Author Topic: 72% of Bolsheviks were Jews  (Read 16480 times)

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Offline syyuge

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Re: 72% of Bolsheviks were Jews
« Reply #25 on: March 26, 2010, 02:58:50 AM »
It is all about an Engelist branch of the EuroCommunism, wherein about 90% cadres were inducted in the leadership role from the brilliant but atheists among the Jews including Marx, Kamenev, Zinoviev etc.

They were meant to be the theoreticians and organizers and to help Lenin, Stalin and Lunatcharski etc to deliver fiery lectures and theorems on various subjects at various forums. The Jews in turn were to bear all the brunt of the reactions, retaliations and mutual dissents.

EuroCommunists repeated the similar exercise at India, where they inducted almost 90% cadres in the leadership role from the atheists among the Priestly Brahmin and other related peoples.

These were big efforts, but it snowballed on themselves when they repeated the same exercise at China. In China there were no such serious hereditary theological classes and soon the leadership slipped in to the hands of Mao, who was nothing more than a layman and so later or sooner the Red Dragon was supposed to eat up its competitor i.e. the Engelist branch of the EuroCommunism. 
There are thunders and sparks in the skies, because Faraday invented the electricity.

Offline Skkie

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Re: 72% of Bolsheviks were Jews
« Reply #26 on: March 28, 2010, 02:14:00 AM »
I dont know why you all banned that person, I could have buried him, I know ALL about this.  He knows nothing.

Could you post the information?

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Re: 72% of Bolsheviks were Jews
« Reply #27 on: March 28, 2010, 02:43:22 AM »
AsheDina I'd also like to see the refutation for what he said because that way I can use it in the future. I'm sure this won't be the last time we'll run across these claims either on JTF or otherwise.

Offline serbian army

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Re: 72% of Bolsheviks were Jews
« Reply #28 on: March 28, 2010, 08:25:45 AM »
What Hindu Zionist wrote is so true. Here is text from Serbian Chetniks Archives: I will translate it.

Бр. Рег. 17/1-1
К 282

Демократска Југославија - агенција вести

Слободне планине 29-6-1944

Број билтена 185, послато 4.6.1944. у 22.00

Број 1 билетена "Демократска Југославија"

Јевреји из Чехословачке, Мађарске , Румуније и Југославије, који су са нама, формирали су специјални Комитет, и поставили себи задатак да се представе Југословенским војним званичницима у нашој земљи, и да воде Јеврејске послове у иностранству.

Чланови овог комитета су:

Jandrih Hegel , из Берхова, као рпедставник Чехословачких Јевреја

Dr. Ing. Ferenz May, из Сегедина, који представља Мађарске Јевреје

Emil Lauber, који представља Румунске Јевреје и

Manojlo Irich , из Новог Сада који представља Јевреје из Југославије .

Комитет је издао следеће саопштење у име Јевреја који се налазе у Југословенској војсци:

1  Јевреји из Чехословачке, Мађарске, Румуније и Југославије, који се сада налазе у Југославији, боре се за демократију, раме уз раме са војницима Југословенске војске, под командом генерала Михаиловића, а против заједничког непријатеља Уједињених нација, Немчке и њених савезника.

2.  Јевреји, грађани Чехословачке, Румуније и Мађарске се боре у специјалним Јеврејским одредима који су придружени Југословенској војсци.

3.  Јевреји, грађани Краљевине Југославије, се боре као равноправни борци у јединицама Југословенске војске, у духу традиције из прошлих ратова за слободу.

4. Сви Јевреји поново изражавају своју захвалноист генералу Дражи Михаиловићу и његовим подређеним официрима, који су увек изузетно благонаклони према својим суграђанима који беже од Нацистичког терора, и који упркос свим жртвама, спсавају Јевреје из Немачких руку.


Serbian Chetniks were group fighting against communists and Nazis. They were loyal to Serbian king and Orthodox Church. This is very important about history of Jews in Yugoslavia. It breaks a myth that Jews were saved by partizans and that Jews were in power during communism. Communist collaborated with Nazis against chetniks entire war.

