All history tends to support that fact that the Egyptians became a great nation from almost nothing. Most great societies are that way. Now. look at black Africa and name me one great kingdom or society that arose from there? It can't be done. So, given the fact that Egyptian aspirations caused them to build a great kingdom that flourished, and black Africa has never done that supports the assumption that Egyptians were descendants either from Noah's son Japeth or his son Shem. Many scholars support the notion that black africans came from Noah's son Ham. This too lends creedence that the Egyptians were not black africans. Furthermore, we can see from America's own history that when blacks are the majority in an area that area tends to fall into decay. We Jews on the other hand tend to move into bad neighborhoods and the area is revived. Like George Carlin said, You gotta wanna. The decay of an area isn't specifically an American black malady either. Just about all of the nations that had British, or French, or Italian or Portuguese or Dutch influence seemed to flourish; but when the natives kicked those people out all of the nations turned into banana republics again. Can't argue with history.