I just wondered why so many Jewish people, in fact I would say a majority of them vote for the Democrats in the US?
When I worked in the States on a Jewish Summer Camp, there were many cars there at the time with anti-republican and also pro-democrat supporting bumper stickers.
When I've also been on holiday in Florida in the past, I've been in bars, pubs and clubs and in some of them I saw quite a lot of anti-Bush stuff on the walls etc and democrat supporting material. When I have spoken with the people there I've been amazed at some of the openly anti-semitic things that have been said from people clearly voting to the left but appearing to be far right. I have since now known what the term Liberal-Fascism/ist refers to. Maybe socialism is the link between the two?
This is why I don't understand the Jewish vote though. Why do majority of Jews in America vote for a party that is on the left and is traditionally supposed to champion civil rights and the rights of minority groups, yet this party also attract and probably has many members that are clearly anti-semitic?
Also I would say that the Democrats have not been as friendly with Israel as the Republicans. I think Bush Junior has probably been just about one of the best allies that Israel has ever had in an American president, I think he has done more for them than just about any previous president.
Another reason why it baffles me is because of the abortion stance of the democrats and republicans. The first thing Obama did when he became president was to provide more funding for abortion, not just in the USA but in aid to foreign nations as well. GWB I believe removed a lot of funding and tightened up laws on abortion, though he did not ban it. Clearly the Sixth commandment is quite specific "You shall not murder", nobody has this right to take life.
Can anyone explain why most Jewish people in the States vote Democrat?