You picked out a great book.
I am sorry these savage dogs were trying to nip at your heels.
A Rabbi at a synagogue I once attended was heavily insulted by me offering him the chance to listen to the "Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam". He had no refute, except for me to "study Maimonides"... wtf... Maimonides was almost killed by Muslims, and if there is anything worth studying about Rambam and Islam it is his "letter to Yemen". I hate faggots, and this "Rabbi" is a faygala in his "private"(read: PUBLIC) life. Strange a homosexual would stick up for Islam... what's next a charity drive for the Ku Klux Klan?
-I think if I, personally, was accosted by a Muslim for my interest in a book anti-Muslim... two scenarios.
#1, "Claim to be a Muslim outraged at Robert Spencer, and that you are writing a book destroying his ideas" [a bit of taqiyya for the taqiyyaists,LOL, but you never know when a dog is going to bite, sometimes it is best to not fight needless battles... I NEVER waste my time talking to extreme Leftists, nor Muslims... I only care to interact with people on the fence, or people who have made the right choices in modern philosophy]. This is one case where havin
#2, Size the opportunity to test out my Krav Maga in a real life situation. "You want to pick on the Chosen people? Try choosing ME! Rawr!"
Robert Spencer is a great author because he is an honest "fact machine", not a dishonest opinionist like Lewis "Taqqiya" Bernard [may he be drowned in a sea of his own blood].
Death to Mohammedanism. May the ideology be smashed beyond recognition. May all Muslims open their eyes and make teshuvah.