Hi everyone,
I can understand how straight men are squeamish about male homosexuality. I feel the same way when I look at Ellen De Generes.
On the other hand, I went to college in Manhattan. I knew plenty of young gay men, as I used to hang out with the artsy crowd. One thing I've always heard from them was how they knew they were different, from a *very* young age. It's not like they woke up one day and decided to sleep with a man just to spite their parents.
Now I've heard people say that these men should try and change. But I disagree. Would any of you want your sisters or your female relatives to marry a man who has to force himself to be attracted to females? It's wrong to do that to any woman.
But anyway, the topic Mo2388 brought up was gay *marriage.* I believe most JTF'ers are against it for religious reasons. But I think what is also bothering people here is how the left is hell bent on shoving it down people's throats through judicial fiat. From what I've seen, most Americans vote against gay marriage. They believe marriage to be for a man and a woman only. However, these people are being overruled by a dictatorship of leftist judges who view our constitution as a "living document."
As I see it, marriage is by definition, a religious ceremony. For the world's main religions, the purpose is for a man and woman to build a home together, and eventually a family. And no religion, as far as I know, condones homosexual relations. (With Islam, only the person on the receiving end is considered homosexual.) So if gay marriage is legalized, that would mean rabbis, ministers, and other religious clergy would be forced to perform these ceremonies, which would be a violation of *their* religious beliefs.
Buy anyway, let's try and keep our language clean.