I love Mexican-Americans, my best friend/roomate is a righteous Gentile if there ever was one!
We both HAAAATE "Mojados", or "wet backs" [my roomate taught me the term, so I am being "multicultural"]. It's truly a revolting situation. Valentines day brings out the "flores mojados" selling their cheap, untaxed, flowers and goods on the side of the road. Why these people are not busted by the police for selling illegal goods, and being illegal aliens more importantly is beyond me. I really hate what that demographic does to the entire job market. The come here, take jobs illegally from people who would love to work [SUCH BS that they "do the jobs nobody wants".], and then while fully employed off the table they milk welfare and medical centeres... in no way shape or form do mojados help America. Top it all off that they are willing to live stacked upon each other 3 families per 1 family apartment... all of the entry level jobs are gone... it seems as if the enormous amount of Medical Marijuana dispensaries here in Los Angeles is the only place young people enter into the job market these days... I see 30 of these places, at least, in just the San Fernando Valley. If I had a dollar for each new one that opened up... sheesh.
I also hate "La Raza", and everything they stand for [another discussion]. The fact that Obama put a mojado lover in supreme court is a contributing factor in the choice to never have children while I live in the US. La Raza seeks to add California back into Mexico. WHY people whose ancestors lived in the southern part of Mexico feel as if they actually belong in the well developed enviable state of California in the north... again lost on me. "Your ancestors made the wrong choices, amigos". Mexicans have ruined Mexico and now seek to ruin the US. And they breed like flies... milking welfare yet again. No taxes are ever paid by these mendicants in any form, they only take.
When JTF becomes a mass movement I hope to see the Mexican and Canadian borders fully "land-mined".
When a Mexican murders, rapes, or steals... they can always move to America and get off scott free, and end up in a much better developed country. No es bueno para nosotros; que lastima.
That being said most American-Mexicans I know hate being lumped into the mojado group, despise the mojados backward ways, and are embarrassed to be related in any way. They support deporting these human failures.
"Welcome to America, learn English; we don't take siestas here, compadres. You need to pay your own way. Don't have kids if you cannot afford it."
I almost moved to Mexico for 6 months, a lucrative job offer under the table, just to score one for our team against Mojadoville. Ultimately I decided I might get stuck there, which would be hell on earth. I'd rather work on the table any day. I don't agree with taxes, and I believe in wiggling out of all one can legally, but I am proud to pay the salaries of our military, and to provide our boys [and girls now] with the best weapons and body armor [etc.] available. I am disgusted I have to pay for these human dirt bags families when I could be saving up the same money for a "nest egg" to start my own family [that is a painful fact I HATE].
When we find an illegal mojado, they should not get a trial, they should be stripped butt naked and thrown out of a plane over the southernmost tip of Chile [regardless where they are from originally, it should be an unenviable struggle to regain normalcy]... and then it's, "hasta la vista, baby".
Living in Los Angeles has been an eye opener.