OJNO JNA Institute of History
ARCHIVE enemy units
Br. Reg. 17/1-1
K 282

Democratic Yugoslavia - news agency

Free mountain 29-6-1944

Newsletter 185, sent 4/6/1944. at 22.00

Number 1 biletena "democratic Yugoslavia"

Jews from Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania and Yugoslavia, who are with us, formed a special committee, and set itself the task to present the Yugoslav military officials in our country, and to lead Jewish affairs abroad.

Members of this committee are:

Jandrih Hegel, from Berhova as rpedstavnik Czechoslovakia's Jews

DR. Ing. Ferenz May, from Szeged, who is Hungarian Jews

Emil Lauber, who is of Romanian Jews and

Manuel Irich, Novi Sad, which represents Jews from Yugoslavia.

The Committee has issued the following statement on behalf of Jews who are in the Yugoslav army:

1 Jews from Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania and Yugoslavia, who are now in Yugoslavia, are fighting for democracy, shoulder to shoulder with soldiers of the Yugoslav army, under General Mihailovic, and against the common enemy of the United Nations, Germany and its allies.

2. Jews, citizens of Czechoslovakia, Romania and Hungary to fight in the Jewish special squads who have joined the Yugoslav army.

3. Jews, citizens of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, are fighting as equal combatants in the Yugoslav Army units, in the spirit of tradition from past wars for freedom.

4. All the Jews once again express their thanks to Draža Mihailović General and his subordinate officers, who are always very lenient towards their fellow citizens fleeing Nazi terror, and that despite all the victims, saving Jews in German hands.

Serbia will never surrender Kosovo to the breakaway province's ethnic Albanian majority or trade its territory for European Union or NATO membership,

Offline Daniel Boone

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Re: 72% of Bolsheviks were Jews
« Reply #29 on: March 28, 2010, 10:22:13 AM »
AsheDina I'd also like to see the refutation for what he said because that way I can use it in the future. I'm sure this won't be the last time we'll run across these claims either on JTF or otherwise.

Actually, I discussed it with Ashe in PMs. She admitted that 72% of the Bolshevik elite were Jews. If she's as honest as she was in PMs then she'll admitted in the open. Ashe simply ignored the fact that the Bolshevik elite were Jews. All she said was that most low-level Bolsheviks were non-Jews and I already knew that and don't denied it. Jews have always dominated the most powerful positions both in America and Russia, not low-level positions. The Jews like to talk about the holocau$t yet people don't care that the Jewish controlled Soviet Union murdered 15 million Christian Russian Kulak farmers (1924 - 1930) 7 million starved to death in the Holocaust of the Ukranian farmers (1930- 1933), 12 million perished in the Holocaust of Russian political prisoners (1919 - 1949). Jews lie that Muslims committed the most genocide yet the Jewish created ideology of Communism has murdered over 100 million people worldwide.

I also know that Ashe admitted that she voted for Ron Paul in the primaries: "As far as Paul, I voted for him in the primaries."

If you're too lazy to do real research then at least search the internet of the names I listed and you'll see 72% of the Bolshevik elite were Jews. 50% of the American "civil rights" attorneys were also Jewish. You can start by reading David Duke's book "Jewish Supremacism." From there you can continue to read books in your library and use your library's internet research database. He doesn't subscribe to nonsense like the protocols of the elders of Zion and his book is heavily footnoted and well-researched. The facts in his books have been well-documented in history. 

It's funny how the only response oven magnets have to cold, hard facts is either denying the truth, or labeling their opponents "Nazis," or just name calling like a an 8 year old without one wit of real argument.

Offline syyuge

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Re: 72% of Bolsheviks were Jews
« Reply #30 on: March 28, 2010, 10:34:38 AM »
Looking in to the retrospect, I feel that the Jews were considered brilliant among both the so-called Bourgeoisie and proletariats. Therefore it was left to these Bourgeoisie and proletariat politicians to make use of leftist Jews as per their own wishes and to save their own skins during the times of power struggles and wars. They could really do it. 
There are thunders and sparks in the skies, because Faraday invented the electricity.

