By the way, some of the worst antisemites are Jewish...
Karl Marx, imo, is the biggest auto anti-Semite the world has known. He influenced Stalin, loads of other Russians, and Hitler himself [Hitler hated Bolsheviks, but he himself followed the teachings of Marx, and married them to Nationalism.].
If I could kill any man in history, I often think it would be it would be Karl Marx, although I would be sad I would deny myself the personal pleasure of killing Hitler by "death of a thousand cuts". - Killing Marx means no International Socialism, which in turn means no National Socialism. Pragmatic choice. Not only would 6-9 million Jews be saved [Hitler plus the pogroms], but nearly 90 million other lives would be spared the horrific deaths of Marxism caused genocide [China would be a free country!]. And, Barack Ob-Amalek, would not exist [he, as well as both of his parents are/were disgusting Marxists].