Dear President Obama;
I think you are extremely bright. I know you are Ivy League educated. And I surely wouldn't mind you being my next door neighbor, as you would probably make a great friend. You seem like a nice guy. And it's a pleasure to hear you speak. But unfortunately you are not presidential material. You are a community organizer, and probably a darn good one, but you are not a good president. In fact, you are awesomely bad. You'd rather kiss the feet of the Muslims and dictators of the Middle East than embrace and totally support our best friend in the whole world - - Israel. You love to apologize for America's "sins" of the past, which is a vile, foul, obscene outrage. Why don't you just walk over to Arlington National Cemetery -- it's not such a far walk for you -- and trample the graves of all those young, brave soldiers who made the ultimate sacrifice for America, or deface the Vietnam War Memorial with the thousands of names of our young heroes who died for our country?
You are a leftist and a Socialist, tearing down so much good that
America has built over the past 234 years. You have divided this country to no end.
You were voted in NOT because of a proven track record - - you HAVE NO track record -- you were voted in by Americans who were sick and tired of the
Republicans. You were voted in because of your charm, articulation, and call for "change." (Actually, you are changing America. You're changing it from a proud, first rate world power into a groveling, self deprecating Socialist wreck). In a word, you were voted in by default. And now this great country of ours is paying the price.
Do the right thing Mr. Obama. Resign the presidency. Give America the chance she so richly deserves. Give America the chance to regain her past greatness. Admit that you're best suited for another position. Admit that you can't get the job done. And if you do, sir, I and millions of Americans are sure to be eternally grateful.
Yours truly,
A concerned American