Offline Ulli

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Re: 72% of Bolsheviks were Jews
« Reply #31 on: March 28, 2010, 10:41:15 AM »
AsheDina I'd also like to see the refutation for what he said because that way I can use it in the future. I'm sure this won't be the last time we'll run across these claims either on JTF or otherwise.

Actually, I discussed it with Ashe in PMs. She admitted that 72% of the Bolshevik elite were Jews. If she's as honest as she was in PMs then she'll admitted in the open. Ashe simply ignored the fact that the Bolshevik elite were Jews. All she said was that most low-level Bolsheviks were non-Jews and I already knew that and don't denied it. Jews have always dominated the most powerful positions both in America and Russia, not low-level positions. The Jews like to talk about the holocau$t yet people don't care that the Jewish controlled Soviet Union murdered 15 million Christian Russian Kulak farmers (1924 - 1930) 7 million starved to death in the Holocaust of the Ukranian farmers (1930- 1933), 12 million perished in the Holocaust of Russian political prisoners (1919 - 1949). Jews lie that Muslims committed the most genocide yet the Jewish created ideology of Communism has murdered over 100 million people worldwide.

I also know that Ashe admitted that she voted for Ron Paul in the primaries: "As far as Paul, I voted for him in the primaries."

If you're too lazy to do real research then at least search the internet of the names I listed and you'll see 72% of the Bolshevik elite were Jews. 50% of the American "civil rights" attorneys were also Jewish. You can start by reading David Duke's book "Jewish Supremacism." From there you can continue to read books in your library and use your library's internet research database. He doesn't subscribe to nonsense like the protocols of the elders of Zion and his book is heavily footnoted and well-researched. The facts in his books have been well-documented in history. 

It's funny how the only response oven magnets have to cold, hard facts is either denying the truth, or labeling their opponents "Nazis," or just name calling like a an 8 year old without one wit of real argument.

In my country are because of obvious reasons only a few Jews. But bolschewism is widely spread and wanted by a great part of the population.

I am shure because of personal expierience, that bolschewism needs no Jews to be introduced and to be made accepted by the polulation of a country. If I would be in power I could be tempted to burn everybody alive who uses this cursed and deceiving words "social justice" I have to hear it every day. People on welfare have at least in my country the nerve to complain about the hight of the welfare instead of beeing thankfull, that they get something at all.

Bolschewism is always feeded by the envy of the lazy and stupid people against the busy and intelligent ones. It has nothing to do with Jews, but is a constant since the ancient world. Bolschewists already existed in Rome.

"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani

Offline syyuge

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Re: 72% of Bolsheviks were Jews
« Reply #32 on: March 28, 2010, 10:44:13 AM »
AsheDina I'd also like to see the refutation for what he said because that way I can use it in the future. I'm sure this won't be the last time we'll run across these claims either on JTF or otherwise.

Actually, I discussed it with Ashe in PMs. She admitted that 72% of the Bolshevik elite were Jews. If she's as honest as she was in PMs then she'll admitted in the open. Ashe simply ignored the fact that the Bolshevik elite were Jews. All she said was that most low-level Bolsheviks were non-Jews and I already knew that and don't denied it. Jews have always dominated the most powerful positions both in America and Russia, not low-level positions. The Jews like to talk about the holocau$t yet people don't care that the Jewish controlled Soviet Union murdered 15 million Christian Russian Kulak farmers (1924 - 1930) 7 million starved to death in the Holocaust of the Ukranian farmers (1930- 1933), 12 million perished in the Holocaust of Russian political prisoners (1919 - 1949). Jews lie that Muslims committed the most genocide yet the Jewish created ideology of Communism has murdered over 100 million people worldwide.

I also know that Ashe admitted that she voted for Ron Paul in the primaries: "As far as Paul, I voted for him in the primaries."

