The Lost Tribes of Israel has been cited by many Anti-Semities , for example many of those of European decent state they are the lost tribes of Israel and of Israelite stock, and todays Jews are posers and of Khazar-Edomite admixture. The Arabs state that Mizhari Jews are of Israelitie stock but not the Ashkenazi Jews who are of Khazar decent, and cite that modern day Kurds infact might be of Israelitie stock. According to Arab legend when the Assryians invaded Israel, and took the Northern tribes as captives into Assryia, they hint the term Kurd comes from TaKurado which means in Arabic the Exiled ones. Assryia was Northern Iraq, so if its possible that the Kurds are infact of Israelite stock. The Kurds might have intermarried with the Medians but, they show gentic similarity to the Shepardic Jews. When the Arabs invaded the region of Kurdistan, they infact stated that some practiced the Jaduic faith well others observed Yazadism a religion similar to Zorazersterian faith. The Berber tribes of Libya, and Tunisa also followed the Jaudic faith, and claimed decent from the tribe of LeVi, and ancient Hebraic costume is apparent. The Berbers have been influneced by Phoncieans,Romans,Greeks, and the later Germanic tribes who intermarried with some Berber groups creating the Riffians Berbers who are part Nordic mixed with a Berberid race, and later the Berbers were influneced by the Arab invaders who intermarried with creating The Moorish conqueres of Southern Europe, for example Tariq Ibn Zayed born to Berber father/Arab mother, and vice versa Arab fathers/Berber women. Arabs themselves might have Israelite ancestory, recent gentic studies showed Palestineans have more relations to Jews than to their Arab neighbours, and they carried the Cohen gene. So what happened to the lost tribes? My theory is that the Berbers,Kurds,Arabs, and the Indian Jews are indeed lost tribes of Israel. Europeans and Africans are not the lost tribes of Israel, but are posers.