Some of the video response are

I watched 3 or 4 of these "responses" and I'm still laughing...
It is very interesting to know why they think there's a need for a "black history month", you know they invented the wheel, they discovered America and so on. One of those creature is actually angry with whites and jews because "black history month" is february hence the shortest month

, "You know it's a racist conspiracy, we want a 31 days month! Yeah!"... Oh my lol
The most polite response I saw, there's this guy who says "Yeah, you have good points, I understand what you mean, but you have also have to understand that here in black neighbourhoods, in black communities, in black schools, with the majority of black teachers we still have to listen about George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Christopher Columbus..."

What are you supposed to learn in an American school? They wish to skip Washington, Lincoln and Columbus in favour of WHAT?! Cannibalism?!
BTW if you are tempted to watch these "responses" I advise you (at least for what I saw) that they contain mostly foul language and they are very offensive toward whites in general and jews in particular, so please beware.