If you're too lazy to do real research then at least search the internet of the names I listed and you'll see 72% of the Bolshevik elite were Jews. 50% of the American "civil rights" attorneys were also Jewish. You can start by reading David Duke's book "Jewish Supremacism." From there you can continue to read books in your library and use your library's internet research database. He doesn't subscribe to nonsense like the protocols of the elders of Zion and his book is heavily footnoted and well-researched. The facts in his books have been well-documented in history. 

It's funny how the only response oven magnets have to cold, hard facts is either denying the truth, or labeling their opponents "Nazis," or just name calling like a an 8 year old without one wit of real argument.

So in this manner the so-called Bourgeoisie and proletariat EuroCommunist politicians could manage to isolate the true Zionists from all others. Actually those politicians were against all the Jews, otherwise they could have accepted Trotsky as the leader in stead of Stalin.   
There are thunders and sparks in the skies, because Faraday invented the electricity.


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Re: 72% of Bolsheviks were Jews
« Reply #33 on: March 28, 2010, 10:50:05 AM »
Daniel Boone, what about the Jews who weren't allowed to leave the Soviet Union? Were they were being oppressed by "Jewish bolsheviks?" It's true that some self-hating Jews have joined evil movements, but America and Europe would be far less advanced without the Jews. Jews also saved the lives of thousands of American soldiers at the end of WWII by inventing the nuclear bomb.

Offline Daniel Boone

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Re: 72% of Bolsheviks were Jews
« Reply #34 on: March 28, 2010, 10:51:35 AM »
In my country are because of obvious reasons only a few Jews. But bolschewism is widely spread and wanted by a great part of the population.

I am shure because of personal expierience, that bolschewism needs no Jews to be introduced and to be made accepted by the polulation of a country. If I would be in power I could be tempted to burn everybody alive who uses this cursed and deceiving words "social justice" I have to hear it every day. People on welfare have at least in my country the nerve to complain about the hight of the welfare instead of beeing thankfull, that they get something at all.

Bolschewism is always feeded by the envy of the lazy and stupid people against the busy and intelligent ones. It has nothing to do with Jews, but is a constant since the ancient world. Bolschewists already existed in Rome.

Your country is Germany and Germany, like other European nations, is socialist, not Bolshevik. It's a hige difference. The Jews created both Communism and Bolshevism. The crimes committed by these Jewish-created ideologies is hundreds of times worse than what the Muslims did. In fact look at the greatest genocides in history and you will communists have committed the most genocides. The lying Jew snakes that you have allied with claim Islam is the most evil but one again they lie. The Communist genocides are in bold:

Mao Ze-Dong (China, 1958-61 and 1966-69, Tibet 1949-50)   49-78,000,000

Jozef Stalin (USSR, 1932-39)   23,000,000 (the purges plus Ukraine's famine)

Adolf Hitler (Germany, 1939-1945)   12,000,000 (concentration camps and civilians WWII)

Leopold II of Belgium (Congo, 1886-1908)

Hideki Tojo (Japan, 1941-44)   5,000,000 (civilians in WWII)

Ismail Enver (Turkey, 1915-20)   1,200,000 Armenians (1915) + 350,000 Greek Pontians and 480,000 Anatolian Greeks (1916-22) + 500,000 Assyrians (1915-20)

Pol Pot (Cambodia, 1975-79)   1,700,000

Kim Il Sung (North Korea, 1948-94)   1.6 million (purges and concentration camps)

Menghistu (Ethiopia, 1975-78)   1,500,000

Yakubu Gowon (Biafra, 1967-1970)   1,000,000

Leonid Brezhnev (Afghanistan, 1979-1982)   900,000

Jean Kambanda (Rwanda, 1994)   800,000

Suharto (East Timor, West Papua, Communists, 1966-98)   800,000

Saddam Hussein (Iran 1980-1990 and Kurdistan 1987-88)   600,000

Tito (Yugoslavia, 1945-1987)    570,000

Fumimaro Konoe (Japan, 1937-39)   500,000? (Chinese civilians)


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Re: 72% of Bolsheviks were Jews
« Reply #35 on: March 28, 2010, 10:52:50 AM »
So now Stalin and Mao are Jewish?  :::D :::D

Offline Ulli

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Re: 72% of Bolsheviks were Jews
« Reply #36 on: March 28, 2010, 10:56:45 AM »
Socialism, Communism and Bolschewism are the same ideology. Only different names for the same thing.

