the heritage they gave us
For our children yet may be:
Bondsmen only to the Highest
And before the whole world free.
As our fathers trusted humbly,
Teach us, Lord, to trust Thee still:
Guard our land and guide our people
In Thy way to do Thy will.

Offline MarZutra

  • Ultimate JTFer
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Saw that site above.  Granted the creativity is there but I don't much like some of the content particularly the KKK and the Nazi SS logos.  This, in my opinion is unacceptable.  It is perfectly acceptable to speak out against bad deeds coming from whatever race, but clan and Nazi promotion is simply depressing that anyone especially a Jew would cater or promote such ilk.  My two cents.
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.

Offline MasterWolf1

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Where do I begin, I live in NYC.  Schvartzah stories happens almost every day in this town.  If it isn't cop killing or drug dealing, its auto theft or arson or rape.  But there has been a few I mentioned to Chaim in Ask JTF. Like the subways or at the beach.   But this has turned into the plague in every town across this country.  As for me, an encounter with Schvartzahism, I guess this must of happened to many others here as well,  how many of you parked at the meter, and 90 percent of meter maids in NYC are Schvartzah.  The pretend cop.  They either that, or Paki, or some other interesting bunch, and you park at the meter and you got plenty of time to do what you got to do and return before the meter expires.  You return to your car and got a few mins left and there is the meter maid her 300lbs of fat in a uniform already starting to write tickets even though, you got time still.   And when it comes to other Schvartzah drivers they let them slide, even if their meter has long over expired or double park or park right at the fire pumps and bus stops.  It has happened to me once and I am sure it has happened to many others.