Chaim and Yacov say that modern day Egyptians are mixed alot with Negriods, but all North Africans are . The Egyptians i have met your light skined to olive skin and mostly looked Southern Europeans, and some had light hair and eyes, and others were dark skined like Iraqis, with Caucasiod facial structures. Also the "Arab" Egyptains are often offened when people say that Egypt was an African civilization. I have been to Egypt, and the only Negriods that i have seen were the Siwa Berbers and Southern Egyptians who claim Nubian decent, and are disircriminated against. I have seen Arab/Egyptian paraings brining European type kids, and throw back genes are very rare. Gentics on modern day Egyptians show them to be of a Caucasiod racial stock, with only non-Caucasiod lineage is Negriod like the Berbers, and its 13%. Al-Sadat was half-Egyptian only, his mom was Sudanese not Egyptian. I know an Egyptian who has straight hair, small nose its high rooted. Egyptians like all North Africans have smaller noses their Levintine/Arabian cousins. The Egyptians correlated closesly to Berbers,Sardanians,and Arabs(invaders). 13% does not change the race, the same could be said about Portugal where it has assimlated Negriod blood, and having around 10% the same level as the Berbers. Remeber this Genyotpical not phenotypical 13% of the Genytoype in the total gene pool is insiginificant. Also Nubians did infact invade Egypt and ruled for 80 years, so the Negriod strain in Egyptians is ancient one not a recent one.