The Russian bolschewiks came all from the Russian social-democratic workers party. It is the equivalent to the German SPD.
"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani

Offline Daniel Boone

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Re: 72% of Bolsheviks were Jews
« Reply #37 on: March 28, 2010, 11:04:57 AM »
Daniel Boone, what about the Jews who weren't allowed to leave the Soviet Union? Were they were being oppressed by "Jewish bolsheviks?" It's true that some self-hating Jews have joined evil movements, but America and Europe would be far less advanced without the Jews. Jews also saved the lives of thousands of American soldiers at the end of WWII by inventing the nuclear bomb.

The Americans should have been united with Germany or at least stayed neutral. America and Europe are more advanced than Israel and Whites are smarter than Jews. Oven magnets have created the lie that they are intelligent. Why is it that per capita all White nations are technologically more advanced than Israel? In fact you're so dumb that even Muslim students from Turkey, Iran, Azerbaijan, Jordan, and Malaysia scored higher than Israeli students and White students scored much higher in standardized math and science exams.

Offline Daniel Boone

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Re: 72% of Bolsheviks were Jews
« Reply #38 on: March 28, 2010, 11:07:59 AM »
So now Stalin and Mao are Jewish?  :::D :::D

It does not matter that they're not oven magnets. Communism was created by Marx and Engels played a small role in it. Even if Jews aren't directly involved, their ideology has caused these murders. Every crime that the Soviet Union committed was caused by oven magnets because it was controlled by oven magnets.

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Re: 72% of Bolsheviks were Jews
« Reply #39 on: March 28, 2010, 11:11:20 AM »
The lying Jew snakes that you have allied with claim Islam is the most evil but one again they lie.

To tell you the truth. I hate bolschewiks, but Muslims are the worst people on this earth. Bolschewik apparatschiks are at least rational people. But with Muslims you can't even negotiate.

Concerning the Jews - I learned lots of things about them and have to admit, that they are intelligent, nice and decent people. I think I admire them a little bit for some of their qualities. Muslims on the other hand - I met lots of them in person - are lying, cheating and arrogant people. They think they are superior to us, because their crazy ideology called Islam tells them. But in reality they are the lowest of the low. They soak our money by oil-purchases, receiving welfare and stealing as well as blackmailing while thinking all of this is right, because they are a kind of Übermensch and we are the Dhimmi slaves who have to give it to them.
"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani

Offline Ulli

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Re: 72% of Bolsheviks were Jews
« Reply #40 on: March 28, 2010, 11:15:00 AM »
So now Stalin and Mao are Jewish?  :::D :::D

It does not matter that they're not oven magnets. Communism was created by Marx and Engels played a small role in it. Even if Jews aren't directly involved, their ideology has caused these murders. Every crime that the Soviet Union committed was caused by oven magnets because it was controlled by oven magnets.

Are you drunk? About what are you talking?
"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani

Offline Daniel Boone

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Re: 72% of Bolsheviks were Jews
« Reply #41 on: March 28, 2010, 11:21:36 AM »
The lying Jew snakes that you have allied with claim Islam is the most evil but one again they lie.

To tell you the truth. I hate bolschewiks, but Muslims are the worst people on this earth. Bolschewik apparatschiks are at least rational people. But with Muslims you can't even negotiate.

Concerning the Jews - I learned lots of things about them and have to admit, that they are intelligent, nice and decent people. I think I admire them a little bit for some of their qualities. Muslims on the other hand - I met lots of them in person - are lying, cheating and arrogant people. They think they are superior to us, because their crazy ideology called Islam tells them. But in reality they are the lowest of the low. They soak our money by oil-purchases, receiving welfare and stealing as well as blackmailing while thinking all of this is right, because they are a kind of Übermensch and we are the Dhimmi slaves who have to give it to them.

The Jews are the lowest of the low. They created Marxism, Bolshevism, non-White immigration to White nations, and "civil rights" in America. If it weren't for them there wouldn't even be Muslims in White nations. Even in ancient times they assisted the Moors to invade Europe. They are evil and supremacist by nature and if it were up to me all the oven magnets would be choking on Zyklon gas.

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Re: 72% of Bolsheviks were Jews
« Reply #42 on: March 28, 2010, 11:23:32 AM »
Daniel Boone, what about the Jews who weren't allowed to leave the Soviet Union? Were they were being oppressed by "Jewish bolsheviks?" It's true that some self-hating Jews have joined evil movements, but America and Europe would be far less advanced without the Jews. Jews also saved the lives of thousands of American soldiers at the end of WWII by inventing the nuclear bomb.

The Americans should have been united with Germany or at least stayed neutral. America and Europe are more advanced than Israel and Whites are smarter than Jews. Oven magnets have created the lie that they are intelligent. Why is it that per capita all White nations are technologically more advanced than Israel? In fact you're so dumb that even Muslim students from Turkey, Iran, Azerbaijan, Jordan, and Malaysia scored higher than Israeli students and White students scored much higher in standardized math and science exams.

This is obviously wrong. Muslims have an IQ of 85 and less. And Jews reach at average the highest education levels. This are facts. In my country half of the Muslims even finish school and I mean not High school, but school in general. So there is something wrong with your data.
"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani

Offline Daniel Boone

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Re: 72% of Bolsheviks were Jews
« Reply #43 on: March 28, 2010, 11:23:43 AM »
The total of jews in the whole world today is only 15 million. In the US, jews make up only 2% of the population while Whites declining numbers are still in excess of 150 million. Of course there have been more Whites who have been used to push the jew agenda than the number of jews themselves. There simply aren't enough jews to do it alone, or I'd wager, they would. These Whites who knowingly or unknowingly work for this hive of parasites, are "the useful idiots" for the proletariat. They are the same useful idiots for liberalism & socialism, which are the same useful idiots for the Bolshevik Zionists who are bringing this destruction together. They are the same useful idiots who follow the neocon jews who send these same Whites to fight jew wars. These are the same useful idiots who work for the NWO. The above mentioned groups and all the tools being used to destroy our once free society, are all creations of the jew HIVE they serve.

The point is, it is the jews who are behind it all. The fact is, the Jews are just obnoxious racists who despise not only gentiles, but all non-jews. They have controlled and manipulated it all, so therefore it is they who are responsible. These are exclusively jew doings, not the doings of Whites. This little table explains it very simply even for "researchers" such as yourself.

No Jews means:

No Marxism.
No Neo-Cons.
No Feminazis.
No Open Borders.
No Multiculturism.
No Talmud-Vision.
No Polical Correctness.
No Holyhoax Propaganda.
No Anti-White Propaganda.
No Jew-Day-O!-Christianity.
No Race-Mixing Propaganda.
No Censorship of free speech.
No fighting endless Israeli wars.
No Trillion-Dollar Bankster Bailouts.
No Porn and White Slavery Industry.
No Rapacious Fed and Investment Houses.


Jews are into everything not to mention there would be no liberal movement had it not been for jews. Jews are the vanguard and creators of the liberal agenda. It's in their nature to infiltrate, corrupt and otherwise neutralize anything they think will oppose their racial agenda, whether it's an actual threat or not.

A couple more examples that may make it plainer to you are these. The shooter who is hired by the mastermind is less guilty of the crime than that person who masterminds it because if not for the mastermind, there would have been no murder. Take any corporation ... aren't the relative few who sit in the corporate offices, who direct the activities of that Corporation ultimately the responsible parties if that Corporation goes bust? Do the underlings, the thousands of employees even know what machinations are being sent down to different departments and divisions within the corporation? Of course not.

Your reasoning is flawed, therefore your "research" is flawed. Yes, many Whites are somewhat responsible, some knowingly, many unknowingly, for what has happened to America because they've been used, bought, intimidated, or threatened by jews who have secretly and criminally masterminded it.

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Re: 72% of Bolsheviks were Jews
« Reply #44 on: March 28, 2010, 11:24:38 AM »
The lying Jew snakes that you have allied with claim Islam is the most evil but one again they lie.

To tell you the truth. I hate bolschewiks, but Muslims are the worst people on this earth. Bolschewik apparatschiks are at least rational people. But with Muslims you can't even negotiate.

Concerning the Jews - I learned lots of things about them and have to admit, that they are intelligent, nice and decent people. I think I admire them a little bit for some of their qualities. Muslims on the other hand - I met lots of them in person - are lying, cheating and arrogant people. They think they are superior to us, because their crazy ideology called Islam tells them. But in reality they are the lowest of the low. They soak our money by oil-purchases, receiving welfare and stealing as well as blackmailing while thinking all of this is right, because they are a kind of Übermensch and we are the Dhimmi slaves who have to give it to them.

The Jews are the lowest of the low. They created Marxism, Bolshevism, non-White immigration to White nations, and "civil rights" in America. If it weren't for them there wouldn't even be Muslims in White nations. Even in ancient times they assisted the Moors to invade Europe. They are evil and supremacist by nature and if it were up to me all the oven magnets would be choking on Zyklon gas.

I stop the discussion here.  >:(
"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani

Offline Daniel Boone

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Re: 72% of Bolsheviks were Jews
« Reply #45 on: March 28, 2010, 11:29:34 AM »
This is obviously wrong. Muslims have an IQ of 85 and less. And Jews reach at average the highest education levels. This are facts. In my country half of the Muslims even finish school and I mean not High school, but school in general. So there is something wrong with your data.

There's always something wrong with data that proves Jews are dumb and that their high intelligence is a lie. The nobel prize is biased in their favor. When their intelligence is compared to other people of the world by standardized tests they do poorly. You have no explanation that each year even Muslim nations beat them. They work together and promote each other. The pure Jews are Sephardic and their IQ is as low as Arabs because genetically they are the same as Arabs. They're so dumb they rely on Americans to manufacture their weapons. Even the arrow missile is manufactured by America. No wonder they're to afraid of attacking Iran.

"Boeing is responsible for production of approximately 50% of the missile components in the US, including the electronics section, booster motorcase and missile canister.

Boeing also coordinates the production of Arrow missile components being manufactured by more than 150 American companies, including ATK (first and second stage rocket motor cases and first stage nozzle)."

Offline Daniel Boone

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Re: 72% of Bolsheviks were Jews
« Reply #46 on: March 28, 2010, 11:33:32 AM »
I stop the discussion here.  >:(

In fact I should say you dumb, self-hating White traitors are the real problem. You, rubystars, Hanna, Dan Ben Noah, etc. You scum have enabled Jews to take power because you refuse to see that they're the cancer of humanity. There is overwhelming evidence of these snakes working against the interests of the nations that they have infested, like parasites. Every crime a Negro or Muslim commits against a White person is in essence a Jewish crime because they have caused the minority problem, immigration, their "civil rights," and affirmative action.

Offline Mishmaat

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Re: 72% of Bolsheviks were Jews
« Reply #47 on: March 28, 2010, 11:56:04 AM »
Why are we engaging in dialogue with an outright Nazi?

Offline syyuge

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Re: 72% of Bolsheviks were Jews
« Reply #48 on: March 28, 2010, 12:43:57 PM »
Muslamics, Rudolf Hess and Spandau.

I may go out of discussion, once it is claimed that the Jews were behind the conspiracy of the birth of muslam.
There are thunders and sparks in the skies, because Faraday invented the electricity.

Offline New Yorker

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Re: 72% of Bolsheviks were Jews
« Reply #49 on: March 28, 2010, 01:17:53 PM »
Why hasn't this nazi troll been banned yet?
Nuke the arabs till they glow, then shoot them in the dark.